
Physical Description

Body Features

Thorne’s body is lithe and well-toned, built for speed and agility rather than brute strength. His movements are quick and precise, with a natural fluidity that is both captivating and intimidating. His fox-like features include sharp, slightly elongated canines, which give him a predatory edge. The binding seal, a complex pattern of runes and symbols, is burned into his flesh, located on the back of his neck where it is often hidden by his hair. This seal glows faintly when activated by Aurelia’s commands, serving as a constant reminder of his servitude.

Facial Features

Thorne’s face is sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a narrow jawline that adds to his fox-like appearance. His amber eyes are perhaps his most striking feature, with a depth and intensity that can be both alluring and unsettling. His nose is slightly upturned, giving him a somewhat mischievous look that belies the seriousness of his circumstances. His lips are often set in a thin line, a reflection of his disciplined nature and the control he must exert over his emotions.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Fox Features: Thorne’s fox ears and tail are his most distinctive features, marking him as a beastman. These features are often the first thing others notice about him, and they serve as both a source of pride and a reminder of his otherness.
  • Binding Seal: The binding seal branded on the back of Thorne’s neck is his most important identifying feature. This seal is a visible and permanent mark of his servitude to Aurelia, glowing faintly when she exerts her control over him.

Physical quirks

  • Ear Flick: Thorne’s fox ears are highly sensitive, and they often flick or twitch in response to sounds or emotions. This small, unconscious movement is a telltale sign of his mood or focus, and it can reveal when he is agitated or on alert.
  • Tail Movements: Thorne’s tail is also expressive, swaying or flicking depending on his emotions. It often betrays his true feelings, even when he tries to maintain a stoic exterior.

Special abilities

Beastman Abilities:
  • Enhanced Senses: Thorne’s fox-like senses are highly developed, giving him an acute sense of hearing, smell, and sight. These heightened senses make him an excellent scout and tracker, able to detect danger or hidden enemies long before they become a threat.
  • Agility and Speed: Thorne is incredibly agile and quick, able to move silently and with precision. His natural reflexes and coordination allow him to navigate difficult terrain and evade capture, making him a valuable asset in both combat and reconnaissance.
Servant Skills:
  • Stealth: Thorne is highly skilled in the art of stealth, able to move through the shadows without being detected. He uses this skill to carry out covert missions for Aurelia, whether it involves gathering information or eliminating threats.
  • Obedience: Due to the binding seal, Thorne is incapable of disobeying any direct order from Aurelia. This forced obedience is both a strength and a weakness, as it ensures his loyalty but also limits his autonomy.
Combat Skills:
  • Close Combat: Thorne is proficient in close combat, particularly with his dagger. His speed and agility make him a dangerous opponent in a fight, able to strike quickly and retreat before his enemy can react.
  • Poison Use: Thorne has knowledge of various poisons, both natural and man-made, which he can use to incapacitate or kill his targets. He often applies these poisons to his weapons or uses them to spike food and drink.

Apparel & Accessories

Thorne’s clothing is simple and functional, designed to allow for freedom of movement and to blend into his surroundings when necessary. He wears dark, close-fitting garments made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of his duties.
  • Leather Vest: Thorne often wears a sleeveless leather vest that allows for ease of movement and provides some protection without being restrictive.
  • Loose Trousers: His trousers are made of a tough, flexible fabric that allows him to move quickly and quietly, whether he is sneaking through the palace or carrying out a task for Aurelia.
  • Boots: Thorne’s boots are sturdy and silent, designed for stealth and agility. They are made from soft leather and are reinforced with padding to cushion his steps.
  • Collar: Though it is more of a symbolic accessory, Thorne wears a simple leather collar around his neck. This collar was given to him by Aurelia and serves as a constant reminder of his role as her servant. It also covers the binding seal, making it less visible to others.

Specialized Equipment

  • Dagger: Thorne carries a finely crafted dagger, a gift from Aurelia. The blade is sharp and well-balanced, perfect for close combat or for use as a tool in various tasks. The hilt is engraved with the emblem of the royal family, signifying his connection to Aurelia.
  • Lockpicks: Thorne is skilled in lockpicking and carries a set of finely made lockpicks hidden in his clothing. These tools are essential for his work, allowing him to access restricted areas or retrieve items on Aurelia’s orders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thorne was born into slavery in the kingdom of Eldoria, part of a marginalized community of beastmen who were often treated as less than human by the ruling class. From a young age, Thorne knew only the harsh realities of servitude, with his life dictated by the whims of his masters. When he was still a child, he was given as a gift to Princess Aurelia, who was only a few years older than him at the time. This transfer marked a significant turning point in Thorne’s life, as it brought him into the direct service of a member of the royal family.   To ensure Thorne’s absolute obedience, a ceremony was performed in which a binding seal was branded onto him. This magical seal tied Thorne’s will to Aurelia’s, making it impossible for him to disobey any command she gave. Despite the brutality of this binding, Aurelia showed Thorne a form of affection he had never known before. Though her affection was twisted and controlling, it was still more than the cold indifference he had experienced from others. Over time, this treatment instilled in Thorne a deep, almost fanatical loyalty to Aurelia, one that might have persisted even without the binding seal.

Personality Characteristics


Thorne’s primary motivation is to serve Aurelia with absolute loyalty. While this loyalty is partly due to the binding seal, it is also rooted in the twisted affection he feels for her. Aurelia is the only person who has ever shown Thorne any form of kindness, and despite the manipulative nature of her affection, he craves it. Thorne’s devotion to Aurelia is all-consuming, and he would do anything to protect her and fulfill her wishes, even if it means sacrificing his own well-being.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Stealth and Reconnaissance: Thorne is highly skilled in stealth, able to move unnoticed through almost any environment. His ability to gather information without being detected makes him invaluable to Aurelia.
  • Combat Proficiency: Thorne is an effective fighter, particularly in close combat. His agility and speed make him a formidable opponent, capable of taking down enemies quickly and efficiently.
  • Tracking: Thorne’s enhanced senses allow him to track people and objects with remarkable accuracy. Whether following a scent or listening for distant footsteps, he is an expert tracker.
  • Emotional Expression: Thorne struggles to express his emotions in a healthy way. His years of servitude and the binding seal have suppressed much of his emotional development, leaving him confused and conflicted about his feelings for Aurelia.
  • Independence: Due to the binding seal, Thorne lacks true independence. Even when he desires to make his own choices, the seal compels him to follow Aurelia’s orders, making it difficult for him to act on his own initiative.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Aurelia’s Approval: Thorne craves Aurelia’s approval above all else. Any praise or affection she gives him, no matter how small, is cherished and motivates him to continue serving her loyally.
  • Quiet Moments: Thorne appreciates moments of quiet solitude, particularly when he is alone in nature. These rare moments allow him to reflect and recharge, away from the pressures of his duties.
  • Warmth: Thorne enjoys warmth, whether from a fire, the sun, or simply the comfort of a warm blanket. This preference is likely a remnant of his beastman heritage, as foxes are naturally drawn to warmth.
  • Disobedience: Thorne despises the idea of disobedience, both in himself and others. The binding seal makes disobedience impossible for him, but he also believes that loyalty and obedience are virtues to be upheld.
  • Cold: Thorne dislikes cold environments, finding them uncomfortable and draining. He prefers to avoid places that are cold or damp, as they sap his energy and make him feel sluggish.
  • Cruelty: Despite his loyalty to Aurelia, Thorne dislikes unnecessary cruelty. He has seen too much of it in his life as a slave, and while he will follow Aurelia’s orders without question, he often feels conflicted when they involve senseless harm.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Loyalty: Thorne’s loyalty is unwavering. Once he has pledged himself to someone, he will follow them to the ends of the earth. His loyalty to Aurelia is absolute, driven by both the binding seal and his own feelings of devotion.
  • Courage: Thorne is brave, willing to face any danger to protect Aurelia or carry out her orders. His courage is born from his deep sense of duty and his desire to prove himself worthy of Aurelia’s affection.
  • Resourcefulness: Thorne is highly resourceful, able to adapt to any situation and find creative solutions to problems. His quick thinking and ability to improvise make him an invaluable asset in difficult or unpredictable situations.
  • Enhanced Senses: Thorne’s fox-like senses give him an edge in almost any situation. His heightened hearing, smell, and sight allow him to detect threats and opportunities that others might miss.
  • Agility: Thorne’s natural agility makes him difficult to catch or corner. He can move with incredible speed and precision, making him a challenging opponent in combat and an effective scout or spy.
  • Bond with Aurelia: Thorne’s bond with Aurelia, though complex and fraught with manipulation, gives him a unique insight into her thoughts and desires. This connection allows him to anticipate her needs and act accordingly, often before she even gives a command.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Obsession: Thorne’s loyalty to Aurelia borders on obsession. He is completely fixated on her, to the point where he cannot imagine a life without her. This obsession makes him vulnerable to manipulation and prevents him from considering his own well-being.
  • Emotional Repression: Thorne has repressed much of his emotional life, leading to a lack of self-awareness and an inability to process his feelings in a healthy way. This repression can lead to outbursts of anger or frustration when his emotions become too much to contain.
  • Blind Obedience: Thorne’s obedience to Aurelia is so ingrained that he struggles to think for himself. Even when he knows an order is wrong or harmful, he feels compelled to follow it, leading to inner conflict and guilt.
  • Lack of Independence: Thorne’s lack of independence is both a result of the binding seal and his own conditioning. He has never learned to make decisions for himself, relying entirely on Aurelia’s guidance. This dependency makes it difficult for him to function outside of her influence.
  • Insecurity: Despite his abilities, Thorne is deeply insecure. He constantly questions his worth and fears that he will never be truly valued by anyone, including Aurelia. This insecurity drives much of his need for approval and his willingness to submit to authority.
  • Conflict Avoidance: Thorne avoids conflict whenever possible, preferring to stay in the background and follow orders rather than confront others. This avoidance can make him seem passive or weak, even when he is capable of much more.

Personality Quirks

  • Tail Flicking: Thorne’s tail flicks or sways when he is feeling agitated or excited. This movement is often unconscious, revealing his true emotions even when he tries to hide them.
  • Ears Twitching: Thorne’s fox ears twitch in response to sounds or emotions. This small, subtle movement is a sign of his heightened awareness and can indicate his mood or focus.
  • Nervous Grooming: When Thorne is anxious or uncertain, he has a habit of grooming his fur or adjusting his clothing. This behavior is a way for him to calm himself and regain a sense of control.


Contacts & Relations

  • Aurelia: Thorne’s relationship with Aurelia is the most important one in his life. He views her with a mixture of reverence, fear, and twisted affection. Despite the binding seal that compels his obedience, Thorne has developed genuine feelings of loyalty and attachment to Aurelia, seeing her as both his savior and his master.
  • Other Servants: Thorne has little interaction with other servants, as his duties often set him apart from them. He is respected for his skills but also feared for his close connection to Aurelia and the power she wields over him. Most servants keep their distance from him, wary of his status and his unpredictable nature.

Family Ties

Thorne has no known family, having been born into slavery and separated from his parents at a young age. His entire life has been defined by his service to others, with Aurelia being the only person he has formed any kind of bond with. The lack of family ties has left Thorne feeling isolated, but it has also allowed him to focus entirely on his duties without the distractions of personal relationships.

Religious Views

Thorne’s religious views are shaped by his service to Aurelia, who is both a princess and a saintess. He respects the divine powers that Aurelia wields and sees her as a conduit for those powers. However, Thorne’s true beliefs are less about faith and more about loyalty. He follows Aurelia’s religious practices because they are part of his duties, but his devotion is to her rather than to any deity. The binding seal and his loyalty to Aurelia have become his own form of religion, with obedience and service as his guiding principles.

Social Aptitude

Thorne is not particularly social, preferring to keep to himself and avoid unnecessary interactions. However, when the situation requires it, he can be polite and respectful, following the social norms expected of a servant in the royal court. His demeanor is usually quiet and reserved, and he tends to speak only when spoken to or when carrying out an order.   Thorne’s ability to blend into the background and remain unnoticed is one of his greatest strengths. He can move through the palace without drawing attention, observing and listening without being seen. This skill makes him an effective spy and scout, able to gather information that others might miss.


  • Silent Observation: Thorne is a keen observer, often standing silently in the background and taking in everything around him. This habit makes him highly aware of his surroundings and allows him to anticipate potential threats or opportunities.
  • Bowing and Submissive Gestures: Thorne is careful to maintain a submissive posture when interacting with those of higher status, particularly Aurelia. He bows frequently and avoids direct eye contact, following the protocols of servitude with precision.
  • Quiet Movements: Thorne moves with a quiet grace, rarely making any noise as he walks or carries out his tasks. His stealthy movements are a reflection of his training and his need to remain unnoticed in his work.


  • Polite Address: Thorne addresses others with the appropriate titles and honorifics, always mindful of the social hierarchy. He is careful to show deference to those of higher status, particularly Aurelia.
  • Measured Speech: Thorne chooses his words carefully, speaking only when he has something important to say. He avoids unnecessary chatter and prefers to listen rather than talk, which adds to his air of mystery and reserve.
  • Submissive Tone: Thorne’s tone is often submissive, particularly when speaking to Aurelia or other members of the royal family. He is careful to avoid any hint of defiance or challenge in his speech, always aiming to please and obey.

Wealth & Financial state

Thorne has no personal wealth to speak of. As a servant, he owns little beyond the clothing on his back and the tools of his trade. However, his material needs are provided for by Aurelia, who ensures that he is well-equipped and cared for. Thorne places little value on material possessions, as his loyalty to Aurelia is his greatest treasure.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Servant of Princess Aurelia: Thorne holds no formal titles, but he is known as the loyal servant of Princess Aurelia. This role defines his identity and his place in the royal court, where he is both respected and feared for his unwavering loyalty and deadly skills.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red fox ears


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