The Blood Wolf Rides

The eastern lands of The Frey were once inhabited by various clans of Orcs, who were known for their violent nature. They constantly waged wars against each other, razing villages to the ground and trading prisoners into slavery. Though feared by the surrounding realms, the Orcs did not go unprovoked by outsiders. Visarian raiders and Elven regiments would constantly move into and take over the land for their own purposes, treating the Orcs like beasts of burden.   For many long decades, the Orc clans lived in a state of chaos and constant conflict. However, all of that changed on the 19th of Cintas, 801 6E. Kharag Bloodwolf, a fearsome Orc leader, gathered his riders and began to traverse the land that would later become Wor’Gol. Every other day, Kharag would challenge a new gro’tuk, claiming his right to lead the various clans through battle. Some stories say that Kharag did not rest a single day until he defeated every clan leader in battle, and never lost a single time. Though this would be a nigh impossible feat even for the strongest of Orcs, Kharag was just that.   Within a few months, Kharag had amassed an army over 15,000 strong. He led them in freeing hundreds, if not thousands of slaves, and razing outsiders' settlements to the ground as they went. It was a glorious sight to behold, even if not viewed from the front lines. However, the other Orc leaders were not willing to simply submit to Kharag's rule. They challenged him in battle, one by one, hoping to overthrow his newfound leadership.   Kharag faced each challenger with unparalleled strength and determination. His leadership inspired his troops to fight harder and push through the constant battles. By the end of the year, as snow began to fall, Kharag had already accomplished his mission. The clans had united, and they had freed themselves from outsiders' rule. In only another year after, the city of Zim’del rose as a beacon for this new empire of Orcish kind, a testament to Kharag's strength and leadership.   Under Kharag's rule, the Orcs found a new sense of unity and purpose. They were no longer divided and at war with each other. Instead, they became a powerful force that could stand up to outsiders and defend their own land. Kharag led them in battles against invading forces and established trade agreements with neighboring realms. He was a beloved leader who ruled with a fierce determination and a deep love for his people.   Kharag's legacy lives on to this day in the land of Wor’Gol. He is remembered as a great warrior and leader who united the Orc clans and brought peace to a land torn apart by conflict. His story continues to inspire Orcs everywhere, reminding them of what they can achieve when they stand together as one.
Text, Literature