
Physical Description

Body Features

Selene is a striking figure, her sleek black fur streaked with silver that shimmers under the moonlight, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Selene’s lithe, agile frame allows her to move with silent grace, her cat-like ears twitching at the slightest sound, always alert and ready to strike. Her retractable claws are as deadly as they are swift, and she wields them with lethal precision in combat. Selene’s appearance is the perfect blend of beauty and danger, her every movement exuding confidence and controlled power. Despite her fierce exterior, there is an elegance to her that is both mesmerizing and slightly unsettling, as if she could switch from playful to lethal in the blink of an eye.

Facial Features

Her piercing green eyes, which seem to glow in the dark, are both captivating and intimidating, reflecting her predatory nature.

Special abilities

Selene’s agility and stealth abilities are exceptional, enhanced by her natural feline instincts and her mastery of shadow magic. She can move with near-invisible grace, melding into the shadows to become almost undetectable for short periods. In combat, Selene is a lethal force, using her retractable claws and daggers with deadly precision. Her combat style is fast and fluid, striking with speed and accuracy that leaves her enemies little time to react. Selene’s shadow magic also allows her to manipulate the darkness around her, creating illusions or obscuring her movements to gain the upper hand in battle. Her hand-to-hand combat skills are unmatched, and she is highly adept at using her environment to her advantage, often turning the battlefield into a deadly playground where she can outmaneuver and outsmart her opponents. Selene’s predatory cunning and quick reflexes make her a formidable opponent, and her loyalty to Noxarion ensures that she is always ready to defend him with everything she has.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Selene was born in the shadowy depths of the demon realm, among a tribe of Cait Sith warriors known for their agility, stealth, and fierce loyalty to their kin. From a young age, Selene was trained in the ways of combat, mastering the art of moving silently and striking with lethal precision. Her natural talents quickly set her apart from her peers, but her fierce independence often led her to clash with others. Despite her strong sense of self-reliance, Selene’s life changed dramatically when she crossed paths with Noxarion during a skirmish in the demon realm. Outnumbered and outmatched, Selene was on the brink of defeat when Noxarion intervened, saving her life and earning her undying loyalty. From that moment on, she pledged herself to his cause, determined to serve as his most trusted general and protector. Selene’s loyalty to Noxarion is unshakeable, and she has since become one of his closest confidants, using her predatory cunning and unyielding determination to support him in his quest for power and vengeance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Selene is fiercely loyal and protective, driven by an unyielding determination to prove herself as Noxarion’s most trusted general. Her predatory cunning and sharp wit make her a formidable ally, while her playful and often mischievous nature adds a layer of complexity to her personality. Though she is fiercely independent, Selene shows a softer side to those she trusts, particularly Noxarion, with whom she shares a deep bond. Her ferocity in battle is matched only by her loyalty, and she will stop at nothing to protect those she cares about. Selene’s sarcasm and playful banter are often laced with a hint of mischief, but her words can turn icy cold when she is angered. Despite her fierce exterior, Selene enjoys simple pleasures, such as chasing small objects for fun, a habit that harks back to her feline instincts. She values solitude or small, trusted groups over large gatherings, finding it difficult to trust new people easily. However, once trust is established, Selene forms deep and lasting bonds.

Personality Characteristics


Selene is driven by an unwavering loyalty to Noxarion and a burning desire to prove herself as his most trusted general. She is fiercely protective of him and is willing to go to any lengths to ensure his safety and success. Selene’s loyalty is rooted in the debt she feels she owes Noxarion for saving her life, but it has since evolved into a deep and genuine bond that transcends mere duty. In addition to her loyalty to Noxarion, Selene is motivated by a desire for vengeance against those who have wronged him, seeing their downfall as a way to restore their honor and solidify their power. Her determination to prove herself as the ultimate warrior and protector drives her to constantly push her limits, honing her skills and refining her strategies to ensure that she is always ready to face any challenge that comes their way.

Personality Quirks

Selene has a habit of purring softly when she is content or amused, a sound that can be both soothing and disconcerting, depending on the situation. She is often seen grooming herself meticulously, a reflection of her feline instincts and desire to maintain control over her appearance. Selene’s ears twitch frequently when she is alert or curious, while her tail flicks back and forth when she is agitated or deep in thought. These subtle movements are telltale signs of her mood, offering clues to those who know her well. Selene also tends to pace back and forth when she is restless, a habit that hints at her need for action and her discomfort with inactivity. Despite her fierce nature, she enjoys chasing small objects for fun, a playful quirk that reveals a softer, more carefree side to her personality.


Family Ties

Selene’s relationship with Noxarion is one of deep loyalty and mutual respect. She views him as more than just a leader; he is someone she trusts and admires deeply, and she is fiercely protective of him. Selene’s loyalty to Noxarion is rooted in the debt she feels she owes him for saving her life, but over time, their bond has grown into one of genuine affection and trust. She often serves as his confidant and advisor, offering her insights and support as he navigates the challenges of their world. Selene’s playful nature and sharp wit complement Noxarion’s more brooding demeanor, and she often uses humor to lighten the mood when tensions run high. Despite her fierce independence, Selene values her connection with Noxarion and is willing to set aside her own desires to ensure his success and well-being.

Social Aptitude

Selene prefers solitude or the company of a few trusted individuals over large gatherings, finding it difficult to trust new people easily. Her reserved nature and fierce independence make her somewhat aloof in social situations, but she can be charming and persuasive when needed, especially when it serves her or Noxarion’s interests. Selene’s speech is smooth and almost purring, with a hint of mischief that often disarms those she speaks to. Her words are frequently laced with sarcasm or playful banter, but she is capable of switching to a cold and cutting tone when the situation demands it. While Selene is not naturally inclined to seek out social interactions, she understands the value of alliances and is willing to engage with others when necessary, using her wit and charm to navigate complex situations with ease.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black fur, cat ears and tail


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