Prince Tobias

Prince Tobias Aldric Eldoria

Physical Description

Body Features

Tobias is a small and delicate-looking boy, often underestimated due to his slight build and youthful appearance. Despite his small stature, Tobias carries himself with a quiet dignity, his posture always straight, and his movements deliberate and careful. The most distinctive feature about him is the green, dark gem embedded in the back of his hand, which faintly glows whenever he channels his magical abilities.

Facial Features

He shares the same golden hair and emerald green eyes as his sister Aria, giving him a striking resemblance to her. His hair is soft and slightly unruly, often falling into his eyes as he bends over books or studies his magic.

Special abilities

Tobias’s magical abilities are centered around time manipulation, a rare and powerful form of magic that he is still learning to control. Though his skills are still in their infancy, he has already shown an impressive aptitude for slowing down or speeding up time within a limited area, allowing him to gain a strategic advantage in certain situations. This power holds great potential for both combat and more subtle applications, such as evading danger or giving himself more time to think and react. Tobias’s habit of speaking to himself when practicing magic, often as if explaining the process aloud, helps him focus and refine his abilities. While he is still far from mastering his time magic, Tobias’s determination to learn and grow suggests that he may one day become a formidable mage in his own right.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tobias, the youngest prince of Eldoria, was born to King Aldric and a concubine, which has always placed him in a lower status within the royal hierarchy. Despite this, he was raised with love and kindness, primarily by his mother and older sister Aria, who have always been protective of him. From an early age, Tobias showed a remarkable intelligence and curiosity about the world around him, traits that set him apart from his more ambitious and power-hungry siblings. He spent much of his childhood exploring the hidden corners of the palace, reading every book he could find on history and magic, and practicing his budding magical abilities in secret. Tobias's close relationship with Aria has been a cornerstone of his life, and he often turns to her for guidance and support. While he is aware of the social stigma attached to his mother's status, Tobias remains optimistic and determined to prove his worth, not just as a prince, but as someone who can make a difference in the kingdom.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tobias is a kind-hearted and thoughtful young prince, characterized by his unwavering optimism and resilience despite the challenges he faces due to his lower status. He is deeply compassionate, often going out of his way to help those in need, even if it means putting himself at risk. His intelligence and insatiable curiosity drive him to constantly learn and explore, leading to a remarkable wisdom for someone of his age. Tobias is not one to seek power or dominance like some of his siblings; instead, he is motivated by a genuine desire to protect and care for those he loves, particularly his sister Aria. However, beneath his polite and gentle exterior lies a determination to prove his worth, both to himself and to the kingdom, and a quiet ambition to master his unique magical abilities. Tobias’s inner strength is coupled with a strong sense of justice, making him a potential force for good in the tumultuous world of Eldoria.

Personality Characteristics


Tobias is driven by a strong desire to prove himself worthy, not just as a prince, but as an individual who can contribute meaningfully to the future of Eldoria. He is motivated by a deep love for his sister Aria and a fierce determination to protect her, especially as the kingdom faces growing dangers. Tobias’s secret training in time magic fuels his hope that one day he can make a significant difference in Eldoria’s fate, using his unique abilities to safeguard those he cares about and perhaps even change the course of history.

Personality Quirks

Tobias has a habit of fiddling with the gem on the back of his hand when he is nervous or deep in thought, a gesture that reveals both his connection to his magic and his underlying insecurities. He also tends to speak softly to himself when practicing magic, almost as if teaching himself or reinforcing his understanding through verbal affirmation. This quirk, while endearing, is also a sign of his methodical approach to learning and his desire to fully grasp the complexities of his abilities.


Family Ties

Tobias has a deep bond with his sister Aria, looking up to her not just as a sibling but as a role model and protector. He shares her compassionate nature and often seeks her advice or comfort when he feels uncertain or overwhelmed. While his relationship with his father, King Aldric, is more distant, Tobias respects his authority but does not share his ruthless pursuit of power. His relationship with his other siblings is complex; he admires their strengths but is wary of their ambitions, especially in the cutthroat environment of the royal court. Despite the challenges he faces due to his lower status, Tobias remains determined to forge his own path and prove his worth, driven by love, curiosity, and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Social Aptitude

Though Tobias is polite and thoughtful in his interactions, he often feels out of place in large social gatherings, where the judgment of others regarding his mother's concubine status weighs heavily on him. He prefers smaller, more intimate settings where he can engage in meaningful conversations or learn from those around him. His natural curiosity leads him to ask many questions, sometimes to the point of surprising others with his insights and knowledge. Despite his discomfort in formal settings, Tobias is well-liked by those who know him for his kindness and genuine nature, though his quiet demeanor can sometimes be mistaken for shyness or weakness by those who don’t see his true potential.


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