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Arrival of the Kindred

Three years ago, all hope seemed lost. The Unmaking Tide had consumed much of the world, and was now approaching the shores of Tashyn, the last continent of Aeldryn. And after years of frantic searching, no one had any idea of how to stop it.   Then the Kindred appeared. They were a small group of powerful and diverse beings, from celestials to fiends to genies and all manner of mortal races. All gathered together in an unprecedented alliance, for the common pursuit of survival against this existential threat. Even they knew that Unmaking Tide could not be stopped. The Multiverse was well and truly doomed. However, they claimed to have found a refuge, an escape. A single world, existing in its own tiny bubble of stable reality. Not in the Multiverse, but beyond it…deep inside the Far Realm. It shouldn’t be possible. This planet, which the Kindred call Zeldryn (a name meaning ‘the last world’), has no Gods, nothing to keep back the essence of the Far Realm. And yet it remains untouched, a lone world within a micro-universe, with physical and magical laws nearly identical to our own. And it is old. Perhaps older than our entire Multiverse. But whatever its origins and mysteries, what matters is that it is habitable. It represents a chance for survival, however uncertain.   The Kindred organized a grand Coalition of Nations, pooling the resources of surviving civilizations to construct large gateways in key cities around Tashyn. Through rituals known only to the Kindred themselves, these gateways were made to connect to a single point on the world of Zeldryn, deep within the Far Realm. In all of history, no attempt to forge a stable portal to the Far Realm had ever been successful. The gods themselves had declared it impossible. And yet somehow the Kindred did it, offering the people of Aeldryn a path to relative safety.    Refugees from across Aeldryn and from the many Planes of the Multiverse are congregating around these so-called Gate Cities, desperate to escape this dying world. In a controlled flow, they are being allowed through the portals, emerging into a dark, ashen city on the other side. However, each portal can only remain open for approximately six hours every second day. So although the Nations have managed to coordinated a steady, efficient evacuation, there are still billions left to evacuate, survivors of all races from every corner of what was once the World Axis.   To buy Aeldryn precious time, the Kindred constructed a series of crystalline pillars, like shards of prismatic ice dozens of meters high. They called them the Vyren Pylons, and erected them all along the shores of Tashyn, with the help of the Coalition Nations. Somehow, these artifacts have done what even the Gods could not: with strange pulses undefinable energy, they have slowed the advance of the Unmaking Tide. Still, the Kindred warn that this is only a temporary solution. Already the Pylons quiver and strain as though fighting against unseen forces. And although slowed to a sullen creep, the Unmaking Tide has not stopped.   During this same period, the Kindred have revealed what they call the Deific Cores. These are seeds of pure divine energy, somehow alive and growing. They resonate with the emotions and ideals of mortals, forming a kind of symbiotic connection. Like the Gods themselves, these seeds feed off the attention of mortals, while granting them power in return. They do not appear to be sentient, but radiate a kind of…tone or presence, corresponding to many of domains once claimed by different Gods. The Kindred claim that over time, these Cores will continue to grow, eventually birthing new Gods. In turn, this newborn pantheon will be able to expand Zeldryn’s tiny bubble of reality. They will craft a new Multiverse, new Planes to inhabit, rebuilding the World Axis that was lost.   In short, the Kindred have offered salvation. A new world, precious time to flee there, and the promise of new gods. By some, these are already being called the Three Blessings, with the Kindred being looked upon with worship. If they wished, they could use this chance to seize ultimate power, demanding any price. And yet, they have asked for nothing in return. They have ceded control of the Gates, and the management of refugees, to the nations of the Coalition. They have released the Cores into the hands of existing religions, or fledgling faiths in the new world. They have taken no part in building new civilizations on the very world that they discovered. But they refuse to share the secrets of how they accomplished such impossible feats. Their motives, like their methods, remain largely a mystery.


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