Goddess Freya

Physical Description

Special abilities

Freya’s powers as a goddess are vast and formidable, though they have been somewhat diminished by her banishment. However, even in her weakened state, she remains a force to be reckoned with.   Divine Manipulation:
  • Puppet Master: Freya excels at manipulating the emotions and actions of mortals, bending them to her will. She can subtly influence thoughts, dreams, and desires, planting seeds of chaos and discord that grow over time.
  • Dream Weaver: Freya has the ability to enter and control the dreams of mortals, using this power to plant suggestions or torment those who oppose her. In dreams, she can appear as anything she wishes, whether a comforting figure or a terrifying presence, depending on her goals.
Goddess of Chaos: Whispers of Madness: Freya can drive individuals to madness with whispered words that only they can hear. These whispers sow doubt, fear, and paranoia, causing even the most stable minds to unravel. Arcane Games: Freya delights in creating complex, often deadly games that mortals are forced to play. These games are designed to test their will, cunning, and morality, with the stakes often being life or death. She relishes the unpredictability of these games and the suffering they cause. Obsession and Possession:
  • Mark of Possession: Freya can mark those she obsesses over with a divine symbol, allowing her to track them, influence their actions, and communicate with them across great distances. This mark is a symbol of her claim on them, and it binds the individual to her in both mind and spirit.
  • Divine Vow: Freya can bind mortals to her service through oaths that they are compelled to keep. These vows are unbreakable and tie the individual’s fate to her will. Those who break their vows face divine retribution.
Ritual Magic:
  • Blood Rituals: Freya’s most powerful magic often requires blood sacrifices, whether of mortals or other beings. These rituals can open gateways, summon ancient powers, or bind souls to her service.
  • Resurrection of the Damned: Freya has the power to raise the dead, but those she brings back are forever bound to her, twisted by her will. These resurrected beings are often used as soldiers or servants, carrying out her dark desires without question.
Divine Form:
  • Shapeshifting: Freya can take on any form she desires, from a beautiful and benevolent goddess to a terrifying and monstrous deity. She uses this ability to manipulate those around her, playing on their fears or desires.
  • Aura of Despair: When Freya reveals her true form, she emanates an aura that saps the will of those around her, filling them with despair and hopelessness. This aura makes it difficult for mortals to resist her influence and often leaves them vulnerable to her manipulation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Freya, along with her brother Troya, once reigned as powerful deities in a time when gods and goddesses treated the mortal world as their playground. The inhabitants of the world were mere pawns in their games, manipulated for their amusement and the furthering of their divine schemes. Freya and Troya delighted in their power, creating chaos and conflict, relishing in the control they exerted over mortals. However, their reign was challenged by the rise of the goddess Nyx, who advocated for peace and harmony. Nyx’s teachings began to resonate with the people, who grew weary of the suffering inflicted upon them by the whims of Freya and Troya.   As more and more mortals turned to Nyx, Freya and Troya found their influence waning. In a desperate bid to maintain their power, they attempted to crush Nyx’s followers, but this only strengthened the resolve of the people. Eventually, the combined will of the mortals and the power of Nyx led to Freya and Troya’s banishment from the mortal plane. Seething with rage and vowing revenge, Freya and Troya have since plotted their return, seeking to reclaim their former glory and exact vengeance on those who defied them.   During their exile, Freya’s obsession with power and control only deepened. While Troya remained focused on finding a suitable vessel to re-enter the mortal world, Freya’s attention became fixated on Noxarion, a powerful demon lord who caught her eye. Initially, she intended for Noxarion to serve as a vessel for her brother, but as she observed him, her obsession grew. Noxarion’s strength, will, and the darkness within him fascinated Freya, and she began to desire him for herself, not as a pawn, but as a companion. This obsession has driven her to manipulate events to bring Noxarion to her, regardless of the consequences.

Intellectual Characteristics

Freya’s personality is complex, shaped by her godhood and her experiences during her reign and subsequent banishment. She is a being of contradictions, capable of both extreme cruelty and obsessive affection.
  • Cruel and Manipulative: Freya enjoys playing with mortals, seeing them as nothing more than pawns in her games. She derives pleasure from their suffering and takes delight in manipulating them into making choices that lead to their downfall. Her manipulations are subtle, often taking the form of whispered suggestions or seemingly benign offers of help that conceal darker intentions.
  • Obsessive and Possessive: Freya’s obsession with Noxarion has warped her perception of him. What began as a desire to use him as a tool has evolved into something far more dangerous. She no longer sees Noxarion as merely a means to an end but as a prize to be claimed. Her possessiveness is all-consuming, and she will go to any lengths to bring him under her control.
  • Vengeful and Ruthless: Freya’s banishment has left her with a deep, burning desire for revenge. She holds grudges against those who opposed her, particularly the goddess Nyx, and she will stop at nothing to reclaim her place in the mortal world. Freya is ruthless in her pursuit of power, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve her goals.
  Charismatic and Alluring: Despite her dark nature, Freya is incredibly charismatic and alluring. She can be charming and persuasive when it suits her, drawing others to her with promises of power, pleasure, or protection. Her beauty and grace mask the true extent of her malevolence, making it difficult for mortals to see her for what she truly is.

Personality Characteristics


Freya’s primary motivation is to return to the mortal plane and reclaim the power she once held. She is driven by a desire for revenge against those who banished her, particularly Nyx, and seeks to reestablish herself as a dominant force in the world. Her obsession with Noxarion adds another layer to her motivations; she is determined to claim him as her own, seeing him as the perfect companion to share in her reign of chaos.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Chaos and Conflict: Freya thrives on chaos and conflict, finding joy in the unpredictable nature of the games she plays with mortals. She enjoys watching them struggle, knowing that she holds all the power.
  • Power and Control: Freya loves the feeling of power and control, particularly over others. She takes pleasure in bending others to her will and watching them dance to her tune.
  • Noxarion: Freya’s obsession with Noxarion is one of her few genuine attachments. She is fascinated by his strength, darkness, and potential, seeing in him a kindred spirit who could be her equal.
  • Nyx: Freya harbors a deep hatred for Nyx, the goddess who advocated for peace and played a role in her banishment. She sees Nyx as weak and naive, despising her for turning mortals against her and Troya.
  • Peace and Order: Freya detests peace and order, viewing them as the antithesis of her nature. She sees harmony as a sign of weakness and is always seeking to disrupt it.
  • Resistance: Freya has little patience for those who resist her will. She views any form of defiance as a personal affront and responds with overwhelming force to crush those who stand against her.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Strategic Genius: Freya is a master strategist, capable of orchestrating complex plots that span centuries. Her ability to think several steps ahead makes her a formidable opponent, capable of turning even the smallest advantage into a decisive victory.
  • Unwavering Determination: Freya’s determination is unshakable. Once she sets her sights on a goal, she will pursue it with relentless focus, refusing to be deterred by setbacks or failures.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Obsessiveness: Freya’s obsession with Noxarion is both a strength and a weakness. While it drives her to manipulate events in her favor, it also blinds her to potential threats and alternatives. Her fixation on claiming Noxarion can lead her to make irrational decisions that put her plans at risk.
  • Vengefulness: Freya’s desire for revenge consumes her, often clouding her judgment. She is willing to take extreme risks to exact vengeance on those who wronged her, even if it jeopardizes her long-term goals.


Contacts & Relations

  • Cult of Freya: Freya’s most devoted followers established a secret cult dedicated to worshiping her and bringing about her return. The cult operates in the shadows, carrying out rituals and tasks in her name, guided by the goddess’s whispers.

Family Ties

  • Troya: Freya’s brother and fellow deity. Their relationship is complex, marked by both deep loyalty and occasional rivalry. Troya often tempers Freya’s more reckless impulses, but he also shares in her desire for revenge.

Religious Views

Freya views herself and her brother as the true gods of the world, rightful rulers who were unjustly cast down. She sees the worship of Nyx and other peaceful deities as a betrayal and is determined to reclaim her place as a divine ruler, imposing her will on both mortals and gods alike.

Social Aptitude

Freya is a master manipulator, capable of charming and seducing those around her with ease. She knows how to play on the desires, fears, and ambitions of mortals, bending them to her will without them even realizing it. Despite her cruel nature, she can present herself as benevolent and alluring, making it difficult for others to resist her influence.


  • Graceful Movements: Freya moves with the grace and poise of a goddess, every gesture deliberate and calculated to draw attention and admiration.
  • Enigmatic Smile: Freya often wears a mysterious, knowing smile, as if she is privy to secrets that others cannot comprehend. This smile can be both alluring and unnerving, depending on the situation.
  • Hypnotic Voice: Freya’s voice is soft and melodic, with a hypnotic quality that draws listeners in. She speaks with confidence and authority, making even the most outlandish suggestions sound reasonable and appealing.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Goddess of Chaos: Freya was once revered as the Goddess of Chaos, a title that reflects her dominion over conflict, manipulation, and the darker aspects of the divine.
  • Banished Deity: After her fall from power, Freya became known as a banished deity, a being of immense power who was cast out of the mortal plane and forced into exile.
Long, golden curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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