Rhubarb's Investigation Report

Investigation Report: Lord Berkestaff and the Disappearances at Moonveil Manor Date: 14th Illios, 474 ND
  Investigator: Rhubarb (Kobold detective)
  Location: Mournstead, Myrelis Kingdom
  Lord Berkestaff is a well-respected nobleman in the town of Mournstead, known for his lavish parties and generosity towards his guests. However, over the years, many of his guests have mysteriously disappeared after attending his banquets at Moonveil Manor. As an undercover detective investigating the case, I have reason to suspect that Lord Berkestaff is involved in the disappearances.
  Moonveil Manor is an extravagant estate, renowned for its parties and events, and many people in the surrounding areas look forward to being invited to its grand halls. Lord Berkestaff is known to be a hospitable and welcoming host, ensuring that his guests are well-fed and entertained throughout their stay.
  Despite the warm welcome, my investigation has revealed that there is something sinister happening at Moonveil Manor. The disappearances of guests are frequent, and no survivors have ever been found. The fact that the disappearances go unnoticed is a cause for concern, and it is clear that Lord Berkestaff is using his influence to cover up any suspicion surrounding the disappearances.
  My suspicions of Lord Berkestaff have only grown as I have uncovered evidence pointing towards his involvement in the disappearances. However, I have not yet been able to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  Before attending the banquet, I gathered as much information as possible about Lord Berkestaff and Moonveil Manor. I spoke with local residents, former guests, and staff members who worked at the manor. While most of them had positive things to say about Lord Berkestaff, I also heard rumors of strange happenings at the manor.
  Some locals believe that Moonveil Manor is cursed, and that the disappearances are a result of supernatural forces at work. Others believe that Lord Berkestaff is involved in some sort of criminal activity, and that the disappearances are part of a larger conspiracy.
  There are also rumors of secret passages and hidden rooms at Moonveil Manor, leading some to believe that there is more to the estate than meets the eye...
  As I prepare to attend the banquet held by Lord Berkestaff, I am acutely aware of the danger I am facing. While Lord Berkestaff is known to be a generous and welcoming host, it is clear that there is something sinister happening at Moonveil Manor, and I must be cautious.
Report, Intelligence