
(a.k.a. the Nightmare)

Cembris, the God of Nightmares, is a malevolent deity whose very name inspires dread in the hearts of mortals. He rules over his domain of Kirax, the first layer of hell, as well as the fiery hellscape of the red moon that bears his name. It is said that Cembris’ power lies in the realm of dreams, and that he is able to infiltrate the minds of even the most stalwart adventurers, twisting their thoughts and driving them mad with terror.   Those who enter Cembris’ domain do so at their own peril, for the horrors that lurk within are beyond imagining. The realm of Kirax is a dark and twisted mirror of reality, where the laws of physics and reason are subverted to suit the whims of the God of Nightmares. It is said that the very air of Kirax is toxic to mortal lungs, and that the ground itself is made of the bones of the damned.   Cembris is known to take a particular delight in tormenting those who oppose him, whether mortal or divine. He is said to have infiltrated the dreams of even the most powerful gods, driving them to madness with his dark visions. Some whisper that Cembris’ ultimate goal is to overthrow the pantheon of gods and reign supreme over all of creation.   Despite the terror that he inspires, there are those who worship Cembris as a god of power and darkness. His followers are said to be able to harness the power of nightmares, using them to curse their enemies and twist reality to their will. But such power comes at a great cost, for Cembris demands absolute loyalty and servitude from his followers, and woe to any who dare to defy him.   In the end, Cembris remains a mystery to most mortals, a shadowy figure lurking at the edge of their nightmares. Some say that he is an ancient demon, older than the gods themselves, while others claim that he is a manifestation of the primal fear that lurks in the hearts of all sentient beings. But whatever his true nature may be, one thing is certain: the name Cembran is synonymous with terror, madness, and the darkest depths of the human psyche.

Divine Domains

Darkness, Madness, Dream, Pain
Ruled Locations