
The orcs of Wor'Gol are a proud and fearsome race that have inhabited the region for centuries. They are known for their physical strength and endurance, as well as their fierce loyalty to their clans and their code of honor. Orcish society is structured around these clans, which are led by chieftains and consist of extended families and their followers. These clans are often in competition with each other for resources and power, and disputes are resolved through duels or negotiations.
  One of the defining features of orcish culture is their emphasis on physical prowess and combat. From a young age, orcs are taught to fight and to excel in battle. The strongest and most skilled warriors are often elevated to positions of leadership, and there is great respect and admiration for those who are able to prove their strength in combat. However, this emphasis on physical strength is balanced by a strict code of honor that governs all aspects of orcish life. Orcs are expected to be truthful, courageous, and loyal, and those who violate these principles are shunned by their community.
  Orcish society is also deeply spiritual, with a complex pantheon of gods and goddesses that are worshipped and revered. These deities are believed to have created the world and to watch over it, and orcs often offer prayers and sacrifices to them in exchange for blessings or protection. The most powerful of these gods is Grommash, the god of war and strength, who is said to have created the orcs in his own image.
  Despite their fearsome reputation, the orcs of Wor'Gol are not without compassion and empathy. They value family and community above all else, and will go to great lengths to protect their loved ones and their way of life. They also have a deep respect for the natural world, and strive to live in harmony with the environment around them. Many orcs are skilled hunters and gatherers, and have developed a deep understanding of the flora and fauna of Wor'Gol.
  Overall, the orcs of Wor'Gol are a complex and multifaceted race, with a rich cultural history and a deep connection to the land they call home. They are fierce and formidable warriors, but also value honor, truth, and compassion. Through their customs, beliefs, and way of life, the orcs of Wor'Gol have forged a unique and enduring legacy that continues to shape their world to this day.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs live in a clan based social system. Led by  an "Ora'arko".

Facial characteristics

Short tusks will typically protrude from their mouths, pointing upward.
Orcs can live up to about 120, but rarely do so as many die in combat well before that time. In fact dying of old age is typically seen as weak and cowardly, and dying in battle with honor as courageous and strong.
Average Height
5-6 feet tall.
Average Weight
250-300 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin color varies by clan, but are typically a shade of green.