Manaflux Fever

Transmission & Vectors

Manaflux Fever spreads primarily through close contact with infected individuals, especially during the advanced stages when uncontrolled mana bursts are more frequent. It can also spread through exposure to objects or surfaces touched by those with active symptoms. Magical practitioners and those who frequently interact with mana are at higher risk.


Manaflux Fever is caused by a destabilization of the mana channels within the body, triggered by a viral or magical infection that disrupts the normal regulation of magical energy. The exact origin of the infection remains mysterious, often attributed to environmental factors or exposure to magical anomalies.


Early Onset (Mild to Moderate Stage):  
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Mana exhaustion (feeling drained of magical energy)
  • Tingling sensation in hands after using magic or skills
Advanced Stage:
  • Hallucinations related to magical energies
  • Uncontrollable casting of spells or skills
  • Painful sensations when using magic or skills
  • Severe fatigue
  • Mana bursts (unpredictable surges of magical energy)
  • Falling into deep sleep after using magic or skills
Severe Conditions:
  • Intense pain and sensitivity to magical stimuli
  • Spontaneous and dangerous mana bursts that can harm nearby individuals or structures
  • Death from mana explosion (this could also devastate the area surrounding the sick individual)


There is no known cure for Manaflux Fever. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and reducing the risk of uncontrollable mana bursts:
  • Mana Control Tools: Specially crafted devices called Mana Gems are used to absorb excess mana from the infected individual, temporarily stabilizing their condition. These gems must be regularly replaced as they fill up with absorbed mana.
  • Skill Drain Techniques: Wealthier individuals may use slaves and train them to gain the skill 'Mana Drain' and then use them to drain mana from the infected person using specialized skills. However, this process is risky and can cause severe pain or even death to the skill user if the manaflux is too unstable.


The prognosis for Manaflux Fever varies depending on the individual's ability to control their magical energies and access to treatment tools. Once contracted, the fever tends to recur with increased frequency and severity upon continued magical use.


Even with treatment, those affected by Manaflux Fever are susceptible to sudden flare-ups of symptoms, especially after prolonged or intense magical activity. The reliance on mana control tools becomes crucial to prevent dangerous outbreaks of magical instability.

Hosts & Carriers

Anyone capable of using magic or possessing significant mana reserves can host Manaflux Fever. Carriers include individuals in magical professions, adventurers, and those who regularly interact with enchanted or cursed artifacts.


Preventive measures include minimizing exposure to known magical anomalies, regular cleansing of magical tools and environments, and maintaining overall magical hygiene practices. Quarantine protocols are implemented during outbreaks to limit transmission.


Manaflux Fever outbreaks tend to occur sporadically but can escalate into larger epidemics within magical communities or densely populated urban areas. Efforts to contain and manage outbreaks often involve collaboration between magical guilds, medical practitioners, and governmental authorities.

Cultural Reception

  • Stigma and Fear: Infected individuals are often stigmatized due to the unpredictable nature of Manaflux Fever. The potential for uncontrollable magical bursts and the risk of harm to others contribute to widespread fear and distrust.
  • Isolation and Segregation: In some communities, those with Manaflux Fever are isolated or segregated from the general population to minimize the risk of accidental mana bursts. This isolation can lead to social exclusion and hardship for those affected.
  • Military Exploitation: In desperate situations, particularly during times of conflict or war, carriers of Manaflux Fever may be conscripted or coerced into military service as expendable assets. They may be used as living weapons or sent on suicide missions where their unpredictable magical abilities can be directed against enemy forces.
  • Medical and Magical Research: While feared, carriers of Manaflux Fever also attract the attention of medical researchers and magical scholars seeking to understand and potentially cure the disease. Ethical considerations often arise regarding the treatment of infected individuals and the use of their conditions for experimental purposes.
  • Cultural Taboos and Traditions: Some cultures develop taboos or rituals surrounding Manaflux Fever, viewing it as a curse or divine punishment. Ritualistic practices or superstitions may arise as communities seek protection from the perceived magical affliction.
  • Legal and Regulatory Measures: Governments and magical guilds may implement strict regulations governing the movement and activities of those with Manaflux Fever. Quarantine measures, mandatory registration, and monitoring of magical activity are common to mitigate risks to public safety.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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