Princess Aurelia

Saintess Aurelia

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ultimate Goal:
  • Restoration of the Age of Gods: Freya’s overarching objective is to bring about the return of the gods and goddesses to the mortal plane, thereby restoring divine rule and the Age of Gods. She believes that the world would be better governed under the wisdom and power of the deities, seeing it as a way to impose order, prevent chaos, and re-establish divine dominion over mortals.
  Specific Objectives: 1. Summoning Her Brother:
  • Finding the Perfect Vessel: Freya is obsessed with finding a perfect vessel for her brother, another powerful god. She has identified Noxarion as the ideal candidate due to his extraordinary abilities and potential.
  • Conducting the Ritual: She plans to perform a complex and ancient ritual to bind her brother’s essence to Noxarion’s body, enabling her brother to manifest on the mortal plane.
  • 2. Amassing Divine Power:
  • Gathering Divine Relics: Freya is on a quest to collect ancient relics and artifacts that hold immense divine power, necessary for the rituals to bring back the gods.
  • Reclaiming Lost Temples: She seeks to find and restore ancient temples dedicated to various gods and goddesses, using them as focal points for their return.
  • 3. Building an Army of Followers:
  • Cultivating Zealots: Freya has been diligently building a cult-like following, indoctrinating zealots who will do anything to further her goals. These followers are crucial for maintaining her influence and executing her plans.
  • Gaining Political Influence: Through strategic alliances, particularly with the second prince, Freya aims to manipulate political structures to create a world more amenable to divine rule.
  • 4. Destabilizing Mortal Governments:
  • Orchestrating Conflict: By fomenting wars and conflicts, Freya weakens mortal governments, making it easier for divine intervention to be seen as necessary and welcomed.
  • Manipulating Key Figures: She uses her influence to place key individuals in positions of power who are loyal to her and the cause of the gods.
  • 5. Creating a Divine Nexus:
  • Establishing a Central Hub: Freya intends to create a nexus of divine energy, a place where the barriers between the mortal and divine realms are weakest. This nexus will be the center of operations for the gods' return.
  • Harnessing Ley Lines: By controlling the world’s ley lines—powerful streams of magical energy—Freya can amplify the divine power necessary for the gods’ re-entry into the mortal world.
  • Philosophical and Ideological Goals:   6. Re-establishing Divine Order:
  • Divine Hierarchy: Freya believes in a strict hierarchy where gods rule over mortals, ensuring that order and stability are maintained through divine wisdom and power.
  • Eradicating Chaos: She views the current state of the world as chaotic and believes that only divine rule can restore balance and peace.
  • 7. Reverence and Worship:
  • Cultivating Faith: Freya aims to reignite true reverence and worship for the gods among mortals, ensuring that divine power is continuously fueled by mortal belief and devotion.
  • Eradicating Competing Religions: Any competing religions or beliefs that undermine the divine authority of her pantheon must be eradicated or assimilated.
  • Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Princess Aurelia maintains a well-conditioned body, reflecting her disciplined lifestyle and the physical demands of her role as a saintess. While she does not engage in physical combat, her daily routines involve rigorous ceremonial practices, which have kept her fit and agile. Her body is slender and toned, with a graceful yet imposing presence that commands respect and admiration. Despite her inner turmoil, she presents herself with an air of confidence and poise, always maintaining perfect posture and composure.

    Body Features

    Aurelia’s body is tall and elegant, standing at about 5’8”. Her frame is slender, with long limbs that enhance her regal appearance. Her skin is fair, almost pale, with a smooth, flawless texture that seems to glow under certain lighting, giving her an ethereal quality. She moves with deliberate grace, every step measured and purposeful, a reflection of her cultivated discipline and the need to maintain her image as the perfect princess.

    Facial Features

    Aurelia’s face is striking, with features that combine both beauty and a certain coldness. Her eyes are a deep, piercing violet, a color that is both captivating and unsettling. They are framed by thick, dark lashes that accentuate their intensity. Her raven-black hair falls in sleek, straight locks down her back, often styled in intricate braids or updos that reflect her royal status. Her complexion is porcelain-like, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that add to her commanding presence. Her lips are full and often painted in deep, regal colors, giving her an air of authority and sophistication.

    Identifying Characteristics

    Aurelia’s most distinctive feature is the golden gem embedded in the back of her right hand. This gem symbolizes her class as a saintess and glows faintly with divine energy. The gem is warm to the touch and serves as a constant reminder of the power she wields—and the influence of the goddess Freya within her. It pulses with a soft, golden light when she is using her powers or communicating with the goddess, making it both a symbol of her status and a source of her abilities.

    Physical quirks

    • Subtle Smirk: Aurelia often has a subtle, almost imperceptible smirk when she is contemplating something, particularly when she believes she has the upper hand in a situation. This expression can be disconcerting to those who notice it, as it hints at her hidden thoughts and intentions.
    • Tapping Fingers: When deep in thought or feeling impatient, Aurelia has a habit of tapping her fingers lightly against the golden gem in her hand. This rhythmic tapping is a physical manifestation of her inner restlessness and her connection to the goddess Freya.
    • Fixed Gaze: Aurelia’s violet eyes have a habit of locking onto a person or object with intense focus, often making those around her uncomfortable. This gaze is particularly pronounced when she is communicating with the goddess or asserting her authority.

    Special abilities

    Saintess Abilities:
    • Oracle: Aurelia has the ability to communicate directly with the goddess Freya through visions and dreams. This power, known as the Oracle, allows her to receive guidance, prophecies, and instructions from the goddess. The Oracle is a double-edged sword, as it also strengthens Freya’s influence over Aurelia’s mind and actions.
    • Divine Healing: Aurelia can channel divine energy to heal injuries and cure ailments. This power is particularly effective in restoring physical and spiritual health, making her a revered figure among the church’s followers. The healing energy radiates from the golden gem in her hand, enveloping those in need with a warm, golden light.
    • Blessing of Protection: Aurelia can bestow blessings of protection on individuals or groups, creating a divine barrier that shields them from harm. This ability is often used during battles or dangerous missions, providing a temporary but powerful defense against physical and magical attacks.
    • Holy Fire: Aurelia can summon holy fire to smite her enemies. This fire is a manifestation of divine wrath, burning with a golden flame that consumes evil and purifies the surroundings. The holy fire can be unleashed through her staff or directed from the gem in her hand.
    • Divine Manipulation: With Freya’s influence, Aurelia has developed the ability to subtly manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others. This power allows her to sway decisions, instill loyalty, or incite fear, all while maintaining her innocent and pious façade. The manipulation is often so subtle that her targets are unaware of her influence.
    Special Skills:
    • Ritual Mastery: Aurelia is highly skilled in performing complex rituals, both those sanctioned by the church and those taught by the Cult of Freya. Her mastery of these rituals allows her to summon divine beings, cleanse cursed objects, and perform powerful blessings or curses.
    • Goddess’s Wrath: In moments of extreme anger or when her authority is challenged, Aurelia can channel the full wrath of Freya. This ability unleashes a devastating wave of divine energy that can obliterate enemies or lay waste to entire areas. However, using this power takes a heavy toll on her physical and mental state.

    Apparel & Accessories

    Aurelia’s wardrobe is a testament to her dual role as both a princess and a saintess. Her clothing is meticulously chosen to reflect her status and power, with each piece designed to enhance her regal appearance.
    • Saintess Robes: Aurelia’s most iconic attire is her set of ceremonial robes, made from the finest white and gold silk. The robes are adorned with intricate embroidery and symbols of the church, and they flow gracefully around her, giving her an almost divine appearance. The robes are designed to draw attention to the golden gem in her hand, which is prominently displayed during religious ceremonies.
    • Royal Gown: For court functions and royal duties, Aurelia wears elegant gowns in rich colors such as deep purple, royal blue, and crimson. These gowns are tailored to perfection, with fitted bodices and flowing skirts that emphasize her slender figure. Gold and silver accents, along with carefully selected jewelry, add to her regal presence.
    • Jewelry: Aurelia’s jewelry is both simple and symbolic. She often wears a gold circlet or tiara, signifying her royal status, along with a necklace bearing the symbol of the church. Her earrings and bracelets are delicate, designed to complement her overall appearance without overshadowing the golden gem in her hand.
    • Shoes: Aurelia wears heeled shoes that are both practical and elegant, often made from fine leather or silk. The heels add to her height, further enhancing her imposing presence.

    Specialized Equipment

    • Saintess Staff: Aurelia wields a ceremonial staff made of polished ebony wood, topped with a large crystal that glows with a golden light. The staff is a symbol of her authority within the church and is used in rituals and ceremonies to channel her divine powers. The staff also serves as a conduit for her communication with the goddess Freya, allowing her to receive visions and guidance.
    • Divine Amulet: Aurelia wears an amulet around her neck, infused with divine magic. The amulet serves as both a protective charm and a tool to amplify her powers. It is inscribed with ancient runes that enhance her connection to Freya and the divine forces she commands.
    • Prayer Book: Aurelia carries a small, ornate prayer book filled with sacred texts and rituals. The book is bound in gold and white leather, and it contains both the official teachings of the church and the forbidden knowledge passed down by the Cult of Freya. This book is a source of immense power, as it holds the secrets to the ancient rituals needed to summon Freya’s brother.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Princess Aurelia was born as the first princess of Eldoria, the eldest daughter of the king and queen. From the moment of her birth, her destiny was sealed—she was to be a political pawn, betrothed to a prince from a neighboring kingdom to secure an alliance. This engagement, arranged when she was just an infant, shaped the course of her life. As a child, Aurelia was keenly aware of her status and the expectations placed upon her. She was raised to be the perfect princess: obedient, graceful, and poised. However, behind this façade, Aurelia harbored deep resentment and fear.   At the age of six, she was introduced to her fiancé, a spoiled and abusive prince six years her senior. The encounter left her terrified, as the prince threatened to train her into submission once they were married, treating her as nothing more than his pet. Desperate to escape this grim future, Aurelia begged her father to break off the engagement, but her pleas were met with punishment and imprisonment in her own room. Feeling utterly defeated and trapped, she sought solace in prayer, only to realize that the goddess she had been taught to worship was the very source of her suffering.   In her darkest hour, Aurelia heard the voice of Freya, a goddess who claimed to have been banished from the world by the jealous and false goddess the people now worshipped. Freya promised Aurelia a way out—she would guide her to awaken as a saintess, a position of power within the church that would allow her to break free from her fate. At the age of 12, following Freya’s guidance, Aurelia awakened the golden gem in her hand, marking her as a saintess. This newfound power allowed her to break off her engagement, a victory that came at the cost of passing the burden onto her younger sister, Aria.   At 15, Freya led Aurelia on a pilgrimage that took her to the Cult of Freya, a secret organization dedicated to worshiping the “true” goddess. Here, Aurelia underwent a baptism that allowed Freya to possess her body. The merging of their personalities created a complex duality within Aurelia—both the goddess and the princess coexisted within the same body, each influencing the other. With Freya’s guidance, Aurelia now harbors ambitions of summoning the hero, Noxarion, to help bring Freya’s brother to the mortal plane and overthrow the false goddess. She plays the role of the perfect princess while secretly plotting to seize control of the kingdom.


    Aurelia received an extensive and rigorous education befitting a princess of Eldoria. From a young age, she was taught the intricacies of court etiquette, diplomacy, and the responsibilities of royalty. Her education included lessons in history, politics, and languages, ensuring that she would be well-prepared for her role as a future queen. Despite the high expectations, Aurelia excelled in her studies, driven by a desire to prove herself and gain some semblance of control over her life.   After awakening as a saintess, her education took on a new dimension. She was taught the sacred texts and rituals of the church, learning how to harness the divine powers granted to her by the golden gem in her hand. Under Freya’s influence, Aurelia also studied forbidden knowledge, delving into the ancient history of the banished goddess and the rituals needed to bring her brother to the mortal plane. This dual education in both the official teachings of the church and the secret doctrines of the cult has made Aurelia a formidable and knowledgeable figure, capable of navigating both the spiritual and political realms.


    As a princess and saintess, Aurelia’s “employment” is multifaceted. Publicly, she fulfills her duties as the first princess of Eldoria, attending royal functions, representing the kingdom in diplomatic matters, and performing religious ceremonies as the church’s saintess. She is seen by many as a paragon of virtue and grace, the perfect embodiment of royal and religious ideals.   However, behind the scenes, Aurelia’s true “employment” is far more sinister. She is the leader of the Cult of Freya, orchestrating their plans to summon Noxarion and bring Freya’s brother to the mortal realm. She uses her position within the church to manipulate events in the kingdom, all while maintaining the appearance of a dutiful and pious princess. Aurelia’s dual roles as both a saintess and a cult leader make her a powerful and dangerous figure, capable of influencing both the kingdom’s religious and political spheres.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • Awakening as a Saintess: Aurelia’s most significant accomplishment is her awakening as a saintess at the age of 12. This event marked the beginning of her rise to power, allowing her to break off her engagement and gain influence within the church.
    • Mastery of Dual Lives: Aurelia has successfully maintained the façade of a perfect princess while secretly leading the Cult of Freya. Her ability to navigate both worlds with such skill is a testament to her intelligence and cunning.
    • Breaking the Engagement: By becoming a saintess, Aurelia was able to break off her engagement to the abusive prince, freeing herself from a future she feared. This act of defiance was a pivotal moment in her life, though it came at the cost of her sister’s happiness.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    • Sacrificing Her Sister: Aurelia’s decision to pass the burden of the engagement onto her younger sister, Aria, is a failure that haunts her. While she escaped her fate, she did so at the expense of someone she once cared for, creating a deep rift between them.
    • Possession by Freya: While Aurelia sees her possession by Freya as a necessary step toward power, it is also a failure of sorts. The merging of their personalities means that Aurelia is no longer fully in control of her own actions, and she struggles with the loss of her autonomy.

    Mental Trauma

    Aurelia’s life has been marked by significant mental trauma, stemming from her early experiences and her current situation. The knowledge that she was valued only as a political tool deeply affected her sense of self-worth, leading to feelings of resentment and anger. Her encounter with her abusive fiancé at such a young age left her with a lasting fear of being powerless and controlled by others.   The punishment she received from her father when she tried to break her engagement only reinforced her sense of helplessness, driving her to seek power at any cost. The merging of her personality with Freya’s has created a constant inner conflict, as Aurelia struggles to maintain her own identity while being influenced by the goddess. This duality has led to moments of intense confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt, as she grapples with the loss of control over her own mind and body.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Aurelia is highly intelligent, with a sharp and analytical mind. She is a quick learner and has an impressive ability to absorb and synthesize complex information, whether it pertains to politics, religion, or magic. Her strategic thinking allows her to plan several steps ahead, anticipating the actions of her enemies and manipulating events to her advantage.   Aurelia’s intelligence is complemented by her cunning and resourcefulness. She is adept at finding creative solutions to problems and is not above using deceit or manipulation to achieve her goals. Her knowledge of both the official teachings of the church and the forbidden doctrines of the cult gives her a unique and powerful perspective, allowing her to navigate the complexities of her dual life with skill and precision.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Aurelia’s morality is shaped by her early experiences of powerlessness and her desire to never be controlled again. She believes that power is the only true currency in the world, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to gain and maintain it. Her philosophy is deeply pragmatic—she values results over principles and sees moral scruples as a weakness that can be exploited by others.   However, Aurelia is not entirely devoid of a moral compass. She genuinely believes in the righteousness of her cause, viewing herself as a liberator who will free the world from the tyranny of the false goddess. In her mind, the ends justify the means, and she is willing to commit atrocities if they will lead to the greater good. This moral flexibility allows her to rationalize her actions, even when they conflict with her more compassionate instincts.


    • Weakness: Aurelia has an intense aversion to showing any form of weakness, whether physical, emotional, or intellectual. She believes that weakness invites exploitation, and she goes to great lengths to present herself as strong and unyielding.
    • Betrayal: Despite her willingness to manipulate others, Aurelia has a deep-seated fear of being betrayed. She is extremely cautious about whom she trusts, and the thought of someone close to her turning against her is one of her greatest fears.
    • Helplessness: Aurelia cannot tolerate the idea of being helpless or controlled by others. Her early experiences with her abusive fiancé have left her with a profound fear of losing her autonomy, which drives her to seek power and control in all aspects of her life.
    • Questioning Freya: While Aurelia’s relationship with Freya is complex, she avoids questioning the goddess’s motives or actions. The merging of their personalities means that Aurelia’s thoughts and beliefs are often influenced by Freya, making it difficult for her to separate her own desires from those of the goddess.

    Personality Characteristics


    Aurelia’s primary motivation is to escape the fate that was imposed upon her from birth and to seize control over her own destiny. Her early life, defined by being treated as a mere political tool, filled her with resentment and a burning desire for power. She wants to free herself from the expectations of her family and the kingdom and instead carve out her own path, one where she holds the reins of power. This drive is further amplified by her bond with the goddess Freya, whose promise of divine power and the potential to reshape the kingdom to her liking gives Aurelia a clear, though dark, purpose. Aurelia’s ultimate goal is to bring Freya back to power, overthrow the false goddess, and use this alliance to elevate herself to a position of supreme authority.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    • Manipulation and Deception: Aurelia is a master manipulator, skilled in bending people to her will while maintaining the appearance of innocence. She uses her beauty, charm, and intelligence to influence those around her, often without them realizing they are being manipulated.
    • Diplomacy and Politics: Aurelia excels in court politics, understanding the intricacies of power dynamics and alliances. She is adept at navigating the complexities of royal life, using her knowledge of social structures to position herself advantageously.
    • Divine Magic: As a saintess, Aurelia has a deep understanding of divine magic, particularly the rituals and spells that draw upon her connection with Freya. Her magical abilities are a key part of her power, allowing her to perform miracles, heal, and manipulate divine forces.
    • Strategic Thinking: Aurelia is a strategic thinker, always planning several steps ahead. She is able to anticipate the moves of her enemies and allies alike, crafting plans that ensure her success while minimizing risks.
    • Emotional Vulnerability: Aurelia struggles with genuine emotional vulnerability, finding it difficult to connect with others on a personal level. Her focus on power and control often leads her to suppress her emotions, making it hard for her to form authentic relationships.
    • Physical Combat: Aurelia has little experience with physical combat and is not trained in the use of weapons or martial skills. She relies entirely on her divine abilities and the protection of others in dangerous situations.
    • Empathy: Aurelia’s ambition and drive for power have dulled her ability to empathize with others. She often views people as tools to be used rather than individuals with their own needs and desires, which can lead to isolation and mistrust.

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Control and Power: Aurelia finds great satisfaction in having control over her life and the lives of others. She enjoys the feeling of power that comes from manipulating people and events to her advantage.
    • Rituals and Ceremonies: Aurelia takes pleasure in the rituals and ceremonies of the church, particularly those that reinforce her authority and connection to the divine. She finds these practices empowering and takes pride in her mastery of them.
    • Luxury: Aurelia has a fondness for the finer things in life, enjoying the luxury that comes with her royal status. She appreciates beautiful clothing, exquisite jewelry, and the comforts of palace life, seeing them as symbols of her superiority.
    • Weakness: Aurelia despises weakness, both in herself and in others. She has no tolerance for those who cannot control their emotions or who allow themselves to be dominated by others. This disdain extends to her own moments of doubt, which she sees as failures to be overcome.
    • Being Controlled: Having been treated as a pawn for much of her early life, Aurelia has a deep-seated aversion to being controlled or dominated by anyone. She resents any attempt to limit her autonomy and will fiercely resist anyone who tries to impose their will on her.
    • Hypocrisy: Aurelia has a strong dislike for the hypocrisy she perceives in the worship of the “false” goddess and in the behavior of the court. She views the religious and political structures of Eldoria as corrupt and deceitful, which fuels her desire to bring about a new order.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    • Determination: Aurelia is incredibly determined, with a relentless drive to achieve her goals. Once she sets her mind to something, she pursues it with unwavering focus and dedication, refusing to let obstacles stand in her way.
    • Composure: Aurelia is able to maintain her composure in even the most challenging situations. Her ability to remain calm and collected, even when under pressure, allows her to think clearly and make strategic decisions.
    • Intelligence: Aurelia is highly intelligent, with a keen mind that allows her to quickly grasp complex concepts and situations. Her intellectual abilities are complemented by her strategic thinking, making her a formidable opponent in both politics and magic.
    • Dual Influence: Aurelia’s dual identity as both a princess and a saintess gives her considerable influence in both the political and religious spheres. She can leverage her status in the court to gain favor with nobles while using her position in the church to command respect and authority.
    • Ancient Knowledge: Through her connection with Freya, Aurelia has access to ancient and forbidden knowledge that gives her an edge in her pursuits. This knowledge includes powerful rituals and spells that are unknown to others, making her a dangerous and unpredictable force.
    • Charisma: Aurelia’s charm and beauty make her an effective manipulator, able to sway others to her side with ease. Her ability to present herself as the perfect princess and saintess allows her to gain the trust and loyalty of those around her, even as she works to undermine them.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    • Ambition: Aurelia’s ambition often drives her to make morally questionable decisions. Her desire for power and control can lead her to manipulate or harm others without regard for their well-being, as long as it serves her goals.
    • Superiority Complex: Aurelia believes herself to be superior to others, particularly those who lack her intelligence or divine connection. This sense of superiority can make her dismissive of others’ opinions and needs, leading to isolation and resentment.
    • Manipulation: Aurelia’s reliance on deception and manipulation as her primary means of achieving her goals can create a web of lies that becomes difficult to maintain. Her constant need to control and influence others can also lead to mistrust and betrayal.
    • Internal Conflict: The merging of Aurelia’s personality with Freya’s has created an internal conflict that sometimes leaves her questioning her own motives and desires. This duality can lead to moments of hesitation or confusion, particularly when Freya’s influence conflicts with Aurelia’s personal ambitions.
    • Lack of Empathy: Aurelia’s lack of genuine empathy can isolate her from forming meaningful connections with others. Her tendency to view people as tools rather than individuals can lead to loneliness and a lack of true allies.
    • Fear of Vulnerability: Aurelia’s fear of showing any form of weakness or vulnerability can prevent her from seeking help when she needs it. This fear often leads her to push people away, even those who could be valuable allies, out of a desire to maintain her image of strength.

    Personality Quirks

    • Tapping the Gem: Aurelia has a habit of tapping the golden gem embedded in her hand when she is deep in thought or feeling impatient. This small, rhythmic action helps her focus and maintain control, especially during moments of stress.
    • Subtle Smirk: When Aurelia believes she has the upper hand or is pleased with the success of her plans, she often allows a subtle smirk to cross her lips. This expression is a reflection of her confidence and satisfaction in her own abilities.
    • Intense Gaze: Aurelia’s violet eyes have a habit of locking onto a person or object with an intense, unwavering focus. This gaze can be unsettling to those on the receiving end, particularly when Aurelia is using her divine abilities or manipulating those around her.
    • Refined Movements: Every movement Aurelia makes is deliberate and refined, from the way she walks to the way she gestures. This control over her physical presence is a manifestation of her desire to maintain an image of perfection and authority at all times.



    While Aurelia does not have a traditional reign, her influence within both the royal family and the church gives her a significant degree of power. As the First Princess and Saintess, she is involved in key decisions that affect the kingdom, particularly in matters of religion and diplomacy. Her position within the Cult of Freya also grants her covert control over certain factions within the kingdom, as she uses her followers to further her own goals.   Aurelia’s “reign” is one of subtle manipulation and behind-the-scenes control. She operates within the structures of the royal family and the church, using her titles and influence to shape the kingdom’s future according to her vision. Her ultimate goal is to bring about a new era where she, alongside the goddess Freya, holds supreme authority.

    Contacts & Relations

    • Royal Family: Aurelia’s relationship with her family is complex and fraught with tension. Her father, the king, initially viewed her as little more than a political tool, betrothed at a young age to secure an alliance. After she became a saintess, her father’s attitude shifted, recognizing her new importance but still maintaining a distant and utilitarian relationship with her. Aurelia’s relationship with her younger sister, Aria, is strained, particularly after Aurelia’s engagement was passed on to Aria. Aurelia harbors a mixture of guilt and resentment towards Aria, knowing that she sacrificed her sister’s happiness for her own freedom.
    • Nobility: Within the court, Aurelia is respected and feared in equal measure. Her position as both a princess and a saintess commands respect, but her cold and calculating demeanor makes others wary of her. She has cultivated a network of allies and informants among the nobility, using them to further her ambitions while keeping her true intentions hidden.
    • Noxarion: Aurelia views Noxarion as a key piece in her plans to bring Freya back to power. While she outwardly supports him as the hero summoned to defeat the demon lord, she secretly sees him as a pawn to be manipulated. Her feelings towards Noxarion are complex, as she admires his strength but also fears his potential to disrupt her plans if he were to discover the truth.
    • Church of Eldoria: Aurelia’s position as Saintess gives her significant influence within the Church of Eldoria. She is involved in religious ceremonies, rituals, and the day-to-day governance of the church. However, she also uses her position to subtly undermine the church’s teachings and promote the hidden doctrines of the Cult of Freya.
    • Cult of Freya: As the High Priestess of the Cult of Freya, Aurelia leads a secret network of followers dedicated to the worship of the banished goddess. The cult operates in the shadows, working to bring about Freya’s return and the overthrow of the false goddess. Aurelia’s leadership within the cult is marked by a mix of devotion and ruthlessness, as she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

    Family Ties

    Aurelia’s family ties are a source of both strength and conflict. As the eldest daughter of the king and queen, she was raised with the expectation of fulfilling a political role through marriage. However, her awakening as a saintess changed the dynamics within the royal family. Her father, once dismissive, now recognizes her value as a spiritual leader, though he still sees her primarily as a means to an end.   Aurelia’s relationship with her siblings is complicated. She feels a deep sense of guilt towards Aria for the role she played in passing on her engagement to her sister, yet she also harbors resentment for the circumstances that forced her into such a position. Her feelings towards her other siblings are equally mixed, as she navigates the delicate balance of sibling rivalry, familial duty, and her own ambitions.

    Religious Views

    Aurelia’s religious views are shaped by her dual role as both a saintess of the Church of Eldoria and the High Priestess of the Cult of Freya. Publicly, she adheres to the teachings of the church, performing her duties with the utmost piety and devotion. She is seen by the people as a beacon of spiritual purity, a role she plays to perfection.   Privately, however, Aurelia’s true faith lies with the goddess Freya, whom she believes to be the rightful deity of the world. She sees the current worship of the false goddess as a corruption that must be overthrown, and she is dedicated to bringing about Freya’s return. Aurelia’s religious views are thus deeply intertwined with her ambitions, as she believes that by restoring Freya to power, she will secure her own position as the ultimate ruler of the kingdom.

    Social Aptitude

    Aurelia is highly skilled in social interactions, particularly in the context of the royal court and the church. She presents herself as the perfect princess and saintess—graceful, composed, and articulate. Her ability to navigate the intricacies of court politics and religious ceremonies makes her a respected and influential figure.   Despite her cold and calculating nature, Aurelia can be charming when she chooses to be, using her beauty and intelligence to win over allies and manipulate others to her advantage. She is adept at reading people, understanding their motivations, and using this knowledge to further her own goals. Her social aptitude is one of her greatest strengths, allowing her to maintain her dual identities and keep her true intentions hidden.


    • Regal Posture: Aurelia carries herself with a regal bearing, always maintaining perfect posture and moving with deliberate grace. Her every gesture is calculated to convey authority and control, reinforcing her image as both a princess and a saintess.
    • Controlled Speech: Aurelia speaks with a measured, calm tone, never raising her voice or showing signs of agitation. Her speech is precise and articulate, often laced with subtle hints of manipulation or persuasion. She chooses her words carefully, using them as tools to achieve her objectives.
    • Subtle Gestures: Aurelia often uses small, subtle gestures to communicate her intentions or feelings. A slight tilt of the head, a raised eyebrow, or a faint smile can convey volumes without the need for words. These gestures are a key part of her ability to maintain control in social situations.

    Hobbies & Pets

    • Thorne: Aurelia’s loyal servant is a beastman named Thorne, who has served her since childhood. Thorne is fiercely devoted to Aurelia, seeing her as the only one who treated him with kindness and respect. In return, he acts as her bodyguard, confidant, and enforcer, carrying out her orders without question. Thorne’s beastman heritage gives him enhanced strength, agility, and senses, making him a formidable protector.
    • Ritualistic Practices: Aurelia takes great interest in the rituals and ceremonies associated with her role as a saintess and High Priestess. She spends much of her free time studying ancient texts, perfecting rituals, and conducting secret ceremonies within the Cult of Freya. These practices not only reinforce her power but also serve as a way for her to connect more deeply with Freya.
    • Chess: Aurelia enjoys playing chess, a game that mirrors the strategic thinking she employs in her political and religious maneuverings. She often plays against herself or with trusted allies, using the game as a way to relax while honing her strategic skills.
    • Gardening: Despite her ambitions, Aurelia finds solace in the quiet, meditative practice of gardening. She particularly enjoys cultivating rare and exotic plants, many of which have magical properties. Her private garden is a hidden sanctuary where she can reflect and plan her next moves.


    Aurelia’s speech is a reflection of her controlled and calculating nature. She speaks in a calm, measured tone, carefully choosing her words to convey authority and wisdom. Her voice is soft but carries a certain weight, commanding attention without the need for volume. Aurelia rarely raises her voice, even in moments of anger or frustration, preferring to maintain her composure and control over any situation.
    • Diplomatic Language: Aurelia’s speech is often diplomatic and polished, reflecting her royal education and her role as a saintess. She is skilled in the art of persuasion, able to navigate difficult conversations with ease and tact.
    • Subtle Authority: While her tone is usually calm and composed, there is an underlying authority in Aurelia’s speech. She has a way of making others feel as though they are in the presence of someone powerful, even when she is speaking softly.
    • Poetic Flourish: Occasionally, especially during rituals or religious ceremonies, Aurelia’s speech takes on a more poetic quality. She uses elaborate and ornate language to invoke the divine or to inspire those around her, adding to her mystique and the sense of reverence she commands.

    Wealth & Financial state

    As the First Princess and Saintess, Aurelia enjoys considerable wealth, both in terms of material riches and the resources at her disposal. She has access to the royal treasury, which provides her with an opulent lifestyle, including luxurious clothing, jewelry, and accommodations. Her position within the church also grants her access to the wealth of the religious institutions, which she can use to fund her projects and influence others.   However, Aurelia views wealth as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. She uses her riches to further her plans, whether by funding the activities of the Cult of Freya, bribing key figures in the court, or acquiring rare and powerful artifacts to enhance her magical abilities.
    Divine Classification
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    • First Princess of Eldoria: Aurelia holds the title of the First Princess of Eldoria, a position that signifies her high rank within the royal family. Despite being the eldest daughter, her title initially meant little more than a symbol of her role as a political pawn. However, after awakening as a saintess, the title gained new significance, reflecting her dual role in both the royal family and the church.
    • Saintess of the Eldoria Church: Upon awakening at age 12, Aurelia was granted the title of Saintess by the Church of Eldoria. This title reflects her divine connection and her role as a spiritual leader within the kingdom. It also gives her considerable influence within the church, allowing her to wield power over religious matters and rituals.
    • High Priestess of the Cult of Freya: Secretly, Aurelia holds the title of High Priestess within the Cult of Freya, a clandestine organization that worships the banished goddess Freya. This title signifies her leadership within the cult and her role in orchestrating the plans to bring Freya back to power.
    Circumstances of Birth
    Small village girl that awakened the class of Saint
    Striking violet eyes, almond-shaped, large, and expressive
    Raven black, cascading down her back in thick, lustrous waves
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale and smooth, almost ethereal in its perfection
    Devout follower of the Goddess Freya


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