
Goblins, also known as the Greenskins or Greenfolk, are a diminutive, green-skinned humanoid race with a sharp wit and cunning intellect. They are the most industrious and technologically advanced of all the races, with a love of machines and gadgets that borders on obsession. Goblins have a talent for invention and engineering, and their creations range from simple devices to complex machines that would impress even the most advanced human engineers.
  Goblins are a fiercely independent people, with a strong sense of individualism and self-reliance. They have a deep appreciation for innovation and entrepreneurship, and often seek out new opportunities to make a profit. However, this entrepreneurial spirit has also led to a reputation for greed and a willingness to do whatever it takes to make a profit, including unethical practices and shady deals.
  Despite their love of technology, Goblins also have a deep appreciation for the natural world. They believe that everything has a purpose and that even the most mundane object can be turned into something useful with the right amount of ingenuity. They have a deep respect for the power of nature and often incorporate natural elements into their inventions.
  Goblins hail from the island of Colpi Storva, a place known for its rich mineral deposits and volatile geology. They have a long and storied history on the island, and many legends and stories are passed down from generation to generation. The Goblins have always been a fiercely independent people, but over the last thousand years, they have begun to venture beyond their island home and spread throughout the world.
  A group of intrepid goblin pioneers set out in search of new territory and discovered the lush jungles of Cralco just north of Tu'Mir. With the help of their advanced technology and clever engineering, the goblins were able to clear the dense jungle and build their new homes among the towering trees. They soon established a thriving goblin community, using their ingenuity to adapt to the challenges of the jungle environment. While they still maintain strong cultural ties to their homeland, the goblins of Cralco have created a unique and vibrant society all their own.
  Despite their short stature and diminutive appearance, Goblins are not to be underestimated. They are a fiercely intelligent and resourceful people, with a deep appreciation for innovation and the power of the mind. Whether building machines, exploring new lands, or engaging in complex trade negotiations, the Goblins of Cralco are a force to be reckoned with.