
Obbazan, the fourth layer of Hell, is a labyrinthine world that seemingly has no end. The domain is filled with unnervingly detailed stone statues of various humanoid figures in all poses, giving the impression that the realm is a graveyard of failed adventurers who attempted to navigate the maze-like structure. The statues appear to be so lifelike that they create a sense of unease in those who venture through the realm.   Guarding the labyrinth are all manner of horrible creatures, from corrupted minotaurs to medusas. These guardians exist to prevent any unwanted intruders from making their way to the center of the domain, where a towering castle stands. Here, Vepier, the Goddess of Lust and Corruption, slithers about, being tended to by her harem.   In this domain, pleasure and indulgence reign supreme, and Vepier is the master of it all. Those who enter her domain are forever trapped in her thrall and must pay the price of their pleasure with their own corruption and downfall. The Goddess of Lust and Corruption's influence extends beyond her realm as she is the mother and creator of the Yuan-Ti, a race of serpent-like beings that worship her as a divine being.   Vepier's power over mortals is both subtle and profound. She uses her charm and beauty to lure unsuspecting victims into her web, and once they are ensnared, she corrupts their souls with her dark magic. Those who fall under her spell are consumed by an insatiable lust for power and pleasure and are driven to commit unspeakable acts of corruption and evil.   Despite the dangers of her realm and the corruption that she brings, Vepier is worshipped by many. Her followers include some of the most notorious and feared individuals in history, including corrupt politicians, criminal masterminds, and infamous seducers. However, those who worship Vepier do so at their peril, for her influence is both addictive and all-consuming.   In Obbazan, Vepier's domain is a world of pure hedonism, where every desire is fulfilled, and every fantasy is realized. However, those who enter her domain are forever trapped in her thrall and must pay the price of their pleasure with their own corruption and downfall. The domain is a testament to the dangers of indulgence and the seductive power of the Goddess of Lust and Corruption.
Dimensional plane