
One of the most legendary items associated with Kroll is the Reaper's Scythe, a powerful weapon that is said to have been created by the god himself. The scythe is believed to have been forged from the bones of the first mortal to die, imbued with the power of death and the essence of Kroll's own being.   The Reaper's Scythe is a formidable weapon, capable of cutting through almost anything with ease. It is said that the mere touch of the blade can bring about a swift and painless death, releasing the soul from the mortal coil and sending it on its way to the afterlife. However, the scythe is also said to have a will of its own, and it will only allow itself to be wielded by those who have been chosen by Kroll himself.   According to legend, the Reaper's Scythe was lost to the mortal world long ago, stolen by a group of thieves who sought to use its power for their own ends. However, the scythe's power was too great for them to control, and they were eventually consumed by their own greed and ambition. The scythe was lost to the sands of time, its whereabouts unknown even to the most learned scholars and sages.   Despite its loss, the Reaper's Scythe remains a powerful symbol of Kroll's dominion over death and the afterlife. Many seek to find the scythe, hoping to harness its power for their own purposes or to return it to its rightful owner. Some even believe that the scythe holds the key to unlocking the secrets of life and death, and that whoever possesses it will hold the power of the gods in their hands.   However, others warn that the Reaper's Scythe is not a weapon to be taken lightly, and that its power comes with a heavy price. They say that those who wield the scythe are forever marked by the touch of death, and that they will carry the burden of their actions with them for eternity. They caution that the scythe's true power lies not in its ability to kill, but in its ability to remind mortals of the fleeting nature of existence and the inevitability of their own demise.   Despite these warnings, the legend of the Reaper's Scythe continues to captivate the imagination of mortals and gods alike, a testament to the enduring power of Kroll and his role as the master of death.
Item type
Unique Artifact