
(a.k.a. The Timeless, The Everlasting)

Basqia, the master of time and change, is a deity of immense power and knowledge. Said to control the very sands of time, Basqia has foreseen everything that is, was, and ever will be. Legends speak of Basqia being the very first deity, a being born out of the primordial chaos that existed before the world was created.   Often depicted as a massive worm or snake with a cavernous maw, Basqia roams the deserts of Aelluros, leaving in its wake the sands of time. Its domain over time and creation has granted it immense powers, allowing it to manipulate the very fabric of reality. Basqia's followers believe that everything happens for a reason, and that it is the duty of mortals to discover their place in the grand scheme of things.   Basqia's cavernous lair is said to contain countless secrets, hidden away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some believe that the very concept of time is a construct created by Basqia, a way to order and control the chaos that once ruled the universe. Those who seek to understand the mysteries of the universe often seek out Basqia's guidance, hoping to gain a glimpse into the secrets of creation and the meaning of existence itself.   The God's influence is felt across the world, from the tiniest atoms to the vast expanse of space. Basqia's followers travel far and wide, seeking out new experiences and knowledge in the pursuit of greater understanding. Those who seek the guidance of Basqia must be willing to embrace change and take risks, for it is only through bold action that one can truly shape their destiny.

Divine Domains

Time, Creation, Change, Travel, Cavern