
Humans in Aelluros are a race known for their adaptability and wanderlust. Originating from the region of Visaria, humans quickly spread far and wide across both continents, becoming one of the most widespread and numerous races. Despite being one of the youngest races, with a relatively short lifespan, humans have made a significant impact on the world around them.
  Human culture is incredibly diverse, as they are known for their love of exploration and discovery. Humans can be found in every corner of Aelluros, from the lush forests of Anshufrey to the arid deserts of Kalash. They are a people who embrace change and progress, constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities to better themselves.
  Many humans choose to live in bustling cities, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of commerce and trade. These cities are often centers of innovation and progress, where humans can freely exchange ideas and knowledge. However, there are also many humans who prefer a simpler life, living off the land in small villages and settlements.
  Despite their many differences, humans share a deep sense of community and cooperation. They are a fiercely loyal people, willing to go to great lengths to protect their loved ones and those they consider family. Human tribes and clans are often tightly knit, with each member contributing their unique skills and talents to the group.
  In addition to their adaptability and cooperation, humans are also known for their resilience in the face of adversity. They have survived countless wars, natural disasters, and other calamities, rebuilding and moving forward with determination and strength. Humans may be short-lived, but their legacy is felt for generations to come, as they build grand cities and kingdoms that endure long after they are gone.
Average Height
5 -6 feet
Average Weight
150-200 lbs
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