
Iquemos is the second layer of Hell, and it is a vile and disgusting plane, ruled by Cistos, the Lord of Vermin. The very air of Iquemos is thick with the stench of rot and mold, and every inch of the realm is infested with all manner of vile creatures. The ground is a quagmire of mud, and the humidity in the air is so thick that it clings to the skin like glue.   The landscape of Iquemos is dominated by swamps, marshes, and fetid bogs, where the waters are choked with sludge and stagnant filth. The few hills that do exist are mounds of garbage and refuse, and the few trees are twisted and stunted, their bark covered in creeping vines and diseased foliage.   Cistos' influence on Iquemos is all-pervasive. The Lord of Vermin and his followers favor decay and disease, and everywhere in the realm, one can see the effects of their dark powers. The very ground seems to writhe and squirm with life, as if it were alive with swarms of insects and vermin.   There are few who would willingly venture into Iquemos. Even those who are immune to the diseases and plagues that run rampant in the realm would be hard-pressed to survive the many dangers that lurk within. The very landscape is treacherous, with quicksand pits, deadly bogs, and treacherous sinkholes waiting to swallow the unwary.   Despite its horrors, however, there are those who are drawn to Iquemos, seeking the dark power that Cistos and his followers offer. These are the cultists and necromancers, who see in the realm a source of untold power, waiting to be harnessed and unleashed upon the world. For them, Iquemos is a forbidden treasure trove, a place where they can delve into the dark arts and come away with knowledge and power that no mortal should possess.
Dimensional plane