
(a.k.a. God of Twilight, Dreamweaver)

Ether, the God of twilight and dreams, is a deity that is revered by many throughout the land. His divine domains of Darkness, Light, Dream, Hope, and Protection reflect his nature as a powerful and benevolent deity.   Worshippers of Ether believe that he takes an endless number of forms, appearing as whatever form best reflects their deepest dreams and desires. As the God of twilight, Ether is also associated with the liminal spaces between light and dark, day and night, and conscious and unconscious thought.   In the Ether, his divine realm, there is an endless dream that represents his ever-changing nature. Those who enter the Ether can experience vivid dreams that reveal hidden truths about themselves and the world around them, but the risks of entering the Ether are not to be taken lightly. Some who have ventured too far into the dream have been known to never return.   Despite the dangers, many throughout the land look to Ether for protection and guidance in their own dreams and in waking life. His influence can be seen in many aspects of society, from the artistic expressions of its people to the vigilance of its guards.

Divine Domains

Darkness, Light, Dream, Hope, Protection

