
Demon Lord/Hero Noxarion

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Noxarion is in peak physical condition, a necessity for his survival in both the demon realm and the human world. His body is a testament to years of intense combat and mercenary work—muscular, lean, and built for endurance. Despite his human appearance after the summoning, he retains a supernatural level of strength, agility, and resilience. His movements are fluid and precise, honed by countless battles. However, the trauma he’s endured is also evident in the slight stiffness in his posture and the scars that mark his body.

Body Features

Noxarion’s body is tall and imposing, standing at about 6’3”. His frame is muscular but not overly bulky, built more for speed and agility than sheer brute strength. His skin is pale, almost ghostly, a result of his mixed heritage and the dark magic that flows through him. Despite his physical prowess, his body bears the marks of his harsh life—scars from battles, lash marks from his time as a slave, and the faint remnants of where his raven horns were broken off. His hands are calloused from years of wielding weapons, and his knuckles are often bruised from close combat.

Facial Features

Noxarion’s face is striking, with sharp, angular features that give him a regal yet intimidating appearance. His eyes are a vivid crimson, glowing faintly in low light, a reminder of his demonic heritage. These eyes are often cold and calculating, though they can blaze with intensity when he’s angered or determined. His long, silvery-white hair falls in thick, untamed strands, reaching down to his shoulders. It contrasts sharply with his pale skin and dark clothing, giving him a haunting, otherworldly look. His lips are usually set in a grim line, and his expression is often one of restrained anger or deep contemplation.    Despite his fearsome appearance, there is a certain tragic handsomeness to Noxarion, one that speaks of lost innocence and unrelenting hardship.

Identifying Characteristics

The most significant identifying feature on Noxarion’s body is the Demon Lord Crest, a powerful and ancient symbol that looks like a tattoo engraved across his heart. The crest is intricate and dark, with swirling patterns that seem to shift and move subtly with his emotions. This crest is not just a mark of his heritage; it’s a source of immense power, allowing him to command all demons with absolute authority. The crest occasionally pulses with a faint, dark light, especially when Noxarion taps into its power or when he’s in deep emotional turmoil.

Physical quirks

  • Fingers that Always Feel Cold: Due to his demonic blood and the dark magic within him, Noxarion’s fingers are always cold to the touch, a stark contrast to the warmth of his human-like appearance.
  • Unsettling Stillness: When Noxarion is at rest, he has an unnerving stillness about him, as if he’s always ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. This stillness, combined with his intense gaze, makes others uneasy in his presence.
  • Flinching at Light Touches: Due to his traumatic past, Noxarion is extremely sensitive to unexpected physical contact. He tends to flinch or stiffen when touched lightly, even if it’s meant as a gesture of comfort or affection.

Special abilities

Demon Lord Abilities:
  • Demon Command: Noxarion can command any demon to obey his will, regardless of their power or rank. This ability is absolute, making him a feared and respected figure among demons.
  • Dark Dominion: He can spread his influence over a region, creating an area where his power is amplified, and dark magic becomes more potent. This dominion weakens enemies and strengthens allies within its range.
  • Shadow Step: Noxarion can move through shadows, allowing him to teleport short distances or become nearly invisible in low light. This ability makes him a deadly assassin, able to strike from the darkness without warning.
Mercenary Skills:
  • Tactical Mastery: Years of combat have given Noxarion a deep understanding of battlefield tactics. He can quickly assess a situation, identify weaknesses, and exploit them to his advantage. This skill is invaluable in both large-scale battles and one-on-one duels.
  • Weapon Mastery: Noxarion is proficient with a wide range of weapons, though he prefers his Sword of Shadows. He can adapt to nearly any combat situation, making use of whatever weapons are at hand.
  • Survivor’s Instinct: His time as a mercenary has sharpened his instincts, giving him an almost preternatural sense of danger. Noxarion is rarely caught off guard, and his reflexes are lightning-fast.
Dark Knight Skills:
  • Dark Slash: A powerful attack that channels dark magic through Noxarion’s blade, allowing it to cut through magical defenses and inflict lingering, corrupting wounds on his enemies.
  • Void Shield: Noxarion can conjure a shield of pure darkness that absorbs and nullifies magical attacks. The shield can also be used offensively, expanding outward in a wave of dark energy that knocks back enemies.
  • Soul Drain: Noxarion can drain the life force of his enemies, healing himself in the process. This ability is particularly effective against weaker foes, allowing him to recover quickly in the midst of battle.
  • Shadow Bind: An ability that allows Noxarion to summon shadowy chains that bind and immobilize his enemies. These chains are nearly unbreakable and can drain the strength of those they ensnare.

Apparel & Accessories

Noxarion typically wears dark, practical clothing suited for combat and travel. His standard attire includes a long, black leather coat that flows behind him like a cape, adding to his imposing presence. Underneath, he wears a fitted tunic and pants made from durable, enchanted fabric that offers some protection against physical and magical attacks. He wears heavy boots designed for both rugged terrain and combat, reinforced with metal at the toes and heels. His gloves are similarly reinforced, with the fingers cut off to allow for better grip and dexterity with his weapons.   As a reminder of his past and his authority, Noxarion wears a bracelet made of dark, enchanted metal on his right wrist. This bracelet, given to him by his mother before her death, serves as a conduit for his demonic power and allows him to access and control his magic more efficiently. The bracelet also has the secondary function of translating languages, a necessary tool in the diverse and multilingual world he navigates.

Specialized Equipment

  • Sword of Shadows: Noxarion wields a formidable weapon known as the Sword of Shadows, a massive black-bladed sword that is nearly as tall as him and is an extension of his dark powers. The blade absorbs light, making it appear almost invisible in darkness. It’s a powerful weapon that can cut through most materials with ease, and it’s particularly effective against magical barriers and enchanted foes. The sword is bound to Noxarion, responding to his will and even returning to him if separated.
  • The Demon Lord Crest: Engraved across Noxarion’s heart, this crest grants him dominion over all demons. When activated, the crest glows with a dark red light, and Noxarion can issue commands that demons are compelled to obey. The crest also amplifies his magical abilities, allowing him to cast powerful spells that would otherwise be beyond his reach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Noxarion was born under tragic circumstances, the product of a brutal act of war. His mother, a human princess from a powerful kingdom, was kidnapped by the reigning Demon Lord during a devastating conflict. She was kept as a prisoner, and after years of captivity, she bore a child—Noxarion. From birth, Noxarion was marked as different, inheriting the Demon Lord Crest, a powerful and ancient symbol that designated him as the next ruler of demons. His mixed heritage made him an object of both fear and loathing among the demons, but it also marked him as a target for his half-brother, Rexus.   Rexus, who had been raised to rule, grew jealous and fearful upon learning that his bastard half-brother was destined to take everything from him. In a bid to secure his position, Rexus killed their father and seized the mantle of Demon Lord for himself. Unable to kill Noxarion due to the prophecy that the Demon Lord Crest must be passed to Noxarion's child, Rexus instead murdered Noxarion's mother in front of him and imprisoned Noxarion, treating him as a slave and subjecting him to relentless torture. Rexus shattered Noxarion's horns as a symbolic gesture to break his spirit.   At the age of 12, Noxarion escaped his captivity. Weakened and traumatized, he was found by a mercenary company that saw potential in the fierce determination burning within him. They took him in, taught him the basics of survival, and trained him in the ways of combat. Over time, Noxarion grew stronger, fueled by a deep-seated desire for revenge.   He eventually fell in love with a fellow mercenary and started a family. However, Rexus, fearing that Noxarion might produce an heir, attacked Noxarion’s mercenary group, slaughtering everyone, including Noxarion’s wife and unborn child. This act of cruelty drove Noxarion into a rage-fueled quest for vengeance. He stormed the demon lord’s castle, killing Rexus and everyone loyal to him. Noxarion then claimed the title of Demon Lord, ruling the demon realm with an iron fist.   Noxarion’s reign, however, was not one of tyranny. He sought to create a land where demons, beastfolk, and humans could coexist in peace. Unfortunately, this peaceful rule attracted the attention of the kingdom his mother hailed from. The king, fearing that Noxarion’s royal blood could threaten his own position, declared a holy war against the demon realm. This war was justified by labeling Noxarion and his people as a "demon threat," even though they had done nothing to provoke the humans. A hero was recruited to eliminate Noxarion, leading to a brutal conflict that eventually resulted in Noxarion’s forced summoning to another world.


Noxarion’s education was far from traditional. During his early years as a slave, he was deprived of any formal learning. His only education began after his escape when the mercenaries who took him in taught him to read and write at a basic level. They also educated him in combat tactics, survival skills, and the code of mercenary life, which valued loyalty, strength, and cunning above all. Noxarion became proficient in various forms of combat, from swordsmanship to hand-to-hand fighting, and learned to read people and situations quickly—a necessary skill for a mercenary. His practical education was supplemented by the harsh realities of mercenary work, which taught him how to navigate a world filled with danger, betrayal, and moral ambiguity.


After escaping captivity, Noxarion’s primary employment was as a mercenary. He started as a low-ranking member of the company but quickly rose through the ranks due to his exceptional combat skills and ruthless efficiency. He participated in countless battles, often taking on the most dangerous missions that others feared to attempt. As a mercenary, Noxarion developed a reputation as someone who always got the job done, no matter the cost. His brutal methods earned him both respect and fear among his peers. After the massacre of his mercenary group by Rexus, Noxarion’s career as a mercenary ended, and he turned to leading the demon realm as its Demon Lord.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Escape and Survival: Escaping his brother’s imprisonment at a young age and surviving in the harsh world as a slave marked Noxarion’s first significant accomplishment.
  • Mercenary Leader: Rising to a leadership position within his mercenary company, Noxarion gained a reputation for his combat prowess and tactical acumen.
  • Revenge and Ascension: Noxarion’s greatest accomplishment was avenging his mother, wife, and unborn child by killing Rexus and taking the title of Demon Lord. Under his rule, the demon realm experienced a period of peace and prosperity, where different races could coexist.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Inability to Protect Loved Ones: Despite his strength, Noxarion failed to protect his loved ones—his mother, wife, and unborn child—all of whom were killed by Rexus.
  • Holy War: Noxarion’s efforts to maintain peace between demons and humans ultimately failed, leading to a holy war that decimated his people and led to his forced summoning to another world.
  • Struggle with Identity: Noxarion’s greatest internal failure is his struggle to reconcile his identity as both a human and a demon. This duality has left him feeling alienated and conflicted.

Mental Trauma

Noxarion’s life has been defined by trauma. The murder of his mother in front of him, years of torture and enslavement by his brother, and the loss of his wife and unborn child have left deep psychological scars. He suffers from frequent nightmares and flashbacks, often reliving the moments of his greatest pain. These experiences have made him highly distrustful of others and emotionally closed off. He struggles with feelings of guilt and rage, often directing his anger outward in violent ways.   His trauma has also led to a deep-seated fear of forming attachments, as he believes that anyone he cares about will inevitably be taken from him. This fear makes him reluctant to get close to anyone, though he craves the connection and understanding that he has been denied for so long.

Intellectual Characteristics

Noxarion is highly intelligent, though his education is unconventional. He has a keen strategic mind, honed through years of mercenary work and leading armies as a demon lord. He is a quick learner, able to adapt to new situations and environments with ease. His intellect is also marked by a deep understanding of human and demon nature, allowing him to manipulate and outthink his enemies.   Despite his intelligence, Noxarion’s emotional intelligence is less developed. He struggles to understand and express his emotions, often resorting to violence as a way to deal with his inner turmoil. His ability to read people is exceptional, but he often misinterprets kindness or empathy as weakness or deceit.

Morality & Philosophy

Noxarion’s morality is shaped by his harsh experiences and the ruthless world he grew up in. He adheres to a code of personal honor, valuing loyalty, strength, and the fulfillment of promises. However, his sense of morality is deeply pragmatic—he believes that the ends often justify the means, and he is willing to commit atrocities if he believes they are necessary for a greater good.   His philosophy is one of survival and vengeance. Noxarion believes that the strong survive and the weak perish, and he has little sympathy for those who cannot defend themselves. However, his time as a demon lord has instilled in him a desire for peace and stability, though he believes that such peace can only be achieved through strength and control.


  • Trusting Others: Noxarion finds it nearly impossible to trust others, viewing trust as a vulnerability that can be exploited.
  • Attachment: Forming close attachments is something Noxarion actively avoids, believing that it only leads to pain and loss.
  • Betrayal: Noxarion has an absolute intolerance for betrayal. He sees it as the ultimate sin and will go to great lengths to punish those who betray him or others.
  • Showing Weakness: Noxarion is deeply uncomfortable with showing any form of weakness, whether physical or emotional. He believes that weakness invites attack and must be eradicated.

Personality Characteristics


Noxarion's primary motivation is fueled by a deep desire for vengeance against his resurrected half-brother, Rexus. This drive to kill Rexus again is rooted in the trauma and loss he has suffered at his brother’s hands, including the deaths of his mother, wife, and unborn child. However, as he spends more time in the new world, Noxarion’s motivation begins to evolve. He starts to develop a desire for redemption—though he would never admit it openly—and a yearning to find a place where he belongs, a place where he is more than just a demon lord or a weapon of destruction. This complex mix of vengeance, redemption, and belonging shapes his actions and decisions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Combat Mastery: Noxarion is a formidable fighter, with unmatched skill in various forms of combat. His expertise with the sword, particularly his Sword of Shadows, is second to none, and his ability to strategize in battle gives him a significant edge over his enemies.
  • Tactical Genius: His experience as a mercenary and later as a demon lord has honed Noxarion’s strategic mind. He is quick to assess situations, identify threats, and devise plans that maximize his strengths and exploit his enemies’ weaknesses.
  • Survival Skills: Noxarion is incredibly resourceful and adaptable, able to survive in the harshest conditions with minimal resources. His instincts are sharp, allowing him to navigate treacherous environments and escape dangerous situations.
  • Reading People: Despite his social ineptitude, Noxarion has an uncanny ability to read people’s intentions, often knowing when someone is lying or hiding something. This skill makes him a formidable opponent in both physical and psychological battles.
  • Social Interactions: Noxarion struggles in social situations, often coming across as aloof, cold, or intimidating. He finds it difficult to connect with others on an emotional level and is often blunt to the point of rudeness.
  • Emotional Expression: He has difficulty understanding or expressing his emotions, leading to misunderstandings with those around him. Noxarion tends to bottle up his feelings, only releasing them in intense outbursts of anger or violence.
  • Trust Issues: Noxarion’s inability to trust others easily isolates him, making it difficult for him to form alliances or work closely with others. His constant suspicion of others' motives often leads to strained relationships.
  • Reluctance to Delegate: Used to relying on himself, Noxarion has difficulty delegating tasks or trusting others to handle situations. This often results in him taking on too much responsibility, which can lead to exhaustion and mistakes.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Solitude: Noxarion finds peace in solitude, preferring to spend time alone rather than in the company of others. He often uses this time to reflect, train, or simply enjoy the quiet.
  • The Thrill of Battle: Combat is one of the few things that brings Noxarion a sense of satisfaction. He revels in the adrenaline and challenge that comes with fighting strong opponents.
  • Loyalty: Noxarion values loyalty above all else. He respects those who are true to their word and remain steadfast in their commitments, and he returns that loyalty with fierce protection.
  • Well-Crafted Weapons: Noxarion has a deep appreciation for simple, well-crafted weapons. He values functionality and durability over ostentation and admires the craftsmanship that goes into creating such tools.
  • Betrayal: Betrayal is the ultimate sin in Noxarion’s eyes. He despises those who betray others for personal gain and harbors an intense hatred for anyone who has betrayed him.
  • Weakness: Noxarion has little patience for weakness, especially within himself. He despises any sign of vulnerability, fearing it as a potential weakness that could be exploited by his enemies.
  • Unnecessary Cruelty: Although he is no stranger to violence, Noxarion abhors unnecessary cruelty, particularly when it is inflicted on the innocent or defenseless. He believes that power should be used with purpose, not for the sake of causing suffering.
  • Manipulation: Noxarion has a deep disdain for those who manipulate others, especially those who prey on the weak or vulnerable. This is likely rooted in his own experiences of being manipulated and tortured by his brother.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Fierce Loyalty: Once Noxarion trusts someone, his loyalty is unwavering. He will go to great lengths to protect those he cares about, even if it means putting himself at risk.
  • Strong Sense of Justice: Despite his dark nature, Noxarion has a strong sense of justice, though it is heavily influenced by his experiences. He believes in punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent, even if his methods are brutal.
  • Determination: Noxarion is incredibly determined, with an indomitable will that drives him to achieve his goals no matter the obstacles. His perseverance has helped him survive and thrive in the face of overwhelming adversity.
  • Courage: Fearless in the face of danger, Noxarion’s courage is one of his defining traits. He is willing to confront any threat, no matter how powerful, if it means protecting what he values.
  • Hidden Compassion: Beneath his cold exterior, Noxarion possesses a hidden capacity for compassion, particularly towards those who have suffered as he has. This compassion is rarely shown openly, but it influences his decisions and actions in subtle ways.
  • Resilience: Noxarion’s resilience is unparalleled. He has endured physical and emotional trauma that would break most people, yet he continues to fight on, driven by his goals and sense of duty.
  • Adaptability: His experience as a mercenary and demon lord has made Noxarion highly adaptable. He can quickly adjust to new environments and challenges, making him a versatile and unpredictable opponent.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Vengeance: Noxarion’s thirst for vengeance often clouds his judgment, leading him to make reckless decisions. His desire to destroy those who have wronged him can drive him to take extreme measures, regardless of the consequences.
  • Anger: Noxarion is prone to anger, particularly when he feels threatened or when his past is brought up. This anger often manifests in violent outbursts, which can alienate those around him and exacerbate conflicts.
  • Violence as a Solution: Noxarion often resorts to violence as a means of solving problems, even when other, less destructive methods might be available. This can lead to unnecessary bloodshed and complications.
  • Self-Destruction: Noxarion’s inability to forgive himself for his past failures keeps him trapped in a cycle of self-destruction. He often pushes himself to the brink, driven by guilt and the belief that he must atone for his perceived sins.
  • Mistrust: Noxarion’s mistrust of others isolates him and makes it difficult for him to form meaningful connections. His constant suspicion leads to paranoia and can cause him to misinterpret the actions and intentions of those around him.
  • Inflexibility: Noxarion’s rigid sense of justice and morality can make him inflexible and unwilling to see things from others' perspectives. This stubbornness can lead to conflicts and missed opportunities for alliances.
  • Guilt: Noxarion is haunted by guilt over his past failures, particularly the deaths of his loved ones. This guilt drives much of his behavior, leading him to make decisions that are often self-sacrificial and destructive.
  • Fear of Attachment: Noxarion’s fear of forming attachments stems from his belief that anyone he cares about will eventually be taken from him. This fear keeps him distant from others and prevents him from forming the bonds he secretly longs for.

Personality Quirks

  • Fist Clenching: Noxarion has a habit of clenching and unclenching his fists when he’s deep in thought or agitated. This is a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil, a habit that developed during his time as a slave.
  • Statuesque Stillness: When observing a situation or contemplating his next move, Noxarion has a tendency to stand perfectly still, almost like a statue. This stillness can be unsettling to those around him, adding to his intimidating presence.
  • Sharpening his Blade: Noxarion often sharpens his Sword of Shadows when he’s lost in thought or dealing with stress. The repetitive action serves as a form of meditation for him, allowing him to focus his mind and calm his nerves.
  • Cold Hands: Noxarion’s fingers are always cold, a quirk resulting from his demonic blood. This coldness is particularly noticeable when he touches others, often startling them with the icy temperature.
  • Unblinking Gaze: Noxarion has a habit of staring intently at people when he’s listening to them or assessing a situation. His unblinking, crimson-eyed gaze can be unnerving, making others feel as though he’s looking straight through them.



Noxarion’s reign as Demon Lord began after he overthrew and killed his half-brother, Rexus, who had usurped the throne. His rule was marked by a desire to bring peace and stability to the demon realm. Unlike his predecessors, Noxarion sought to create a society where demons, beastfolk, and even humans could coexist. His reign was characterized by a strict but fair governance, where he crushed any opposition with an iron fist but also protected those who were loyal to him.   Under Noxarion’s rule, the demon realm experienced a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity. However, this peace was short-lived, as the human kingdom—fearing Noxarion’s royal bloodline—declared a holy war against the demons. This war ultimately led to Noxarion’s forced summoning to the new world, effectively ending his reign.

Contacts & Relations

  • Humans: Noxarion’s relationship with humans is complicated. As a Demon Lord, he was an enemy to most human kingdoms, though he harbored no ill will toward them unless provoked. In the new world, humans view him with suspicion and fear, despite his title as Hero. He struggles to build trust with them, knowing that his dark past will always be a shadow over his new role.
  • Demons: Noxarion is both feared and respected among demons. His rule brought stability to the demon realm, but his attempts to create peace with humans were met with resistance from more traditionalist demons. In the new world, he retains his ability to command demons, but his relationships with them are strained, as many see him as a traitor to their kind.
  • Beastfolk: Noxarion’s policies as Demon Lord were inclusive, allowing beastfolk to live peacefully in his realm. He earned their loyalty and respect, and many saw him as a protector. In the new world, beastfolk who recognize him as the Demon Lord are more likely to trust and ally with him.
  • Mercenaries: Before becoming Demon Lord, Noxarion was part of a mercenary company that became his family. His time with them taught him loyalty, camaraderie, and the harsh realities of life. Even in the new world, he feels a strong connection to other warriors and mercenaries, though he rarely allows himself to form close bonds.
  • Cult of the Banished Goddess: Unbeknownst to Noxarion, he is the target of manipulation by the Cult of the Banished Goddess, led by Princess Aurelia. The cult sees him as a potential vessel for their goddess’s return, and their influence constantly threatens to derail his attempts to find a place in the new world.

Family Ties

Noxarion’s family ties are tragic and complicated. He never met his father and didn’t even know his father’s identity until he learned that he was the heir to the demon realm. His mother, a kidnapped human princess, was the only family he knew until she was brutally murdered by his half-brother, Rexus.     Noxarion also had a wife, a fellow mercenary with whom he found brief happiness and hope for a new life. She was pregnant with their child when Rexus attacked and slaughtered them both. The loss of his wife and unborn child is a wound that Noxarion has never healed from, driving much of his anger and thirst for vengeance.     In the new world, Noxarion is gets close to Princess Aria. This connection will play a significant role in his developing relationship with her, as well as in his internal struggle between his dark past and his potential for redemption.

Religious Views

Noxarion is deeply skeptical of religion, having seen the horrors committed in the name of gods and holy wars. His experiences have left him cynical about the concept of divine justice, and he harbors a deep distrust of religious institutions.   However, Noxarion does respect the power that faith can wield, both as a source of strength for individuals and as a tool of manipulation by those in power. He views gods and goddesses as powerful beings to be wary of, rather than as figures to be worshipped. His own experiences with the Demon Lord Crest and the dark magic associated with it have made him acutely aware of the dangers of divine power.   In the new world, Noxarion’s distrust of religion puts him at odds with the kingdom’s church and the saintess, Aurelia, who is secretly manipulating events to further her own goals.

Social Aptitude

Noxarion is not naturally inclined toward social interactions, often coming across as cold, distant, or intimidating. His social aptitude is limited by his lack of trust in others and his inability to easily relate to people on an emotional level. He is blunt and to the point, often missing the nuances of social cues or the subtleties of diplomacy.     Despite this, Noxarion has a commanding presence that demands respect. His confidence and aura of authority make him a natural leader, even if he is not always comfortable in the role. He is more at ease in situations where strength and power are the currency, such as in battle or negotiations with other warriors. His reputation as a fearsome fighter and his status as Demon Lord often precede him, making others cautious or deferential in his presence.


  • Direct and Blunt: Noxarion speaks his mind without hesitation, often ignoring the potential impact of his words on others. He values honesty and sees no point in sugarcoating the truth.
  • Intense Gaze: Noxarion’s unblinking, crimson-eyed stare can be unnerving to those he interacts with. He often uses his intense gaze to gauge the reactions of others, making them feel as though they are being scrutinized deeply.
  • Minimal Gestures: Noxarion rarely uses unnecessary gestures or movements. When he speaks or acts, it is with purpose and precision, reflecting his disciplined nature.
  • Silence as a Weapon: Noxarion often uses silence to his advantage, allowing it to create tension or discomfort in conversations. He is not one to fill the air with idle chatter and prefers to speak only when necessary.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Shadowfang: During his reign as Demon Lord, Noxarion had a loyal companion—a massive, shadowy wolf named Shadowfang. The wolf was more than just a pet; it was a guardian and a symbol of Noxarion’s connection to the dark forces of the demon realm. Shadowfang was fiercely protective of Noxarion and often accompanied him into battle.
  • In the new world, Noxarion no longer has Shadowfang, but the memory of the creature remains with him. He occasionally finds himself longing for the silent companionship the wolf provided, though he would never admit it.
  • Blade Crafting: One of the few hobbies Noxarion indulges in is the crafting and maintenance of weapons. He finds a certain peace in sharpening his blade or working on improving a weapon’s balance. This hobby is both practical and meditative, allowing him to focus his mind and keep his combat skills sharp.
  • Training: Noxarion spends much of his free time training, either in combat drills or in honing his dark magic. For him, training is not just about maintaining his edge; it’s a way to channel his anger and frustration into something productive.


Noxarion’s speech is as controlled and disciplined as his physical actions. He speaks in a low, measured tone, with a voice that carries a certain gravitas. His words are often direct and to the point, with little room for ambiguity. Noxarion prefers to let his actions speak for themselves, but when he does speak, his words carry weight.
  • Laconic: Noxarion tends to speak in short, concise sentences, rarely wasting words. He values efficiency in communication, and his speech reflects this.
  • Formal: Despite his mercenary background, Noxarion’s speech has a formal quality, likely influenced by his time as Demon Lord. He uses proper grammar and avoids slang or colloquial language, which adds to his intimidating presence.
  • Intimidating: Noxarion’s voice has an intimidating edge, particularly when he is angry or issuing commands. His tone can be harsh, and he often speaks with an authority that brooks no argument.
  • Occasional Softness: In rare moments, particularly when speaking to someone he cares about, Noxarion’s voice softens, revealing a side of him that is usually hidden. These moments are fleeting, but they show that beneath his hardened exterior, there is a capacity for gentleness.

Wealth & Financial state

Noxarion’s wealth as Demon Lord was vast, though he placed little value on material possessions. The demon realm under his rule was rich in resources, and he controlled vast treasuries filled with gold, precious gems, and magical artifacts. However, Noxarion’s focus was always on power and strength rather than wealth. Most of his riches were used to fortify his domain, fund his military, and ensure the prosperity of his people.   In the new world, Noxarion’s wealth is of little use. He arrives with nothing but his combat skills and the power of his Demon Lord Crest. The title of Hero brings with it certain privileges, including access to royal funds and resources, but Noxarion is wary of accepting these, preferring to earn what he needs through his own efforts.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Demon Lord: In his original world, Noxarion holds the title of "Demon Lord," a position of immense power and responsibility. This title marks him as the ruler of all demons, with authority over the entire demon realm. The title carries a dark legacy, associated with fear and destruction, but also with leadership and the potential for peace.
  • Hero: Upon being summoned to the new world, Noxarion is reluctantly given the title of "Hero" by the kingdom that summoned him. This title is meant to signify his role in defeating the demon lord Rexus, but Noxarion struggles with this identity, feeling that it conflicts with his nature and past. The title of Hero is both a burden and a paradox for Noxarion, as it forces him to confront the duality of his existence as both a destroyer and a potential savior.
Appears to be around 18, but is actually much older due to his demon heritage.
Date of Birth
Unknown, as demons don't adhere to human calendars.
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a dying mother who was slaughtered due to a power struggle.
The Abyss, a realm of chaos and darkness.
Crimson, piercing and intense, medium-sized, almond-shaped.
Long and silvery white, flowing, often loosely tied back to keep it out of his face.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale complexion, smooth with no visible blemishes.


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