Prince Lysander

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Height and Build: Lysander stands at about 6 feet tall, with a lean but muscular build. His body is well-toned, reflecting his dedication to physical training and combat readiness.
  • Facial Features: Lysander's face is sharp and well-defined, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a slightly aquiline nose. His deep blue eyes are often narrowed in thought or calculation, giving him a penetrating gaze.
  • Identifying Features: Lysander’s most striking features are his eyes, which are a deep, intense blue, and his commanding presence, which can be intimidating to those who meet him.

Facial Features

  • Narrowed Eyes: Lysander often narrows his eyes when he is thinking deeply or assessing someone. This habit gives him a calculating appearance and can make others feel as though they are being scrutinized.
  • Tense Posture: Lysander’s posture is often tense, particularly when he is in a situation where he feels his authority might be challenged. His shoulders are usually squared, and his movements are precise and controlled.

Special abilities

Lysander’s abilities are a combination of his natural talents as a leader and the skills he has honed through years of training.   Leadership and Strategy:
  • Tactical Genius: Lysander is a brilliant tactician, able to devise complex battle plans and strategies that often outmaneuver his enemies. He excels in both military and political strategy, always thinking several steps ahead.
  • Charismatic Leader: Lysander has a natural charisma that draws people to him. He knows how to inspire loyalty and command respect, making him a strong leader both on and off the battlefield.
Combat Skills:
  • Master Swordsman: Lysander is an accomplished swordsman, having trained in various forms of combat since childhood. His skill with a blade is exceptional, and he is known for his speed and precision in battle.
  • Magic Resistance: Due to his enchanted armor and natural resilience, Lysander has a strong resistance to magic, particularly spells that attempt to influence his mind or emotions.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Royal Attire: Lysander wears clothing befitting a crown prince, favoring dark, rich fabrics like velvet and brocade. His outfits are often adorned with silver or gold embroidery, and he frequently wears a cloak fastened with a silver clasp bearing the royal crest.
  • Crown Prince’s Circlet: As the crown prince, Lysander wears a circlet of silver, studded with small sapphires. This circlet is a symbol of his status as heir to the throne and is worn during official ceremonies and important gatherings.
  • Sword of the Heir: Lysander carries a finely crafted sword, passed down through the royal family to each heir. The sword is both a weapon and a symbol of his future kingship, with a hilt engraved with the royal emblem.

Specialized Equipment

  • Enchanted Armor: Lysander wears a set of enchanted armor during combat training and battles. The armor is lightweight but incredibly strong, providing protection without sacrificing mobility. It is also enchanted to resist magical attacks, making Lysander a formidable opponent.
  • Talisman of Ambition: Like his father, Lysander possesses a talisman that amplifies his natural charisma and influence. This talisman, given to him by King Aldric, helps him to win over allies and sway opinions in his favor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prince Lysander was born as the first son and heir to the throne of Eldoria, raised from a young age with the expectation that he would one day succeed his father, King Aldric. His upbringing was strict, focusing on the responsibilities of leadership and the importance of maintaining the royal family's power. Lysander quickly absorbed these lessons, developing a strong sense of ambition and a desire to prove himself as a worthy successor to his father.   As he grew older, Lysander became increasingly aware of the political dynamics within the royal family, particularly the influence of his sister, Aurelia. While he respects Aurelia's intelligence and abilities, Lysander views her as a potential threat to his future reign, especially given her close ties to the church. However, Lysander is astute enough to recognize the danger of acting against Aurelia directly, understanding that her position as a saintess makes her untouchable in the eyes of the people and the church.   Lysander has focused on solidifying his own power base, aligning himself with key nobles and military leaders who support his claim to the throne. He is known for his cunning and ruthlessness, traits he inherited from his father, and he is determined to secure his position as the future king, no matter the cost.

Personality Characteristics


Lysander’s primary motivation is to secure his position as the future king of Eldoria. He is driven by a desire for power and a need to prove himself as a worthy successor to his father. Lysander believes that the only way to ensure the kingdom’s stability and strength is through his own leadership, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.   Lysander is also motivated by a deep-seated fear of losing his position. He is constantly aware of the potential threats to his claim to the throne, particularly from his sister, Aurelia. While he cannot move against her directly due to her ties to the church, Lysander is always looking for ways to weaken her influence and solidify his own power base.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Political Strategy: Lysander is highly skilled in political maneuvering, understanding the intricacies of court politics and power dynamics. He is adept at forming alliances, manipulating others, and outmaneuvering his rivals.
  • Combat Mastery: Lysander excels in combat, particularly with a sword. He is a disciplined and skilled warrior, capable of holding his own against multiple opponents.
  • Leadership: Lysander is a natural leader, able to command respect and loyalty from those around him. His charisma and strategic mind make him an effective ruler-in-waiting.
  • Emotional Connection: Lysander struggles to form genuine emotional connections with others, including his family. His focus on power and control often leads him to view relationships as tools to be used, rather than as meaningful bonds.
  • Religious Diplomacy: Like his father, Lysander has difficulty navigating the complex relationship between the crown and the church. He views the church as a potential threat to his authority and has little patience for its influence in the kingdom.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Power and Control: Lysander thrives on power and control, finding satisfaction in the exercise of authority and the ability to shape the kingdom according to his will.
  • Combat Training: Lysander enjoys combat training and often spends time honing his skills with the sword. He views physical prowess as an essential aspect of kingship.
  • Strategic Games: Lysander enjoys games of strategy, such as chess or tactical simulations. These activities allow him to sharpen his mind and indulge his love of planning and competition.
  • Weakness: Lysander despises weakness, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental. He has little tolerance for those who cannot defend themselves or who show signs of vulnerability.
  • Defiance: Lysander has no patience for defiance or rebellion. He expects absolute obedience from those around him and is quick to assert his authority when challenged.
  • The Church: Lysander views the church as a potential rival to the crown’s authority. He resents its influence over the people and is constantly seeking ways to undermine its power.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Determination: Lysander is incredibly determined, with a relentless drive to achieve his goals. Once he sets his mind on something, he pursues it with unwavering focus and dedication.
  • Strategic Mind: Lysander’s strategic thinking is one of his greatest strengths. He is always planning several steps ahead, anticipating the moves of his enemies and crafting plans that ensure his success.
  • Leadership: Despite his ruthlessness, Lysander is an effective leader who commands respect and loyalty from his followers. His ability to maintain order and stability is a testament to his leadership skills.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Coldness: Lysander’s cold and calculating nature makes it difficult for him to form genuine relationships. His focus on power and control often leads him to neglect the emotional needs of those around him.
  • Paranoia: Lysander’s obsession with securing his position has bred a deep-seated paranoia. He is constantly suspicious of those around him, believing that everyone is a potential threat to his claim to the throne.
  • Ruthlessness: Lysander’s determination to achieve his goals can lead him to make ruthless decisions, often at the expense of others. He is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to secure his position as king.

Personality Quirks

  • Sword Practice: Lysander often practices with his sword when he is deep in thought or frustrated. This physical activity helps him clear his mind and focus on his next move.
  • Sharp Gaze: Lysander’s eyes are often narrowed in thought or calculation, giving him a sharp, intense expression. This gaze can be intimidating to those who meet it, making others feel as though they are being scrutinized.



Lysander has not yet begun his reign, but he is already preparing for the day he will ascend to the throne. He is actively involved in the governance of the kingdom, often advising his father on matters of state and participating in military campaigns. Lysander views his future reign as an opportunity to solidify the kingdom’s power and ensure its dominance over rival states.

Contacts & Relations

  • King Aldric: Lysander has a complex relationship with his father, King Aldric. He respects his father’s power and authority, but he is also determined to prove himself as a worthy successor. While there is a sense of rivalry between them, Lysander ultimately views his father as a mentor and role model in the pursuit of power.
  • Princess Aurelia: Lysander views his sister, Aurelia, as a potential threat to his future reign. He is wary of her influence, particularly her ties to the church, and is constantly looking for ways to undermine her without directly challenging her position.
  • Other Siblings: Lysander’s relationships with his other siblings are distant and largely transactional. He views them as potential allies or obstacles in his path to the throne, but he has little personal connection to them.
  • Nobility: Lysander has cultivated strong ties with key nobles and military leaders who support his claim to the throne. He is skilled at navigating the complex web of alliances within the court, using his influence to secure loyalty and eliminate rivals.

Family Ties

Lysander’s family ties are defined by his position as crown prince. While he respects his father and recognizes the potential threat posed by his sister Aurelia, his relationships with his other siblings are largely driven by political considerations rather than personal affection.
  • King Aldric: Lysander’s relationship with his father is one of mutual respect and rivalry. He seeks to prove himself as a worthy successor, while also learning from his father’s example in the pursuit of power.
  • Princess Aurelia: Lysander views Aurelia as a potential threat to his future reign, particularly due to her ties to the church. While he cannot act against her directly, he is constantly looking for ways to weaken her influence.
  • Other Siblings: Lysander’s relationships with his other siblings, including Prince Tobias and Princess Aria, are distant. He sees them primarily as potential allies or obstacles in his path to the throne, and he interacts with them accordingly.

Religious Views

Lysander’s relationship with religion is complicated. While he publicly adheres to the teachings of the Eldorian Church, he views the church as a potential rival to the crown’s authority. Lysander is wary of the church’s influence over the people and sees it as a threat to his future rule. He is constantly seeking ways to undermine the church’s power, though he understands the importance of maintaining a public facade of piety.

Social Aptitude

Lysander is highly skilled in social interactions, particularly in the context of court politics. He is a master of diplomacy and negotiation, able to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries that define the royal court. His charisma and authority make him a formidable presence, and he is able to command respect and loyalty from those around him.   Despite his social skills, Lysander’s interactions are often driven by a desire for control, rather than genuine connection. He views relationships primarily in terms of power dynamics, and his cold, calculating nature can make it difficult for others to form emotional bonds with him. Lysander is always aware of the potential threats posed by those around him, and he is constantly assessing their loyalties and weaknesses.


Regal Bearing: Lysander carries himself with the regal bearing of a crown prince, always standing tall and exuding confidence. His posture is one of dominance, making it clear that he expects others to bow to his will.
  • Cold Gaze: Lysander’s deep blue eyes often fix on others with a cold, unblinking stare. This gaze is both intimidating and unsettling, making those who meet his eyes feel as though they are being scrutinized down to their very soul.
  • Deliberate Silence: Lysander often uses silence as a tool in social interactions, allowing others to speak first and reveal their intentions before he responds. This silence is deliberate and calculating, designed to put others on edge and give him the upper hand.

Hobbies & Pets

  • War Horse: Lysander has a prized war horse, a powerful black stallion named Vengeance. The horse is highly trained and serves as both a symbol of his status and a valuable asset in battle.
  • Combat Training: Lysander enjoys combat training, particularly with his sword. He views physical prowess as an essential aspect of kingship and spends much of his free time honing his skills.
  • Strategic Games: Lysander enjoys games of strategy, such as chess or tactical simulations. These activities allow him to sharpen his mind and indulge his love of planning and competition.


Lysander’s speech is characterized by its cold, calculated tone. He speaks with authority and precision, often using his words to manipulate or intimidate others. His deep, resonant voice commands attention, and he rarely raises it, relying instead on the power of his presence to convey his dominance.
  • Commanding Tone: Lysander speaks with a commanding tone, expecting his orders to be followed without question. He does not tolerate defiance and often uses his voice as a weapon to enforce his will.
  • Measured Speech: Lysander chooses his words carefully, often pausing to assess the situation before responding. His speech is deliberate and calculating, designed to achieve specific outcomes in his interactions.
  • Intimidating Silence: Lysander often uses silence as a tool in social interactions, allowing the weight of his presence to fill the room. This silence is often more intimidating than any words he could speak, forcing others to fill the void with their own anxieties.

Wealth & Financial state

As the crown prince, Lysander has access to significant wealth, including lands, estates, and the royal treasury. He uses this wealth to fund his endeavors, whether it be military campaigns, political alliances, or personal luxuries. Lysander views wealth as a tool for maintaining and expanding his power, and he is careful to manage it wisely.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Crown Prince of Eldoria: Lysander holds the title of Crown Prince, making him the heir apparent to the throne of Eldoria. This title grants him significant power and influence within the kingdom, as well as the expectation that he will one day rule as king.
Deep, piercing blue
Dark brown, almost black, and is kept short in a style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His complexion is fair, though his skin has a healthy tone from his time spent training outdoors.


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