Bad Copper

According to legend, the Bad Copper was created by Katia herself, during a time when greed and selfishness had taken hold of a wealthy community. In her divine wisdom, Katia saw that the pursuit of wealth had caused many to turn their backs on their families and communities, and she knew that something needed to be done to restore balance.   Katia took a single copper coin and imbued it with her divine power. She blessed it with the ability to provide sustenance and wealth to those in need, but also cursed it to bring retribution to the greedy and selfish. The coin became known as the Bad Copper, and those who possessed it found that their needs were always met, even in the harshest of times. However, those who hoarded or used the coin for their own gain found that misfortune and ill fate followed in its wake.   As word of the Bad Copper spread, it became a symbol of Katia's justice and generosity. People would often leave the coin as an offering to the goddess, and it became a common practice to pass the coin along to those in need. The Bad Copper became a reminder of the importance of community and the dangers of greed.   It is said that the Bad Copper still exists today, though its whereabouts are unknown. Some believe that it was lost or hidden away, while others say that it still exists, waiting for someone to discover it and use it for the greater good.   Regardless of its current location, the Bad Copper remains a powerful symbol of Katia's influence on the world. It serves as a reminder that wealth and material possessions are not the most important things in life, and that the bonds of family and community are far more valuable.
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