Renshin (ʐə˧ŋsi˥˩ŋ)

Renshin, known as the "son of the motherland" (rengsîng) in the native Rongian language, is revered as the patron deity by many Tabaxi from the island nation of Reizu. According to countless folklore tales, Renshin saved the people of Reizu from certain destruction, bringing peace to the land. He is one of the few gods who take an active hand in the affairs of mortals, watching over them with benevolent eyes and offering guidance when needed.   Renshin's divine domains are Peace, Harmony, Patience, Balance, and Generosity, reflecting his nature as a deity of balance and order. He embodies the principle of yin and yang, the two opposite yet complementary forces that form the basis of Reizin philosophy. As such, he is often depicted as a massive, wingless dragon with five talons on each hand and foot, symbolizing his power and majesty.   Renshin's followers seek to emulate his teachings, striving for inner peace and harmony with the world around them. They practice meditation, seeking to achieve enlightenment and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. They are also known for their generosity, often donating their time and resources to help others in need.   Those who anger Renshin by causing chaos and disharmony are said to draw his wrath, and he is known to mete out swift and just punishment to those who violate the natural order. Despite this, he is a compassionate god who seeks to guide his followers towards a better future, helping them to find their place in the world and to live in harmony with others.

Divine Domains

Peace, Harmony, Patience, Balance, Gernerosity