
Glimmershade, as a plant, is much more than just a beautiful and mystical sight to behold. It possesses remarkable properties that make it highly sought after by alchemists, healers, and magic-users alike. The blue "crystal" base of Glimmershade, when dried and ground into a fine powder, is used to make a powerful healing potion that can cure even the most stubborn of ailments.
  The purple translucent "crystals" that grow from the base of the plant are used in various magical rituals and spells. It is believed that the crystals contain a unique magical energy that can enhance the power and potency of spells and enchantments. The crystals are also used in the creation of enchanted jewelry and trinkets, as they are said to bring good fortune and luck to the wearer.
  Glimmershade is also known for its ability to ward off evil spirits and entities. Burning the dried plant releases a fragrant smoke that is said to purify the air and protect against negative energies. The smoke is commonly used in spiritual ceremonies and rituals, as well as in the creation of protective charms and talismans.
  Legend has it that Glimmershade was a gift from the spirits of the lake, who bestowed it upon the people of the surrounding villages as a symbol of their friendship and goodwill. As such, the plant is highly revered by the locals, who believe that it holds a special connection to the mystical and spiritual energies of the lake.
  Overall, Glimmershade is not just a pretty plant, but a valuable and powerful resource that holds a significant place in the culture and traditions of the region. Its unique properties make it a prized possession among alchemists, magic-users, and spiritual practitioners alike, and its beauty and mystique continue to capture the imaginations of all who encounter it.

History & Usage

Everyday use

When consumed raw, the the flowers can give a temporary Darkvision. The pollen can be collected and used to create a fireless torch. The "crystals" are crushed and then smoked. They give the same effect as a mild narcotic.   Typically used by local alchemists in creating potions of Darkvision.   Any who consume enough of this herb will shed a dim light.


Taken in too large amounts may cause temporary blindness.
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