Princess Aria

Princess Aria Serephina Eldoria

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Princess Aria is in good physical condition, though her lifestyle as a royal means she has not faced the same physical hardships as someone like Noxarion. Her body is graceful and slender, reflecting her noble upbringing. Despite her delicate appearance, Aria is stronger than she seems, particularly when it comes to endurance and resilience. Her Summoner abilities have required her to maintain a certain level of physical and mental discipline, though she is more accustomed to the intellectual and magical demands of her role rather than physical combat.

Body Features

Aria’s body is slender and willowy, with a graceful, almost ethereal quality to her movements. She stands at about 5’6”, with a lithe frame that is well-suited to the flowing gowns and robes she typically wears. Her skin is a flawless porcelain, unmarked by scars or blemishes, a testament to her sheltered life within the royal palace. Her posture is upright and elegant, with a natural poise that comes from years of royal training. Despite her refined appearance, there is a quiet strength in the way she carries herself, a determination that belies her gentle demeanor.

Facial Features

Aria’s face is soft and delicate, with features that are both striking and refined. Her eyes are a vivid emerald green, large and expressive, often reflecting her emotions more than she would like. They are framed by long, dark lashes that accentuate their brightness. Her hair is a rich, golden blonde, cascading down her back in loose waves that catch the light in a way that gives it a glowing quality. Her complexion is fair, with a natural rosiness to her cheeks that gives her an air of youthful innocence. Her lips are full and naturally pink, often set in a serene smile that masks the turmoil she feels inside.

Identifying Characteristics

One of Aria’s most distinctive features is the green gem embedded in the back of her right hand, a symbol of her Summoner class. The gem is small but vibrant, glowing faintly with a magical energy that pulses in time with her heartbeat. This gem is both a source of her power and a constant reminder of her responsibilities as a Summoner. It is warm to the touch and reacts to her emotions, glowing more intensely when she is casting spells or feeling strong emotions.

Physical quirks

  • Twirling Hair: Aria has a habit of twirling a strand of her golden hair around her finger when she is deep in thought or nervous. This small, unconscious gesture is one of the few ways she reveals her inner anxiety.
  • Restless Hands: When she is sitting or standing still, Aria often fiddles with her fingers or traces the outline of the gem on her hand. This habit is a subtle sign of her restless energy and the pressure she feels to constantly be in control.
  • Quick Blush: Aria blushes easily, whether from embarrassment, frustration, or flattery. The pink hue that quickly rises to her cheeks is a telltale sign of her emotions, even when she tries to maintain a composed exterior.

Special abilities

As a Summoner, Aria possesses a unique set of abilities that allow her to call forth spirits and otherworldly beings to aid her in battle or perform tasks. Her powers are still developing, but she has shown great potential in the following areas: Summoning Abilities:
  • Spirit Call: Aria can summon lesser spirits to aid her in various ways. These spirits can be used to perform simple tasks, such as scouting an area, or to provide support in battle by distracting enemies or shielding allies.
  • Elemental Summoning: Aria has the ability to summon elemental spirits—such as fire, water, earth, and air—to assist her in combat. Each elemental spirit has unique abilities that Aria can command, such as creating barriers, attacking enemies, or manipulating the environment.
  • Guardian Summon: Aria can summon a powerful guardian spirit to protect her and her allies. This guardian is a large, formidable entity that can engage in direct combat, providing both offense and defense in battle.
  • Healing Spirit: One of Aria’s most cherished abilities is the ability to summon a healing spirit that can mend wounds and restore vitality. This spirit is particularly useful in keeping her allies in fighting condition during prolonged battles.
  • Otherworld Summoning: Aria’s most advanced ability allows her to summon beings from other worlds or dimensions. This is a highly dangerous and unpredictable power, as the beings she summons may not always be benevolent. However, when successfully controlled, these beings can wield immense power and turn the tide of battle.
Other Abilities:
  • Ritual Magic: Aria is skilled in performing ritualistic magic, which requires careful preparation and concentration. These rituals can enhance her summoning abilities, create powerful protective wards, or even alter the flow of time and space in a limited area.
  • Telepathic Communication: Through her bond with the spirits she summons, Aria has developed the ability to communicate telepathically with them. This allows her to issue commands silently and coordinate with her summoned allies more effectively.

Apparel & Accessories

Aria’s wardrobe reflects her status as a princess, filled with elegant gowns and robes made from the finest materials. She prefers soft, flowing fabrics in pastel colors—pale blues, pinks, and greens—that complement her fair complexion and golden hair. Her dresses are often adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate lace, designed to enhance her natural beauty without being overly ostentatious.
  • Royal Gown: Aria’s typical attire includes a long, flowing gown made of silk or velvet, with a fitted bodice and a full skirt that trails slightly behind her. The gown is usually accented with gold or silver thread, creating a shimmering effect when she moves.
  • Summoner’s Robe: When practicing her magic or performing rituals, Aria wears a special robe that signifies her role as a Summoner. This robe is a deep green, symbolizing her connection to nature and the spirits she summons. It is lightweight and designed for ease of movement, with a hood that she can pull up when concentrating on her magic.
  • Jewelry: Aria’s accessories are understated but elegant. She often wears a simple gold necklace with a small emerald pendant, matching the gem in her hand. She also wears gold bracelets and a delicate tiara, a symbol of her royal status.
  • Shoes: Aria’s shoes are practical yet stylish, usually soft leather slippers or low-heeled boots that allow her to move gracefully without discomfort.

Specialized Equipment

  • Summoner’s Staff: Aria wields a staff made from a rare, enchanted wood that amplifies her Summoner abilities. The staff is topped with a crystal that matches the gem in her hand, glowing with the same magical energy. The staff is both a tool and a weapon, used to channel her magic more effectively and to focus her summoning spells.
  • Amulet of Protection: As a precaution against the dangers she faces, Aria wears an amulet imbued with protective magic. This amulet creates a barrier that shields her from physical and magical harm, though its power is limited and must be recharged after extensive use.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Princess Aria Seraphine Eldoria was born as the second youngest of five siblings in the royal family of Eldoria. Her mother was a concubine, which, from the beginning, made Aria’s position in the royal court precarious. Although she was raised as a princess, her status was constantly overshadowed by her older siblings, who saw her as little more than a pawn in the royal power games. From a young age, Aria displayed a strong will and a kind heart, qualities that set her apart from the more ruthless and ambitious members of her family. She was particularly close to her younger brother, who shared her mother’s status as a concubine’s child. Together, they endured the bullying and harsh treatment from their older siblings, with Aria often taking the brunt of the abuse to protect her brother.   As she grew older, Aria became more aware of the political machinations around her. She realized that her worth in the royal court was tied to her ability to be useful, and she sought ways to prove her value. When she awakened the rare class of Summoner, she devoted herself to mastering this power, hoping it would elevate her status and give her the strength to protect those she cared about.   Aria’s world was shattered when she was forced to participate in a ritual to summon a hero to save the kingdom from the demon lord, Rexus. The ritual was interrupted by a demonic attack, leading to chaos and the summoning of Noxarion instead. Though initially terrified of the powerful and dark figure before her, Aria soon realized that Noxarion might be the key to saving her kingdom and proving her own worth.


Aria received a royal education, though it was less comprehensive than that of her elder siblings. She was taught the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, and court etiquette, but her education also focused heavily on subjects deemed appropriate for a princess—such as music, dance, and needlework. Despite the limited scope, Aria showed a keen interest in history and magic, particularly after awakening her Summoner class.   When her magical abilities became evident, Aria was assigned a tutor in the arcane arts. She learned how to summon and control lesser spirits, though her training was abruptly cut short when she was forced to participate in the hero-summoning ritual. Her education in magic is incomplete, and she often feels inadequate compared to those who have had the opportunity to fully develop their powers.


As a princess, Aria’s role in the kingdom was largely ceremonial. She attended court functions, represented her family at social events, and was expected to marry into another noble house to strengthen political alliances. However, Aria’s true passion lay in using her Summoner abilities to protect the kingdom. Despite her limited training, she took it upon herself to help defend the kingdom from minor threats, summoning spirits to aid in battles against rogue monsters or bandits.   Her most significant “employment” was her role in the hero-summoning ritual. Though she was forced into it, Aria’s participation in the ritual marked a turning point in her life, leading to her partnership with Noxarion and setting her on a path that would determine the fate of the kingdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Awakening as a Summoner: Aria’s most notable achievement is the awakening of her Summoner class, a rare and powerful magical ability that allowed her to summon and control spirits. This ability set her apart from her siblings and gave her a sense of purpose.
  • Successful Hero Summoning (with complications): Despite the chaos that ensued, Aria was part of the ritual that successfully summoned Noxarion, a being of immense power. Though not the intended outcome, this act has positioned her as a key figure in the struggle against the demon lord, Rexus.
  • Protecting Her Brother: Throughout her life, Aria has successfully protected her younger brother from the cruelty of their elder siblings. This protective instinct is one of her greatest sources of pride.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Inadequate Magical Training: Aria’s training as a Summoner was cut short due to political circumstances and the expectations placed on her as a princess. This lack of training leaves her feeling unprepared and insecure about her abilities.
  • Unintended Summoning: The hero-summoning ritual did not go as planned, resulting in the summoning of Noxarion instead of the intended hero. While Noxarion has the potential to help the kingdom, the chaotic nature of the summoning and its aftermath is seen by some as a failure on Aria’s part.
  • Strained Relationships with Siblings: Despite her efforts, Aria has failed to build positive relationships with most of her siblings, leading to a sense of isolation within her own family.

Mental Trauma

Aria carries significant mental trauma from her childhood. The constant bullying and harsh treatment from her older siblings have left deep emotional scars, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. She often questions her worth and fears that she will never be more than a pawn in the games of those more powerful than her. The hero-summoning ritual was also a traumatic experience for Aria. The violence and chaos of the demonic attack, combined with the uncertainty of Noxarion’s intentions, have left her with lingering fear and anxiety. She struggles with the weight of her responsibilities and the knowledge that the fate of the kingdom may rest on her shoulders.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aria is intelligent and quick-witted, with a natural curiosity that drives her to learn as much as she can about the world around her. She has a strong affinity for magic and an innate understanding of the arcane, though her lack of formal training has left her with gaps in her knowledge. Despite her insecurities, Aria has a sharp mind for strategy, particularly when it comes to navigating the complexities of court politics. She understands the importance of alliances and is adept at reading people’s intentions, though she sometimes struggles to assert herself in the presence of those who hold more power.   Aria’s intelligence is tempered by her compassion. She values empathy and understanding, and she often tries to see things from others’ perspectives before making decisions. This makes her a thoughtful and considerate leader, though it can also make her vulnerable to manipulation.

Morality & Philosophy

Aria’s moral compass is guided by her strong sense of justice and compassion. She believes in doing what is right, even when it is difficult, and she strives to protect the innocent and defend those who cannot defend themselves. Aria is deeply empathetic, and she feels a strong sense of responsibility for the well-being of others, particularly those who have been marginalized or mistreated.
However, Aria’s morality is also shaped by the harsh realities of her upbringing. She understands that the world is not always fair and that sometimes difficult choices must be made for the greater good. While she prefers to avoid violence, she recognizes that it is sometimes necessary to protect what she loves. This pragmatic approach to morality makes her more willing to work with someone like Noxarion, despite his dark past.


  • Betrayal: Aria has a strong aversion to betrayal, particularly within her own family. Having experienced betrayal from her siblings, she values loyalty and honesty above all else.
  • Using People as Pawns: Aria deeply dislikes the idea of using people as mere tools or pawns, a common practice in the royal court. She strives to treat everyone with respect and refuses to manipulate others for her own gain.
  • Harming the Innocent: Aria cannot tolerate the harm of innocent people, especially children. She will go to great lengths to protect those who are vulnerable and ensure that they are not caught in the crossfire of political or magical conflicts.

Personality Characteristics


Princess Aria is driven by several powerful motivations. Foremost among them is her desire to prove her worth, not just to her family but to herself. Having grown up overshadowed by her older siblings and treated as less important due to her mother’s status as a concubine, Aria is determined to show that she is capable of great things. This desire for validation is closely tied to her sense of duty to her kingdom. She feels a deep responsibility to protect her people, especially her younger brother, who has also been marginalized by the royal family. Aria is also motivated by her Summoner abilities; she believes that she was given this power for a reason, and she is determined to use it for the greater good.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Magic and Summoning: Aria is highly skilled in magic, particularly in the art of summoning spirits and performing ritualistic spells. Her natural affinity for magic makes her a powerful Summoner, capable of calling forth beings from other realms to aid her.
  • Diplomacy and Social Grace: Aria has a strong understanding of court politics and is adept at navigating social situations with grace and diplomacy. Her ability to read people and understand their motivations allows her to mediate conflicts and build alliances.
  • Empathy: Aria’s ability to empathize with others makes her a natural leader and mediator. She has a deep understanding of human emotions, which allows her to connect with people on a personal level and inspire loyalty and trust.
  • Physical Combat: Aria is not trained in physical combat and lacks the strength and skill to engage in direct battles. She relies on her magic and the protection of others when faced with physical threats.
  • Self-Doubt: Aria struggles with self-doubt, often questioning her abilities and decisions. This insecurity can lead to hesitation and indecision, particularly in high-pressure situations.
  • Inexperience with Danger: Due to her sheltered upbringing, Aria is inexperienced with the real-world dangers that exist outside the royal palace. This can make her overly reliant on others for protection and guidance in dangerous situations.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Peaceful Solitude: Aria enjoys moments of quiet solitude, where she can reflect on her thoughts and practice her magic in peace. She finds comfort in these peaceful moments, away from the pressures of court life.
  • Ancient Texts: Aria has a passion for reading, particularly ancient texts and magical tomes. She enjoys learning about the history of her kingdom and the arcane knowledge that can help her better understand her powers.
  • Nature: Aria feels a strong connection to nature and often spends time in the palace gardens or the nearby forests. She finds the natural world to be a source of inspiration and solace.
  • Loyalty and Kindness: Aria values loyalty, honesty, and kindness in others. She is drawn to people who share her values and who treat others with respect and compassion.
  • Deception and Manipulation: Aria has a strong aversion to deception and manipulation, having witnessed how such behavior can harm others. She despises those who use others for their own gain, especially when it involves cruelty or betrayal.
  • Cruelty: Aria cannot tolerate cruelty, particularly when it is directed at the innocent or vulnerable. She believes that power should be used to protect, not to harm, and she is quick to stand up against those who abuse their power.
  • Violence: Aria prefers to resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding rather than violence. While she recognizes that sometimes violence is necessary, she dislikes it and seeks peaceful solutions whenever possible.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Compassion: Aria is deeply compassionate, always seeking to understand and help those in need. Her empathy allows her to connect with others on a profound level, making her a trusted confidante and leader.
  • Resilience: Despite her insecurities and the challenges she faces, Aria possesses a quiet resilience. She endures hardships with grace and refuses to give up, even when the odds are against her.
  • Selflessness: Aria often puts the needs of others before her own, driven by a strong sense of duty and responsibility. She is willing to make personal sacrifices to protect those she cares about and to serve her kingdom.
  • Natural Charm: Aria’s natural grace and charm make her well-liked by those around her. She has an innate ability to inspire others and to bring out the best in people, which helps her build strong alliances and foster loyalty.
  • Connection to Spirits: Aria’s bond with the spirits she summons gives her unique insights and advantages in magical matters. This connection allows her to access knowledge and power that others cannot, making her a formidable Summoner.
  • Intuitive Understanding: Aria has an intuitive understanding of magic and the arcane, which allows her to learn new spells and rituals quickly. Her intuitive approach to magic often leads to creative and effective solutions in difficult situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overthinking: Aria tends to overthink situations, which can lead to indecision and hesitation. Her desire to make the right choice often causes her to second-guess herself, leading to moments of self-doubt.
  • Overburdened by Responsibility: Aria often takes on too much responsibility, feeling that she must solve every problem and protect everyone around her. This tendency can lead to burnout and emotional exhaustion, as she struggles to carry the weight of her duties alone.
  • Naivety: Aria’s desire to see the good in others can sometimes make her naive or overly trusting. She is occasionally blind to the darker motives of those around her, which can put her at risk of manipulation or betrayal.
  • Self-Doubt: Aria’s self-doubt and insecurity can undermine her confidence, particularly in situations where she feels out of her depth. This flaw often leads her to question her decisions, making it difficult for her to assert herself in critical moments.
  • Reluctance to Engage in Violence: While Aria’s aversion to violence is a virtue, it can also be a flaw in a world where strength is often necessary for survival. Her reluctance to engage in combat can be a liability, especially when faced with enemies who will not hesitate to use force.
  • Emotional Internalization: Aria has a tendency to internalize her emotions, leading to moments of intense stress and emotional turmoil. She struggles to express her feelings openly, which can create misunderstandings and strain her relationships with others.

Personality Quirks

  • Hair Twirling: Aria has a habit of twirling a strand of her golden hair around her finger when she is deep in thought or nervous. This small, unconscious gesture is a sign of her inner anxiety and contemplation.
  • Gem Tracing: Aria often traces the outline of the gem embedded in her hand when she is feeling uncertain or anxious. This habit helps her focus and center herself, particularly in stressful situations.
  • Soft Humming: When particularly stressed, Aria may hum softly to herself as a way to calm her nerves. This habit is something she has done since childhood, and it helps her to relax and regain her composure.
  • Pacing: Aria tends to pace when she is thinking deeply or trying to solve a problem. This restless movement is a way for her to channel her nervous energy and helps her to organize her thoughts.



As a princess, Aria does not have a reign in the traditional sense, as she is not the ruling monarch. However, she holds influence within the royal court and among the people of Eldoria. Her role as a Summoner and her involvement in the hero-summoning ritual have elevated her status, making her a key figure in the kingdom’s struggle against the demon lord, Rexus. Though she is not in line for the throne, her actions and decisions have a significant impact on the kingdom’s future.

Contacts & Relations

  • Royal Family: Aria’s relationship with her family is complicated. She is close to her younger brother, with whom she shares a strong bond due to their shared experiences of being treated as lesser members of the royal family. However, her relationships with her older siblings are strained, as they see her as a rival or a pawn in their own power struggles. Aria’s relationship with her father, the king, is distant; he sees her more as a political tool than as a daughter.
  • Noxarion: Aria’s relationship with Noxarion is complex. Initially fearful of the demon lord, she gradually comes to see him as an ally and perhaps something more. Their partnership is built on mutual respect and a shared desire to defeat Rexus, but underlying feelings of trust, empathy, and even affection begin to develop as they spend more time together.
  • Court and Nobility: As a princess, Aria is well-known among the nobility, but her status as the daughter of a concubine means she is not always treated with the same respect as her siblings. She has some allies within the court, particularly those who respect her Summoner abilities, but she also has many who view her as a threat or a tool to be used for their own gain.
  • The Church of Eldoria: Although Aria is not deeply religious, she has a respectful relationship with the Church of Eldoria, which recognizes her Summoner abilities as a divine gift. The church has a vested interest in the success of her and Noxarion’s mission, and they offer her their support, though with the expectation that she will uphold their values and further their influence.

Family Ties

Aria’s family ties are a source of both strength and pain. She is the daughter of the king of Eldoria and a concubine, which places her in a difficult position within the royal family. She shares a close bond with her younger brother, who has also suffered from their mother’s lower status. Together, they have faced the bullying and neglect of their older siblings, who see them as lesser threats or tools to be manipulated.   Her mother, though no longer alive, remains a significant influence on Aria. She was a kind and gentle woman who instilled in Aria the values of compassion and justice. Aria’s relationship with her father, the king, is strained. He views her more as a political asset than as a beloved daughter, and his emotional distance has left Aria feeling isolated within her own family.   Aria also has an older sister, Princess Aurelia, who is the saintess of the church. Their relationship is particularly strained, as Aurelia sees Aria as both a rival and a pawn in her own quest for power.

Religious Views

Aria’s religious views are more spiritual than dogmatic. She respects the gods and the Church of Eldoria, but her faith is more personal and connected to her role as a Summoner. She believes in the power of the spirits she summons and views her abilities as a sacred trust, but she is wary of the political influence of organized religion.   Aria’s connection to the spirits and the natural world shapes her beliefs. She sees the divine in the beauty and balance of nature, and she often prays or meditates in natural settings to seek guidance and clarity. While she respects the teachings of the church, she is not blindly obedient to them, and she sometimes questions the church’s motives, particularly when they conflict with her sense of justice and compassion.

Social Aptitude

Aria is naturally graceful and charming, with a strong aptitude for social interactions. She is well-versed in court etiquette and knows how to navigate the complexities of royal life with diplomacy and tact. Her kindness and empathy make her well-liked by those who know her, and she has a talent for making others feel heard and valued.   Despite her social skills, Aria sometimes feels out of place in the royal court. She is uncomfortable with the deceit and manipulation that often characterize court politics, and she struggles to reconcile her desire to do good with the harsh realities of power. Nevertheless, she uses her social aptitude to build alliances and gather support for her causes, always striving to stay true to her principles.


  • Gentle Demeanor: Aria’s mannerisms are gentle and composed, reflecting her noble upbringing. She moves with grace and speaks with a soft, soothing voice that puts others at ease.
  • Listening Intently: Aria has a habit of tilting her head slightly and making direct eye contact when someone is speaking to her. This small gesture conveys her genuine interest in what others have to say, making people feel valued and respected.
  • Subtle Gestures: Aria often uses subtle gestures, such as a light touch on the arm or a reassuring smile, to communicate her support and understanding. These gestures are a natural extension of her compassionate nature and help to build trust with others.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Snowbell: Aria has a pet white dove named Snowbell, a gentle and affectionate bird that often accompanies her in the palace gardens. Snowbell is a symbol of peace and hope for Aria, and she finds comfort in the bird’s presence. The dove is also attuned to Aria’s emotions, often sensing when she is distressed and offering quiet companionship.
  • Gardening: Aria enjoys spending time in the palace gardens, tending to the flowers and plants. Gardening is a peaceful and grounding activity for her, allowing her to connect with nature and find solace in the beauty of the natural world.
  • Music: Aria has a talent for playing the harp, an instrument she learned as part of her royal education. She finds music to be a powerful way to express her emotions, and she often plays the harp when she needs to clear her mind or find inspiration.
  • Studying Magic: Aria is passionate about studying magic, particularly the art of summoning. She spends much of her free time practicing her spells and researching new techniques to improve her abilities. Her grimoire is her constant companion, and she is always seeking to expand her knowledge.


Aria’s speech is characterized by its gentle and measured tone. She speaks clearly and thoughtfully, choosing her words carefully to convey her meaning without causing offense. Her voice is soft and soothing, with a melodic quality that makes her pleasant to listen to.
  • Diplomatic Language: Aria is skilled in the art of diplomacy, often using careful language to navigate difficult conversations. She avoids confrontation and seeks to find common ground, even in the most challenging situations.
  • Empathetic Tone: Aria’s speech is often infused with empathy and understanding. She makes a conscious effort to acknowledge the feelings of others and to offer words of comfort or encouragement when needed.
  • Formal Address: As a princess, Aria is accustomed to speaking in a formal manner, particularly in public or official settings. She uses proper titles and addresses people with respect, though she is capable of relaxing her speech in more informal or personal interactions.

Wealth & Financial state

Aria enjoys the wealth and luxury that come with being a member of the royal family. She has access to the kingdom’s vast resources, including fine clothing, jewelry, and the best education available. However, Aria does not place much value on material wealth. She is more concerned with using her resources to help others and fulfill her duties as a princess and Summoner. Her personal wealth is substantial, but she often donates to causes she believes in or uses her influence to support charitable endeavors.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Princess of Eldoria: Aria holds the title of Princess of Eldoria, which reflects her status as a member of the royal family. Despite being the daughter of a concubine, her title grants her certain privileges and responsibilities within the kingdom.
  • Summoner of Eldoria: Aria is recognized as the Summoner of Eldoria, a title that signifies her rare and powerful ability to summon spirits and otherworldly beings. This title is both an honor and a burden, as it comes with great expectations and responsibilities.
  • Hero’s Companion: While Noxarion is given the title of Hero, Aria is often referred to as the Hero’s Companion, recognizing her role in summoning and supporting him. This title is somewhat unofficial but is used by those who acknowledge her importance in the battle against Rexus.
Date of Birth
15th of Suncrest, in the year 1004 AE (After Eldorian Era)
Circumstances of Birth
She was born under circumstances that marked her as the daughter of a concubine, which influenced her upbringing and place within the royal family dynamics.
Current Residence
Roya Palace
Large, expressive eyes that are a deep shade of emerald green
Cascading waterfall of golden blonde strands, shimmering with a subtle luster in the sunlight. It falls in gentle waves down to her waist,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and flawless, akin to porcelain, with a natural rosy hue that hints at her youthful vitality. There are no prominent blemishes or imperfections
Known Languages
  • Eldorian: As a princess of Eldoria, Aria is fluent in Eldorian, the official language of the kingdom. She uses it for most formal and informal communications.
  • Common Tongue: Aria is also fluent in the Common Tongue, which is spoken widely across various regions and is often used for trade and diplomacy. This allows her to communicate with people from different kingdoms and backgrounds.
  • Ancient Tongue (Basic): As part of her magical training, Aria learned the basics of the Ancient Tongue, a language used in ancient spellcraft and summoning rituals. Her knowledge is limited, but it is enough to perform certain magical rites and understand old texts.


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