World origin of Aegrathae

The creation of Aegrathae has many myths and legends surrounding it depending on which continent one find oneself in. Though, what has been widely accepted in the world of Aegrathae, is that the world was born out of the cosmic chaos.   It is said, that before the world was created, there was nothing but chaos. Out of that chaos, a single star was born. But the star was lonely, and it could not comprehend why there was nothing else but chaos. So it sought to end the chaos. It travelled through the midst of chaos, searching for multiple eternities. Alas, it was all in vain. Unbeknownst to the single star, it was the only one in the midst of chaos. It was lonely. And after multiple eternities in the chaos, the star gave up. And with its dying breath, it uttered "no more, no less, only me". And so it died. Imploding due to the anger, grief, and the love of something more that it had never experienced, but only ever longed for.   What the star never could have foreseen, was the aftermath of its death. The chaos had watched the star through the eternities. It had become fond of the star and its endeavour. And with the star's death, the chaos became sad. It vowed to never create something out of nothing, but only to take what was, and transform it into something new.   The chaos took the corpse of the star, and from it, the chaos cut and carved; the star's body became the land. The chaos took the bones of the star, and spread them across the land, creating the mountains and peaks. The star's blood became the oceans and rivers that spreads and flows across the world. The eyes of the star, something the chaos had always held dear, for in those, the chaos saw something it had never seen before: hope, anger, grief, sadness, love, and all emotions that ever had been and were to be. The chaos wanted to make that it could always see something of the star, and thus it took its eyes, and put them in the sky, creating the suns and the moons. Now the chaos stood back with only two things of its former beloved: the dust of the star, and its soul. But the chaos was tired, for it had only once created something before, and that was an accident. And in all the chaos' exhaustion, it sighed, causing the soul and dust of the star to blow unto the world the chaos had just created. The dust became alive with the soul of the star, and with it, life was born in the world. The chaos was tired and frustrated, and suddenly it understood what had happened, and became joyful. For no one were to be alone anymore.   The chaos watched the world and life it had just created, and thought the star would be joyful of seeing the world. But the chaos was exhausted, and went to sleep. Before the chaos fell asleep it whispered to itself "no more, no less, only me", and closed its eyes. This was the last thing the chaos did, for it would never open its eyes again. The chaos died at the creation of the world, and the soul of the chaos spread across the newly formed world, imbuing it with magic and wonder.


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