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Aeldanor - a continent on the world of Ewain

How it began

Creation and the first Gods

  The creation of the world is said to have taken place 10 million years ago when the elder gods brought order to the universe and banished the cosmic forces of chaos. Today the names and whereabouts of the elder gods are unknown.   Around 50 000 years ago a new group of gods appeared. It is thought that these celestial creator gods, later known as Uthan, Teva and Eima, began their existence somewhere in the cosmos, and then drifted around for eons before finally settling on the world of Ewain.   Together they created the elemental forces that shaped the planet and gave them names, souls and purpose. When the world had settled Uthan created the sun and Teva the moon. Their sister Eima filled the world with plants, insects, birds, fish and beasts.   When all was done the three siblings came together for one final creation and with their combined power they gave life to the Hin, later known as proto-halflings in the common tongue. The first sentient race of Ewain were given knowledge of how to use tools and fire, as well as how to use the world around them to their advantage.   The years passed and the Hin began to spread across the lands. As their lives and needs changed the Hin started to worship the elements. As the people prayed the power of the elementals grew ever stronger and after some time the lords of earth, wind, water and fire started making demands from the gods. Before being banished to the elemental planes some of the most powerful lords managed to reach out into the cosmos. Their cry for help were answered and evil forces soon invaded Ewain.   Legions of demons ravaged the lands and in response the gods created the proto-dragons to help them as soldiers in the war. For 50 years the battles raged until the gods finally managed to banish the demons and their masters by locking them up in the nine hells. At this point a great number of the Hin had perished and were scattered around the world. In an attempt to make sure prayers did not empower the wrong forces the gods decided to take drastic measures. The time of the creator gods were over and so, 20 000 years ago, they sundered their essence and gave birth to the pantheon of the Keepers.    

The Keepers

    As the twelve gods came into existence they all took on different names and roles that would settle as follows:   Pelor, the Dawnfather, would be known as the god of the sun, summer and agriculture.   Moradin, the All-Hammer, would rule over craft, creation, family, and legacy.   Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, would ensure law, honor and justice.   Melora, the Wildmother, was given dominion over nature, harvests, hunts and calm seas.   Selûne, the Moonmaiden, came to be recognized as the goddess of the moon, beauty and love.   Shalamora, the Lady Who Smiles, would be associated with luck, travels, hospitality and trade.   Corellon, the Teacher, was worshiped as the god of arcane magic.   The Raven Queen, would be revered as the goddess of death and faith. Her responsibility was making sure that the souls of the dead reach their destination.   Kord, the Stormlord, ruled the skies and was the god of storms, warfare and power.   Umberlee, The Dweller, came to rule the deeps and oceans of Ewain.   Ioun, the Knowing Mistress, gained devotion as the goddess of knowledge, prophecy, skill, learning and winter.   Sarenrae, the Everlight, was the goddess of redemption, healing, and temperance.   Over the next thousands of years the Keepers would tend to the world and assist their followers, giving rise to new mortal races. Other gods would also be brought into existence as the mortals prayed for all manner of things, these would be known as the Lesser Gods. Some of the devils and demon lords imprisoned in the nine hells are regarded as gods, but they have very limited power in the material plane.  

The elder races of Ewain

  As the Hin split into various cultures their gods followed them closely. Over time they were given boons. Some of them would gain access to the Fey Wilds, a strange realm which infused them with fey magic, altering their bodies, prolonging their lives and gifting them with a natural sense of magic. As they emerged the had started calling themselves elves. Some of the elves stayed behind and became the eladrin.   Another group of Hin stayed in the Fey Wilds for a shorter duration. The fey magic did not manage to alter them as much, leaving them with a small stature but with a high capacity for magic and knowledge. After coming back to the material plane they would be known as the Gnomes.   The All-Hammer, Moradin, took a particular interest in the crafty Hin living of the mountains and offered them his boon. They would gain endurance and strength in exchange for their worship. And so the race of Dwarves was created. As they began mining for precious ores deep in the earth they developed a friendship with a group of gnomes (Rock Gnomes). Together they would build wondrous machines and further perfect their crafts.   Some of the Hin gained the favor of Shalamora, who believed that there was no need to alter a being so pure. Instead she gifted them with inherent luck and light hearts. Later this group of Hin would be known as the Halflings.   Bahamut gave his boon to a group of proto-dragons developing them into the metallic dragons. They would act as guardians and uphold the virtues of the pantheon. The other proto-dragons would be corrupted by evil forces and become the chromatic dragons.   Over the years a wide variety of other races would arise at the hands of the Keepers, the Lesser Gods and the lords of the hells.  

The beginning of the Age of Aeldan

  The founding of the elven city of Qautan, 9 000 years ago, marks the beginning of the first recorded age of Ewain.   Corellon, who had gifted the mortals the knowledge of arcane magic, had also favored the elves. The elven civilization became the most powerful the world had ever seen and the elves looked down on the other races. By drawing power from arcane ley lines they managed to bolster their powers and expand their lives, becoming immortal.   ....  

The rise of man

  Over the years the other deities, as well as the mortal races, grew tired of Corellon and his proud, stuck up elves. But the rules were clear, no god could interfere directly and sabotage for the mortal races. Instead Pelor conspired with Moradin and Ioun and in secret they created a new and ambitious race that, over time, would challenge the dominion of Elves.   In the far north west on the continent of Aeldanor, stories began to emerge of a tall group of settlers, twice the size of the Hin. They seemed to survive by hunting and gathering but came further south with each season. At first there were minor conflicts with the native Dwarves and Halflings. But the fights were short lived and the races soon began to trade with each other as well as working together. The new race came to be known as the humans, or the humoristic "Hinhin" by the Dwarves.   The Humans began to farm the lands on the western shores of Aeldanor and found themselves rather good at it. Soon they were founding nations of their own. Their expansion irritated and worried the elves of Quatan who began to launch attacks on the human settlements hopping to stop the problem while still in its cradle.    


  It is said that storms at sea are a result of marital fights between Kord and Umberlee.

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