
(a.k.a. the Tempest)

Kalaaros, the tempestuous god of the seas, is the patron deity for sailors across the known world. He is a deity of extremes, embodying the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the ocean. Sailors offer prayers to him to appease his wrathful side and invoke his favor for a safe journey.   Kalaaros is often depicted as a towering figure of immense strength, with wild hair and beard and piercing eyes that glint with a feral light. He wields a trident that crackles with the power of the storm, and his voice can be heard in the howling wind and crashing waves.   But for all his destructive power, Kalaaros is also a god of luck and fortune, and many sailors seek his blessing before setting out to sea. Some even make offerings to him in the form of coins or trinkets tossed overboard, hoping to win his favor and ensure a profitable voyage.   Kalaaros is a capricious deity, and his moods can change as swiftly as the weather at sea. But those who show him proper respect and reverence may find themselves blessed with his protection, guided safely through the treacherous waters of the world.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Water, Storm, Destruction, Luck