BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Within the Burnished Peaks is a pit of fire, kilometers across. At first, it might be mistaken for the mouth of a gigantic volcano, but in fact it is an artificial excavation, a hollow cylinder stretching down below the mountains, ending in a vast pool of molten lava far below. A great city is carved into the obsidian walls of this hollow; fortresses, temples, dwellings and streets spiraling all the way down, uniform black stone shimmering in the light of the Emberlake far below. In fact they are two great cities, divided into northern and southern hemispheres, called Nolios and Surdin, respectively. What appear to be lava flows, running in branching streams down the walls and between the recessed buildings, are in fact vast networked clusters of crystals, that glow with a flickering light like embers. A single spire of this same crystal, hundreds of meters tall, rising out of the exact center of the pool of lava beneath the city. Occasionally, violet lightning will arc upwards from this spire, dispersing harmlessly into one of the millions of crystal clusters lining the city. The crystals and spire are seemingly natural growths, raw elemental power coalesced into these material forms in a place where the boundary between Planes is thin.   The Emberdeeps were crafted in ancient times by the Fire Giants, originally to serve as the seat of their grand empire. In the modern era, the Giants have long ago set aside their imperialist designs, and now the Emberdeeps are open to all races, though few are able to tolerate the intense heat that continually rises up from below. The cities have become a center for learning, with academies of natural science specializing in geology and metallurgic arts. Master forgers practice their craft here, and prospective students (who can survive the temperatures) will come from far and wide to petition for a place as apprentice. The Emberdeeps are also a place famous for martial training, with hundreds of small, secluded stages where weapon masters will engage each other in formal, ritualized combat. Unlike the arenas of Hoash (known for their bloody spectacle and intended for the masses), the Crucibles of the Emberdeeps are subdued, dignified settings, meant for the appreciation of those who have also studied the fine art of battle. It is not battle itself that is celebrated here, but the pursuit of perfection. Prior to the Collapse, the cities revered the Goddess of strength and the forge, though of course her name is now lost, and the many statues of her throughout Emberdeeps have been twisted into horrifying visages.   During the Collapse, the Masters of this cities have dedicated themselves to training warriors and forging weapons worthy of heroes. They have established arenas and makeshift schools along the rim of the Emberdeeps, on the surface where all races can approach. They see it as their duty to use their mastery of the martial disciplines to help the world defend itself against the oncoming calamity, or the uncertain dangers that await its people during the Great Migration. Any who can prove themselves worthy of tutelage can be taught by the finest weapons masters on Tashyn, as well as a chance to be equipped with the finest weapons and armor to continue on their journey.
Large city


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