
Elves are one of the oldest and most long-lived races in Aelluros, with a history stretching back millennia. They possess a natural affinity for the arcane that allows them to live far longer than many other races. This affinity comes from their bodies being full of concentrated magic, the majority of which is common magic, typical of the Material Plane. However, due to their connection to the Feywild, some hints of deep magic also exist within their being.   In the early days of Elven civilization, there were four main houses that ruled over their society: House Nābnāvo, House Kʃad, House Klåssle̱ʃ, and House Ȁ̭llɪdɹɪn. Each house was known for its unique strengths and attributes, and together they formed a powerful and unified nation.   As time passed, however, the Elven houses began to split off from each other, causing each one to settle in new lands elsewhere. The reasons for this division are not entirely clear, but it is known that each house had its own distinct culture and traditions, which may have contributed to their eventual separation.   Despite this fracturing, the Elves have continued to flourish and spread throughout Aelluros. They are known for their skill in the arcane arts, particularly their mastery of nature magic. Many Elves live in harmony with the natural world, using their magic to protect and preserve the forests and wilderness areas where they reside.   Elves are also known for their exceptional grace and agility, as well as their keen senses. They are skilled hunters and archers, and many Elves have developed unique fighting styles that take advantage of their natural abilities. Additionally, Elven craftsmen are renowned for their skill in creating exquisite works of art and fine weapons and armor.   Despite their many strengths, Elves can be aloof and reserved, often preferring to keep to themselves rather than interact with other races. However, they are not without allies, and many humans and dwarves have formed alliances with the Elven people over the years. In fact, some of the most powerful and long-lasting alliances in Aelluros have been between Elves and other races.   Overall, Elves remain one of the most fascinating and complex races in Aelluros, with a rich history and culture that continues to evolve and thrive to this day.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves reach adulthood at about 500 years old and can live to be over 5000 years old. The oldest recorded age of an Elf is 8256.
Scientific Name