
(a.k.a. Lord of the Damned, The Tormenter, Lord of Eternal Suffering)

Myemis, the Lord of the Damned, is a feared and revered figure in the world of Aelluros. He rules over the realm of Deddeagoth, also known as The Hollow Reach, and is known to be the God of Undeath. All Liches, Necromancers, and any other undead beings draw their power from him. However, not many know that he was once a mortal, a great and powerful warrior mage who perished in his final battle atop a mountain of the corpses of his victims.   In death, Myemis refused to let his demise be the end of him. He forced his soul to return back to the mortal plane, ripping back thousands upon thousands of souls into himself, increasing his power until he ascended to Godhood. As a God, he is considered to be one of the most powerful and feared of all deities, and his followers are among the most fanatical.   The realm of Deddeagoth is a dark and foreboding place, where the undead roam free and unchallenged. Myemis is often depicted as a ghostly, floating, black cloak with the skull of a deer, lacking in limbs but with four humanoid skulls attached by chains coming from under his cloak. He is an intimidating figure, and those who dare to cross him or his followers often face a terrible fate.   Myemis is not a God who is often worshiped openly, as his domain of undeath and suffering is considered to be taboo and frowned upon by many societies. However, there are still those who seek to gain his favor and draw power from his domain. They are often willing to do whatever it takes to please him, including engaging in dark and twisted acts that would horrify most mortals.   The followers of Myemis are known for their fanaticism and dedication to their God. They are willing to go to great lengths to appease him, even if it means sacrificing their own lives. Many believe that in death, they will be rewarded by joining the ranks of the undead and serving Myemis for eternity.   Despite his terrifying reputation, Myemis remains an enigmatic figure in the world of Aelluros. Many wonder what drives him and what his ultimate goals are. Some speculate that he seeks to dominate all of the mortal plane and turn it into a realm of undeath, while others believe that he simply revels in the torment and suffering of others. Whatever his true intentions may be, one thing is certain - Myemis is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross him do so at their own peril.

Divine Domains

Undeath, Torment, Suffering, Vengeance, Domination, Fire
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations