Demon Lord Rexus

Physical Description

Body Features

Rexus’s body is heavily scarred from countless battles, each mark a testament to his brutal life as a demon lord. His arms are thick with muscle, capable of delivering devastating blows in combat. His hands are large, with sharp, claw-like nails that can tear through flesh with ease. The purplish tone of his skin deepens around his chest and back, where the scars from his confrontation with Noxarion are most prominent. These scars, though faded, serve as a constant reminder of his defeat and fuel his desire for revenge.

Facial Features

Rexus’s face is sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that add to his menacing appearance. His black eyes are sunken, giving him a gaunt, almost skeletal look. His lips are thin and often curled into a sneer, reflecting his disdain for those he considers beneath him. The crimson horns on his forehead are his most distinctive feature, and they pulse with a dark energy when he is angered or using his powers. His expression is often one of cold calculation, though it can quickly shift to one of intense rage when he thinks of Noxarion.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Crimson Horns: Rexus’s crimson horns are a key identifying feature, symbolizing his status as a demon lord. These horns are both a source of pride and a reminder of his power, glowing with a dark energy when he is enraged or using magic.
  • Scars: The scars that cover Rexus’s body are a testament to his violent past. The most significant scars are those left by Noxarion during their final battle, which serve as a constant reminder of his defeat and fuel his obsession with revenge.

Physical quirks

  • Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or frustrated, Rexus has a habit of tapping his claws against a hard surface. This rhythmic tapping is a sign of his agitation and impatience, particularly when he is thinking about Noxarion.
  • Crimson Glow: When Rexus is enraged or using his dark magic, his crimson horns and eyes glow faintly with a dark, ominous light. This glow intensifies with his emotions, making him even more terrifying in battle.

Special abilities

Demon Lord’s Powers:
  • Hellfire Manipulation: Rexus can summon and control hellfire, a dark and destructive flame that can burn through almost anything. He uses this power to incinerate his enemies, leaving nothing but ash in his wake.
  • Soul Harvesting: Rexus has the ability to harvest the souls of those he kills, trapping them in his Soul Blade. These souls not only empower the blade but also give Rexus a measure of control over the spirits, allowing him to summon them as wraiths or to empower his spells.
  • Dark Regeneration: Rexus possesses an accelerated healing factor, allowing him to recover from injuries that would be fatal to others. This regeneration is fueled by the dark energy within him, and it allows him to withstand even the most brutal of attacks.
Psychic Connection:
  • Nightmare Visions: Rexus can invade the dreams of others, filling their minds with nightmarish visions that reflect their deepest fears. He uses this ability to break the will of his enemies, driving them to madness or submission.
  • Telepathic Link: Rexus has a telepathic link with Noxarion, a remnant of their shared bloodline and the Demon Lord crest. This link allows Rexus to sense Noxarion’s presence and emotions, though he cannot directly control or influence him.

Apparel & Accessories

Rexus’s clothing reflects his status as a demon lord, with garments that are both functional and intimidating.
  • Dark Armor: Rexus often wears dark, ornate armor that is both protective and imposing. The armor is made from a rare metal found only in the demon realm, and it is engraved with runes that enhance his strength and resilience in battle.
  • Cloak of Shadows: Rexus wears a long, tattered cloak that seems to absorb light, making him appear as a shadowy figure. The cloak is enchanted, allowing him to blend into the darkness and move unseen by mortal eyes.
  • Demon Lord’s Crown: As a symbol of his authority, Rexus wears a crown made of blackened iron, adorned with blood-red gemstones. The crown is a mark of his dominion over the demon realm and serves as a constant reminder of his power.

Specialized Equipment

  • Soul Blade: Rexus wields a massive, cursed sword known as the Soul Blade. This weapon is forged from the souls of those he has slain, and it feeds on the life force of its victims. The blade is nearly indestructible, and its edge is so sharp that it can cut through almost anything.
  • Hellfire Gauntlets: Rexus wears a pair of enchanted gauntlets that allow him to channel and control hellfire, a destructive and nearly unstoppable force. The gauntlets are engraved with runes that amplify his power, making him a fearsome opponent in battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rexus was born into the royal demon family, the favored son destined to inherit the mantle of Demon Lord. His upbringing was marked by privilege and power, with his father grooming him to rule the demon realm with an iron fist. However, Rexus’s perfect life was shattered when it was revealed that his half-brother, Noxarion, had inherited the Demon Lord crest, a powerful symbol that should have rightfully belonged to him. Consumed by jealousy and rage, Rexus killed their father and seized the title of Demon Lord for himself, but he could not bring himself to kill Noxarion. The crest’s power could only be passed on through the next generation, and Rexus devised a plan to force Noxarion to have a child with his daughter, ensuring the crest remained under his control.   When Noxarion escaped from the demon realm, Rexus’s obsession with controlling the crest turned into a maddened pursuit. He searched relentlessly for Noxarion, and when he finally found him living peacefully with a wife expecting their child, Rexus’s fury knew no bounds. In a brutal act of violence, Rexus murdered Noxarion’s wife and tore the unborn child from her womb, leaving their mutilated bodies as a cruel message for his half-brother. Rexus returned to the demon realm, confident that Noxarion would come for him. But he underestimated the depth of Noxarion’s wrath and was ultimately slain in a brutal confrontation.   Rexus awoke in a new world, reborn and told that he was destined to rule as the Demon Lord once more. However, this new life was filled with anxiety and anticipation, as Rexus knew that Noxarion would eventually find him again. The thought of their inevitable reunion consumed him, filling his dreams with visions of torture and revenge. Rexus now waits, his obsession with Noxarion driving him to prepare for the day when they will meet again, determined to finally destroy his half-brother and reclaim the power he believes is rightfully his.

Personality Characteristics


Rexus is driven by an all-consuming desire for revenge against Noxarion. His obsession with controlling the Demon Lord crest and his deep-seated jealousy of his half-brother’s power have twisted his mind, leaving him with a singular focus on destroying Noxarion. Rexus believes that only by killing Noxarion and claiming the crest for himself can he truly fulfill his destiny as the Demon Lord. His resurrection in another world has only intensified his desire for revenge, as he now has a second chance to achieve his goals.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Dark Magic: Rexus is a master of dark magic, capable of wielding destructive spells and curses with ease. His knowledge of forbidden magic gives him an edge over most opponents, allowing him to manipulate the forces of darkness to his advantage.
  • Strategic Warfare: Rexus is a skilled strategist, with a keen understanding of military tactics and psychological warfare. He knows how to exploit the weaknesses of his enemies and use fear as a weapon.
  • Intimidation: Rexus has an intimidating presence that can unnerve even the bravest of souls. His reputation as a brutal and merciless demon lord precedes him, and he uses this fear to his advantage in both battle and diplomacy.
  • Emotional Blindness: Rexus is blinded by his obsession with Noxarion, making it difficult for him to see beyond his desire for revenge. This tunnel vision can lead him to make reckless decisions that put him and his plans at risk.
  • Inability to Trust: Rexus’s paranoia and distrust of others make it difficult for him to form alliances or maintain loyalty among his followers. He is constantly suspicious of betrayal, which often isolates him from potential allies.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Power and Control: Rexus craves power and control above all else. He takes pleasure in dominating others and bending them to his will, whether through fear, manipulation, or brute force.
  • Dark Rituals: Rexus enjoys performing dark rituals, particularly those that involve blood sacrifices or the summoning of demonic entities. These rituals not only enhance his power but also feed his sense of superiority and dominance.
  • Tormenting Noxarion: Rexus derives sadistic pleasure from tormenting Noxarion, both physically and psychologically. He sees their rivalry as a twisted game, one that he is determined to win at any cost.
  • Weakness: Rexus despises weakness in all its forms, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. He has no tolerance for those who cannot defend themselves or who show mercy to their enemies.
  • Failure: Rexus cannot stand failure, whether in himself or others. He views any setback as an affront to his power and will punish those who fail him mercilessly.
  • Love and Compassion: Rexus sees love and compassion as weaknesses that have no place in the world of demons. He views such emotions as tools to be exploited, but he has no respect for those who are ruled by them.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Determination: Rexus’s determination is both a strength and a flaw. His unwavering focus on his goals drives him to achieve great things, but it also blinds him to other possibilities or threats.
  • Resilience: Rexus is incredibly resilient, both physically and mentally. He has survived countless battles and betrayals, emerging stronger each time. His willpower is unbreakable, making him a formidable foe.
  • Strategic Mind: Rexus is a brilliant strategist, capable of outmaneuvering his enemies with cunning and foresight. He is always thinking several steps ahead, anticipating the moves of his opponents.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Obsession: Rexus’s obsession with Noxarion has consumed him, making him unable to see beyond his desire for revenge. This obsession often clouds his judgment and leads him to make reckless decisions.
  • Cruelty: Rexus’s cruelty knows no bounds. He takes pleasure in the suffering of others and often goes out of his way to inflict pain, even when it serves no strategic purpose. His sadistic nature alienates those around him and fuels his enemies’ hatred.
  • Isolation: Rexus’s inability to trust others has left him isolated and paranoid. He constantly suspects those around him of betrayal, which has led to a cycle of violence and mistrust that weakens his position.

Personality Quirks

  • Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or frustrated, Rexus has a habit of tapping his claws against a hard surface. This rhythmic tapping is a sign of his agitation and impatience.
  • Dark Laughter: Rexus often lets out a low, dark laugh when he believes he has the upper hand or when he is relishing in the suffering of others. This laugh is a chilling sound, one that strikes fear into the hearts of those who hear it.
  • Brooding: Rexus is prone to brooding, particularly when he is alone. He often retreats to his chambers or a dark corner of his domain to think and plan, surrounded by shadows and the remnants of his dark rituals.



Rexus’s reign as the Demon Lord was marked by brutality and fear. He ruled with an iron fist, crushing any opposition and enforcing his will through violence and intimidation. His domain in the Abyss was a place of darkness and despair, where demons and mortals alike lived in constant fear of his wrath. Rexus’s resurrection in another world has granted him a second chance to rule, but his reign is haunted by the specter of Noxarion and the knowledge that their conflict is far from over.

Contacts & Relations

  • Noxarion: Rexus’s relationship with Noxarion is defined by hatred and obsession. He sees Noxarion as both a rival and a threat, one who must be destroyed if he is to fulfill his destiny as the true Demon Lord. Rexus’s hatred for Noxarion is matched only by his desire to control the Demon Lord crest, which he believes rightfully belongs to him.
  • Demon Minions: Rexus commands a vast army of demons, who serve him out of fear rather than loyalty. His minions respect his power but often harbor resentment and fear, knowing that their lives are expendable in Rexus’s eyes.
  • Dark Coven: Rexus has formed alliances with various dark covens and cults, who see him as a powerful ally in their pursuit of forbidden knowledge and dark magic. These covens provide Rexus with additional resources and support, though the alliances are often tenuous and fraught with distrust.

Family Ties

Rexus’s family ties are limited to his half-brother Noxarion, whom he despises. He sees Noxarion as the source of all his troubles, a usurper who has stolen the power that rightfully belongs to him. Rexus’s obsession with Noxarion has consumed him, leaving little room for any other relationships or family connections. His sole focus is on defeating Noxarion and reclaiming the Demon Lord crest.

Religious Views

Rexus views himself as a god-like figure, one who is destined to rule over both demons and mortals. He has little respect for traditional religion, seeing it as a tool to control the weak. Instead, Rexus worships power in all its forms, particularly the dark forces that grant him his strength. He performs rituals and sacrifices to appease these forces, believing that they will grant him the power he needs to destroy Noxarion and achieve his ultimate goal.

Social Aptitude

Rexus is not particularly sociable, preferring to rule through fear and intimidation rather than diplomacy. He has little patience for the intricacies of court politics and often relies on brute force to achieve his goals. However, Rexus is a skilled manipulator when he needs to be, able to use his dark charisma to bend others to his will. He understands the value of alliances but is always wary of betrayal, making it difficult for him to form lasting bonds with others.


  • Regal Posture: Rexus carries himself with the regal bearing of a king, always standing tall and exuding confidence. His posture is one of dominance, making it clear that he expects others to bow to his will.
  • Cold Stare: Rexus’s black eyes often fix on others with a cold, unblinking stare. This gaze is both intimidating and unsettling, making those who meet his eyes feel as though they are being scrutinized by a predator.
  • Deliberate Speech: Rexus speaks in a slow, deliberate manner, choosing his words carefully to convey authority and menace. His voice is deep and resonant, with a tone that demands attention and obedience.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Shadow Hounds: Rexus keeps a pack of shadow hounds, demonic creatures that serve as his loyal pets and guardians. These hounds are vicious and relentless, attacking anyone who dares to approach Rexus without his permission.
  • Dark Rituals: Rexus takes great pleasure in performing dark rituals, particularly those that involve blood sacrifices or the summoning of demonic entities. These rituals not only enhance his power but also serve as a way for him to connect with the dark forces he worships.
  • Weapon Mastery: Rexus is a master of various weapons, particularly his Soul Blade. He spends much of his time practicing his combat skills, ensuring that he remains a formidable opponent in battle.


Rexus’s speech is characterized by its cold, calculated tone. He speaks with authority and menace, often using his words to intimidate or manipulate others. His deep, resonant voice commands attention, and he rarely raises it, relying instead on the power of his presence to convey his dominance.
  • Commanding Tone: Rexus speaks with a commanding tone, expecting his orders to be followed without question. He does not tolerate defiance and often uses his voice as a weapon to enforce his will.
  • Menacing Laughter: When Rexus is particularly pleased with himself or when he is toying with his enemies, he often lets out a low, menacing laugh. This laughter is both chilling and mocking, a reminder of his sadistic nature.
  • Deliberate Pacing: Rexus speaks slowly and deliberately, choosing his words with care. His speech is often laced with threats and dark promises, making it clear that he is not to be trifled with.

Wealth & Financial state

As the Demon Lord, Rexus has access to vast wealth, accumulated through conquest, tribute, and the spoils of war. His domain is filled with treasures, both material and magical, that reflect his power and status. However, Rexus places little value on material wealth for its own sake. He sees it as a means to an end, a tool to be used in his pursuit of power and revenge.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Demon Lord of the Abyss: Rexus holds the title of Demon Lord of the Abyss, a position of immense power and authority within the demon realm. This title grants him control over legions of demons and the ability to command the dark forces that dwell in the Abyss.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly purple skin, Crimson horns protrude from his forehead, curving slightly upwards
Ruled Locations


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