
The rank of Miju'pom is one of great importance in Troll society. This title is given to the leader of a tribe, who is responsible for guiding and protecting their people. The Miju'pom holds both religious and political power, acting as both a spiritual guide and a chief.
  The role of the Miju'pom is to ensure the well-being of their tribe. They must make decisions on behalf of their people, such as where to hunt, where to settle, and how to deal with threats to their territory. They are also responsible for organizing and leading religious ceremonies and rituals, calling upon the spirits of the jungle to bless their tribe and provide guidance.
  To become a Miju'pom, a troll must prove themselves both spiritually and militarily. They must have a deep understanding of the jungle and its spirits, and be able to communicate with them effectively. They must also be skilled in combat, as they are often called upon to defend their tribe from external threats.
  The Miju'pom is not just a political and religious leader, but also a teacher and mentor. They are responsible for training the next generation of trolls, passing down their knowledge and skills. This includes teaching them how to hunt, how to forage, and how to use magic.
  While the role of the Miju'pom is one of great power and responsibility, it is also one that comes with great risk. The jungle is a dangerous place, filled with predators and other threats. The Miju'pom must be willing to put their own safety on the line to protect their tribe.
  Despite the challenges, many trolls aspire to become Miju'pom. It is seen as the ultimate achievement, a chance to serve their tribe and ensure their people's survival in the jungle. Those who achieve this rank are respected and revered, seen as the embodiment of all that is great about troll society.