King Aldric

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Stature: King Aldric’s tall and broad-shouldered frame makes him an imposing figure, commanding respect and fear from those around him.
  • Hands: His hands are strong and calloused, a reminder of his early years spent training in swordsmanship and the physical demands of kingship. He often clasps them behind his back when he is deep in thought or issuing commands.
  • Posture: Aldric maintains a rigid posture, a reflection of his disciplined nature and the weight of the crown he bears. He is rarely seen slouching or showing any signs of physical weakness.

Facial Features

  • Eyes: Aldric’s piercing blue eyes are his most striking feature. They are cold and calculating, with a gaze that can unsettle even the most confident of courtiers. His eyes rarely reveal his true thoughts or emotions, making it difficult for others to read him.
  • Nose: His nose is straight and narrow, adding to the sharpness of his overall features. It lends an air of severity to his face, enhancing his intimidating presence.
  • Mouth: Aldric’s thin lips are often set in a tight line, reflecting his stern and uncompromising nature. When he does smile, it is usually a controlled expression, more of a calculated gesture than a sign of genuine warmth.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Silver Hair: Aldric’s steely gray hair is a defining feature, marking him as a man of experience and authority. It is always neatly kept, reflecting his attention to detail and his desire to maintain a strong public image.
  • Regal Attire: Aldric’s clothing is always impeccable, designed to project power and authority. He favors rich, dark colors, often adorned with symbols of the kingdom, such as the royal crest or the image of a lion, the emblem of his house.

Physical quirks

  • Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or planning his next move, Aldric has a habit of tapping his fingers against the armrest of his throne or the hilt of his sword. This small, rhythmic action is a sign of his impatience and his constant need to be in control.
  • Steely Gaze: Aldric often fixes those around him with a steely gaze, particularly when he is issuing commands or assessing someone’s worth. This gaze is both intimidating and calculating, making it clear that he tolerates no weakness or disobedience.

Special abilities

  • Aldric’s primary abilities lie in his political acumen and strategic mind, though his talisman and other tools give him an edge in maintaining control.
Political Mastery:
  • Persuasion and Intimidation: Aldric is a master of both persuasion and intimidation. He knows how to read people and manipulate them to his advantage, whether through subtle flattery, promises of power, or veiled threats.
  • Strategic Planning: Aldric is a strategic genius, always thinking several steps ahead. He is constantly plotting ways to strengthen his position and eliminate threats to his rule, whether from within his kingdom or from external forces.
Talisman of Control:
  • Mind Influence: The talisman Aldric carries allows him to subtly influence the thoughts and decisions of others, making them more amenable to his suggestions or more fearful of opposing him. This power is limited, but when used correctly, it can tip the scales in delicate situations.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Royal Cloak: Aldric wears a long, regal cloak made of the finest materials, often lined with fur or velvet. The cloak is fastened with a gold clasp bearing the royal crest, symbolizing his authority and the weight of the crown.
  • Crown: Aldric’s crown is a simple but elegant piece of craftsmanship, made of gold and set with dark, polished stones. The crown is a symbol of his rule, and he wears it with pride, often touching it when deep in thought as a reminder of his power.
  • Sword: Aldric carries a ceremonial sword at his side, a symbol of his martial prowess and his right to rule. The sword’s hilt is engraved with intricate designs, and the blade is kept in pristine condition, though it is rarely drawn.

Specialized Equipment

  • Royal Signet Ring: Aldric wears a signet ring bearing the seal of the kingdom. This ring is used to seal official documents and is a symbol of his authority. The ring is made of gold and set with a dark sapphire, a stone that represents strength and resolve.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Aldric ascended to the throne of Eldoria through a combination of cunning, ruthless ambition, and strategic alliances. Born into the royal family, Aldric was groomed from a young age to see power as the ultimate goal. His father, a stern and calculating monarch, instilled in him the belief that the crown must always come first, above all personal relationships and moral considerations. Aldric took these lessons to heart, and by the time he became king, he was a man utterly devoted to maintaining and expanding his power.   As king, Aldric’s reign has been marked by a relentless pursuit of control, both within his kingdom and over the church. He views the church as a significant threat to his authority, given its influence over the people and its belief that divine power supersedes the monarchy. This ongoing power struggle has defined much of Aldric’s rule, with the king constantly seeking ways to undermine the church’s influence and assert his dominance.   Aldric’s relationships with his children are entirely transactional. He sees them as pawns in his political game, tools to be used to secure alliances, strengthen the royal bloodline, and maintain his hold on the throne. He has no qualms about sacrificing their happiness or well-being if it serves his interests. His eldest daughter, Aurelia, was treated as a bargaining chip from the moment she was born, betrothed to a foreign prince to secure an alliance. His son Lysander was groomed as his heir, expected to follow in his footsteps with the same ruthless pragmatism.

Personality Characteristics


King Aldric is driven by a single, all-consuming motivation: the pursuit and preservation of power. Every decision he makes is calculated to strengthen his position as king, whether it involves strategic alliances, manipulation of his children, or the suppression of threats. Aldric views the crown as the ultimate prize, and he will stop at nothing to ensure that it remains securely on his head. His constant power struggle with the church only heightens his desire to assert his dominance, as he believes that the monarchy should be the supreme authority in the kingdom.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Political Maneuvering: Aldric is a master of political strategy, able to navigate the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and power dynamics that define the court. He is skilled at manipulating others to achieve his goals, often pitting factions against each other to maintain control.
  • Ruthless Decision-Making: Aldric’s ability to make tough, often brutal decisions without hesitation is one of his greatest strengths. He is not swayed by emotion or sentiment, allowing him to act decisively in the best interests of his reign.
  • Diplomacy: Despite his ruthlessness, Aldric is also a skilled diplomat when necessary. He knows how to present a facade of charm and benevolence, using diplomacy to secure alliances and placate potential threats.
  • Emotional Detachment: Aldric’s focus on power has left him emotionally detached from those around him, particularly his family. He struggles to form genuine connections with others, seeing relationships as tools to be used rather than sources of personal fulfillment.
  • Underestimating the Church: Aldric’s constant battle with the church has made him blind to the true extent of its influence. His refusal to acknowledge the spiritual power that the church holds over the people has led to miscalculations in his attempts to undermine it.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Power and Control: Aldric takes great satisfaction in the exercise of power and control. He enjoys the feeling of dominance that comes from ruling a kingdom and bending others to his will.
  • Strategic Planning: Aldric relishes the process of strategic planning, whether it involves military campaigns, political maneuvers, or the manipulation of his children. He takes pride in his ability to outthink and outmaneuver his rivals.
  • Symbolism of the Crown: Aldric has a deep respect for the symbolism of the crown and the monarchy. He views the crown as a sacred symbol of his authority and the foundation of his power.
  • Weakness: Aldric despises weakness in all its forms, whether it be physical, emotional, or intellectual. He has no patience for those who cannot contribute to his goals or who show signs of vulnerability.
  • The Church’s Influence: Aldric resents the power that the church holds over the people and the challenge it poses to his authority. He views the church as a rival and a threat that must be contained or eliminated.
  • Disobedience: Aldric has little tolerance for disobedience or defiance, particularly from those within his court or family. He expects absolute loyalty and submission from those around him.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Determination: Aldric is incredibly determined, with a relentless drive to achieve his goals. Once he sets his mind on something, he pursues it with unwavering focus and dedication, refusing to let obstacles stand in his way.
  • Strategic Mind: Aldric’s strategic thinking is one of his greatest strengths. He is always planning several steps ahead, anticipating the moves of his enemies and crafting plans that ensure his success.
  • Leadership: Despite his ruthlessness, Aldric is an effective leader who commands respect and loyalty from his subjects. His ability to maintain order and stability in the kingdom is a testament to his leadership skills.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Coldness: Aldric’s cold and calculating nature makes it difficult for him to form genuine relationships. His focus on power and control often leads him to neglect the emotional needs of those around him, including his own family.
  • Paranoia: Aldric’s obsession with maintaining his power has bred a deep-seated paranoia. He is constantly suspicious of those around him, believing that everyone is a potential threat to his rule. This paranoia often leads him to make decisions based on fear rather than logic.
  • Relentlessness: While Aldric’s determination is a strength, it can also be a flaw. His relentless pursuit of power can make him blind to the consequences of his actions, leading to decisions that are ultimately self-destructive.

Personality Quirks

  • Finger Drumming: When deep in thought or frustrated, Aldric has a habit of drumming his fingers on a nearby surface. This small, unconscious movement is a sign of his inner tension and the constant pressure he feels to maintain control.
  • Steely Gaze: Aldric’s gaze is often fixed and intense, particularly when he is assessing someone or something. His piercing blue eyes can make others feel as though they are being scrutinized down to their very soul.



Aldric’s reign has been marked by a relentless pursuit of power and a constant struggle to maintain control over the kingdom. He has engaged in numerous political battles, both within his court and with external forces, always seeking to strengthen his position. His reign has been one of stability and order, but it has come at the cost of personal relationships and the well-being of his subjects. Aldric’s focus on power has led to a cold, calculating rule, where loyalty is rewarded and dissent is crushed without mercy.

Contacts & Relations

  • Royal Family: Aldric’s relationship with his family is distant and transactional. He views his children primarily as tools to further his political agenda, with little regard for their personal desires or well-being. His interactions with them are often cold and calculating, driven by a desire to strengthen the royal bloodline and secure alliances through strategic marriages.
  • Nobility: Aldric has a complex relationship with the nobility, who are both his allies and his rivals. He understands the importance of keeping the nobility in check and often uses a combination of rewards and intimidation to maintain their loyalty. However, he is always wary of potential betrayals and keeps a close eye on those who might challenge his authority.
  • Church: Aldric’s relationship with the church is one of mutual distrust and power struggles. The church believes it holds authority above the crown, and Aldric views this as a direct threat to his rule. He engages in constant battles with the church for influence over the kingdom, often using political maneuvering and intimidation to assert his dominance.
  • Military: Aldric maintains strong ties with the military, viewing it as a crucial tool for maintaining his power. He ensures that the military is well-funded and loyal, often rewarding generals and officers who demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the crown.

Family Ties

Aldric’s family ties are complex and fraught with tension. He has five children: Princess Aurelia, Princess Aria, Crown Prince Lysander, Prince Tobias, and Princess Alexandra. Each of his children serves a specific purpose in his political plans, and Aldric’s interactions with them are largely driven by his desire to strengthen the kingdom.
  • Aurelia: Aldric views Aurelia as a valuable political tool, particularly after she awakened as a saintess. However, their relationship is strained due to Aurelia’s growing influence within the church, which Aldric sees as a potential threat to his power.
  • Aria: Aldric has little regard for Aria, seeing her primarily as a pawn to be used in marriage alliances. He has little emotional connection to her and often overlooks her in favor of her siblings.
  • Lysander: As the crown prince, Lysander is Aldric’s chosen successor. Aldric has high expectations for Lysander and has groomed him to take over the throne. However, their relationship is distant, with Aldric viewing Lysander more as an extension of his own power rather than as a son.
  • Tobias: Tobias, who shares the same mother as Aria, is viewed by Aldric as a backup plan in case anything happens to Lysander. He has little interest in Tobias beyond ensuring that he remains loyal and ready to serve the crown.
  • Alexandra: Aldric sees Alexandra as another potential pawn in his political games, particularly for securing alliances through marriage. However, like Aria, he has little emotional connection to her.

Religious Views

Aldric’s relationship with religion is complicated. While he publicly adheres to the official teachings of the Eldorian Church, his true beliefs are more pragmatic. He views religion as a tool for maintaining control over the populace and often uses it to reinforce his authority. However, his ongoing conflict with the church has bred a deep resentment towards religious institutions, and he is constantly seeking ways to undermine their influence. Aldric does not hold any deep personal faith; instead, he sees the gods and the church as rivals to be managed or manipulated.

Social Aptitude

Aldric is highly skilled in social interactions, particularly in the context of court politics. He is a master of diplomacy and negotiation, able to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries that define the royal court. His charisma and authority make him a formidable presence, and he is able to command respect and obedience from those around him.   Despite his social skills, Aldric’s interactions are often driven by a desire for control, rather than genuine connection. He views relationships primarily in terms of power dynamics, and his cold, calculating nature can make it difficult for others to form emotional bonds with him. Aldric is always aware of the potential threats posed by those around him, and he is constantly assessing their loyalties and weaknesses.


  • Regal Bearing: Aldric carries himself with the regal bearing of a king, always standing tall and exuding confidence. His posture is one of dominance, making it clear that he expects others to bow to his will.
  • Cold Gaze: Aldric’s steely blue eyes often fix on others with a cold, unblinking stare. This gaze is both intimidating and unsettling, making those who meet his eyes feel as though they are being scrutinized down to their very soul.
  • Measuring Silence: Aldric often uses silence as a tool in social interactions, allowing others to speak first and reveal their intentions before he responds. This silence is deliberate and calculating, designed to put others on edge and give him the upper hand.

Hobbies & Pets

  • None: Aldric has no interest in pets, seeing them as distractions from his duties as king. He views animals as beneath him and has little patience for the idea of keeping them as companions.
  • Strategic Games: Aldric enjoys games and activities that involve strategy and competition, such as chess or tactical war games. These activities allow him to sharpen his mind and indulge his love of strategy.
  • Weapon Training: Despite his age, Aldric still engages in regular weapon training, particularly with his ceremonial sword. This training is both a way to maintain his physical fitness and a reminder of his power and authority.


Aldric’s speech is characterized by its cold, calculated tone. He speaks with authority and precision, often using his words to manipulate or intimidate others. His deep, resonant voice commands attention, and he rarely raises it, relying instead on the power of his presence to convey his dominance.
  • Commanding Tone: Aldric speaks with a commanding tone, expecting his orders to be followed without question. He does not tolerate defiance and often uses his voice as a weapon to enforce his will.
  • Measured Speech: Aldric chooses his words carefully, often pausing to assess the situation before responding. His speech is deliberate and calculating, designed to achieve specific outcomes in his interactions.
  • Intimidating Silence: Aldric often uses silence as a tool in social interactions, allowing the weight of his presence to fill the room. This silence is often more intimidating than any words he could speak, forcing others to fill the void with their own anxieties.

Wealth & Financial state

As the king of Eldoria, Aldric has access to vast wealth, including the kingdom’s treasury, lands, and resources. He lives in opulence, surrounded by luxury and the finest goods that money can buy. Aldric uses his wealth to reinforce his power, funding military campaigns, bribing officials, and building grand palaces that serve as symbols of his authority. Despite his immense wealth, Aldric views money primarily as a tool for maintaining control, rather than an end in itself.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King of Eldoria: Aldric holds the title of King of Eldoria, ruling over the kingdom with absolute authority. This title grants him the power to make laws, command armies, and govern the people of Eldoria.
  • Defender of the Realm: Aldric also holds the honorary title of Defender of the Realm, symbolizing his role as the protector of Eldoria against external threats. This title is largely ceremonial but serves to reinforce his position as the ultimate authority in the kingdom.
Piercing blue
Steely gray hair, kept short and neatly trimmed, with a closely-cropped beard that frames his strong jawline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His skin is fair but weathered, marked by deep lines and creases that speak to years of stress, scheming, and battles—both literal and political
Ruled Locations


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