Vespera the Twilight Seer

Vespera, the Twilight Seer, is a fascinating entity existing between the realms of the divine and mortal. While she is not quite a deity, her powers and influence situate her close to the gods. As the Harbinger of Myrica, the Sun Goddess, Vespera shares a profound connection with the giver of life, hope, healing, and light.   Born from the twilight, the juncture of day and night, Vespera was created by Myrica to serve as a bridge between light and darkness. She symbolizes the transition, the ebb and flow of life and death, much like the setting sun that heralds the arrival of night. It is said that she was fashioned from the last rays of the setting sun and the first whispers of the evening breeze. Myrica intended for Vespera to serve as a beacon of hope and comfort during the twilight hours when darkness begins to blanket the world.   Vespera's primary role is to guide souls from the realm of the living to the edge of the mortal plane, where Kroll, the God of Death, and his Harbinger Tah take over. As such, she is seen as a compassionate guide, a gentle presence that eases the transition from life to death. It's an integral role, one that requires a delicate balance and a profound understanding of both life and death. Vespera embodies this balance, not unlike Kroll, who is an inevitable part of the cycle of existence.   There are many legends surrounding Vespera, and she is revered across Aelluros. One such legend tells of a time when the world was covered in an unending night. It was Vespera, with the blessings of Myrica, who traveled across the land, her twilight aura providing respite from the darkness until Myrica could rise again. The legend highlights her role as a harbinger, a precursor to the return of light and hope.   While Vespera is associated with the divine, she shares a closeness with the mortal realm, perhaps due to her role as a guide for souls and her connection to the time of day that exists between the absolutes of daylight and darkness. Followers of Myrica often pay homage to Vespera during the twilight hours, seeking her guidance and protection during the night. Some even believe that the soft, warm hues of twilight are reflections of her essence.   However, the creation of the Mortal Plane, an act attributed to the gods Myrica, Umbris, and Khaefin, predates Vespera's existence. This suggests that her creation was a response to a need that arose after the formation of the Mortal Plane, further emphasizing her role as a guide for souls on the precipice of life and death.