
(a.k.a. the Trademaster)

Zenir, the god of trade, is a deity whose influence extends far beyond the mortal realm. His name is whispered in the ears of merchants across the land, and his power is felt in the bustling markets of every city. Though he is often depicted as a shadowy figure, with piercing eyes that glint with the promise of wealth and power, Zenir's true form is unknown, and his motivations are shrouded in mystery.   Those who seek to curry the favor of Zenir must be willing to pay a heavy price, for his blessings do not come cheap. Many a merchant has sacrificed their principles and sold their soul to the god of trade in exchange for fleeting riches, only to be left destitute and alone in the end. Despite this, Zenir's followers remain steadfast in their worship, believing that the wealth and power he grants them is worth any cost.   One of the most well-known aspects of Zenir's worship is the Broken Market, a mysterious realm that lies beyond the mortal world. Here, deals are made and contracts signed that bind mortals to the will of the god of trade. Those who enter the Broken Market do so at their own risk, for the rules of the mortal world do not apply here, and the consequences of breaking a contract can be dire.   Though Zenir is often associated with greed and corruption, his followers insist that he is a necessary evil, a force for balance in the world of trade and commerce. Without the god of trade to guide them, they argue, merchants would be at the mercy of the elements and the whims of fate, and trade would be impossible.   Despite his dark reputation, Zenir is not without his redeeming qualities. Those who gain his favor are often granted protection from harm, and his blessings can bring great prosperity to those who are willing to work hard and play by his rules. For many, the god of trade is a necessary ally, a powerful force for good in an otherwise unpredictable world.

Divine Domains

Greed, Corruption, Trade, Travel, Nobility
Ruled Locations