
Smallgate is a unique town situated at the only land passage to the eastern continent of Anshufrey. It was once a single, large town inhabited by both halflings and gnomes, but due to disagreements between the two races, the town has been split in half. The gnomes of the west and the halflings of the east are in a constant state of tension, engaging in a "cold war" of sorts with insults and jabs being thrown back and forth at the border.   As a result of this division, Smallgate has developed two distinct cultures. On the west side of the town, the gnomes have built a technologically advanced society, with complex machines and magical devices. They are constantly experimenting and creating new inventions, and their society is highly focused on innovation and progress. The buildings on this side of town are constructed of metal and stone, with intricate gears and mechanisms visible on the surface.  
"Well, bless their tiny little hearts. The halflings are just the sweetest little things, aren't they? Always running around with their little pies and their little songs. It's like having a house full of giggling children. But I suppose they're good for a laugh and a warm meal, so we'll let them be." - Conju Sponste
  On the east side of the town, the halflings have established a cozy and comfortable community. The buildings are constructed of wood and thatch, with bright colors and whimsical decorations. The halflings value tradition and history, and their elders are highly respected members of the community. They are known for their culinary skills and their small taverns and inns, where they serve up delicious dishes to travelers passing through the town.  
"Those gnomes are always tinkering with their machines and gadgets, as if they think they're the smartest ones around. But tell me, can their precious inventions cook up a proper meal like us halflings do? I think not!" - Bingo Harfoot
  The two sides of Smallgate are separated by a wide street, which serves as a neutral zone between the two cultures. While there has never been any bloodshed between the gnomes and the halflings, tensions are always high, and the two sides rarely interact. The town is still the only land passage to the eastern continent of Anshufrey, and travelers passing through must navigate the tension-filled streets of Smallgate to reach their destination.   Despite the division, Smallgate is a bustling town with a variety of goods produced from both sides. The gnomes produce intricate machines and magical devices, while the halflings supply delicious food and drink. Travelers passing through the town often stop to sample the local fare and purchase souvenirs to take with them on their journey.   Overall, Smallgate is a unique and intriguing town, with two distinct cultures coexisting in an uneasy tension. While the gnomes and the halflings have never come to blows, their mutual distrust and dislike create a palpable tension that hangs over the town. However, for travelers willing to brave the tensions, Smallgate offers a glimpse into the fascinating and diverse cultures of both gnomes and halflings.


The mayors of Smallgate, Haldor Greentree and Glimrick Coppercoil, are age-old enemies who have been at odds since childhood. They grew up on opposite sides of town and were constantly getting into disputes, which only intensified as they got older and eventually rose to power as the leaders of their respective halves of Smallgate.   Haldor Greentree, the mayor of the Hobbits' east side of town, is a stout and jolly man who is well-liked by his people. He has a reputation for being fair and just, and he often settles disputes among his people with a kind heart and a firm hand. However, he has little patience for the Gnomes of the West side of town, who he sees as arrogant and condescending.   Glimrick Coppercoil, on the other hand, is the cunning and ambitious mayor of the Gnomes' west side of town. He is a brilliant inventor and strategist, but he can also be ruthless and calculating when it comes to achieving his goals. He sees the Hobbits of the East side of town as backwards and unsophisticated, and he is determined to gain the upper hand in their ongoing feud.   Despite their personal animosity towards each other, both mayors understand the importance of maintaining peace in Smallgate, especially given the town's strategic location as the only land passage to the eastern continent of Anshufrey. They regularly attend meetings with each other and other town leaders to discuss matters of trade and defense, but their conversations are often tense and filled with veiled insults.   Their rivalry has become the stuff of legend in Smallgate, with stories of their childhood pranks and more recent political maneuverings passed down from generation to generation. While their feud has never escalated into actual violence, it has created a palpable tension between the two halves of town, with residents of each side viewing the other with suspicion and distrust.
Large town
Additional Rulers/Owners