
Physical Description

Body Features

Troya's physical appearance is both ethereal and imposing, with a presence that seems to command attention even when he remains silent. He is tall and slender, with a lithe, almost otherworldly grace to his movements. His skin is pale and almost translucent, giving him an eerie, ghostly appearance that only adds to his mysterious allure.

Facial Features

Troya's eyes are a piercing shade of gold, with an intensity that makes it feel as though he can see through anything and anyone. His long, silver hair cascades down his back like a waterfall of moonlight, further emphasizing his enigmatic nature.

Special abilities

Troya excels in the most arcane and forbidden forms of magic, specializing in dark magic and necromancy. He is capable of summoning spirits from beyond the grave and manipulating shadows to do his bidding, often using these abilities to further his own ends or to gain leverage over others. His knowledge of ancient rituals and forbidden spells is unparalleled, allowing him to perform feats of magic that few others could even comprehend, let alone replicate. Troya's magical abilities are not just limited to combat; he also possesses advanced knowledge of ancient artifacts and relics, which he collects obsessively, believing that these objects hold the key to unlocking even greater power. His connection to Freya is both a source of strength and a driving force behind his ambitions, as he believes that by working together, they can transcend their current limitations and achieve a level of power that surpasses even that of the gods.

Apparel & Accessories

Troya typically dresses in dark, flowing robes adorned with ancient symbols and sigils, garments that reflect his deep connection to arcane magic and his obsession with ancient knowledge.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Troya is an ancient and powerful deity, born alongside his sister Freya during a time when gods and goddesses played games with the lives of mortals, using them as mere pawns in their divine machinations. Unlike his more passionate and fiery sister, Troya was always the more enigmatic and reserved of the two, preferring to operate from the shadows, manipulating events with a cold, calculating precision. Over time, Troya became obsessed with the pursuit of ultimate power, believing that through mastering forbidden knowledge and ancient magic, he could transcend his own divine nature and achieve a state of absolute supremacy. This ambition, however, led to his downfall; when the goddess Nyx rose to prominence, advocating for peace and the protection of mortals, Troya and Freya found themselves banished from the mortal plane, their powers severely diminished. Now, from his place of exile, Troya works tirelessly to regain his former glory, driven by an insatiable desire to reclaim his lost power and dominate both gods and mortals alike.

Intellectual Characteristics

Troya is an enigmatic and reserved figure, exuding an aura of cold detachment that often makes him seem distant or unreachable. He is a master of observation, always analyzing and assessing those around him with a calm, calculating demeanor. Beneath this exterior, however, lies a fierce passion and an unyielding ambition that drives every action he takes. Troya is intensely focused on his goals, willing to go to great lengths to achieve them, even if it means delving into the darkest and most forbidden forms of magic. He possesses a deep appreciation for knowledge and power, constantly seeking out new information and magical abilities to further his understanding of the universe and his place within it. Despite his aloof nature, there is a certain allure to Troya, a sense that he knows more than he lets on and that his seemingly cryptic words and actions are all part of a grander, hidden plan.

Personality Characteristics


Troya is driven by an insatiable desire for power and control, seeking to transcend the limitations of his current existence and achieve god-like status. His connection to Freya fuels this ambition, as he believes that together, they can reclaim their former glory and dominate both the mortal and divine realms. Troya's ultimate goal is to unlock the secrets of the universe, to gain a level of understanding and power that surpasses even the gods themselves, allowing him to reshape reality according to his own will. This ambition drives every action he takes, from his pursuit of ancient knowledge to his manipulation of those around him, and it is a force that cannot be easily deterred or satisfied.

Personality Quirks

Troya has a habit of speaking in riddles or cryptic phrases, often leaving those around him puzzled or frustrated by his words. This tendency reflects both his love of knowledge and his desire to keep others off-balance, never revealing too much of his true intentions. He also has a peculiar affinity for ancient artifacts and relics, which he collects with an almost obsessive fervor, believing that these objects hold the secrets to unlocking even greater power. Troya's speech is formal and deliberate, often laced with poetic undertones, giving his words a weight that commands attention even when he speaks softly. Despite his cold and detached demeanor, there is a subtle intensity to everything Troya does, a sense that every action, no matter how small, is part of a larger, carefully calculated plan.


Religious Views

Troya is highly intelligent and perceptive, with a natural ability to read people and situations. However, his cold and detached demeanor often makes him seem distant or unapproachable, and he rarely goes out of his way to engage with others unless it serves his own interests. When he does speak, his words are often cryptic and difficult to decipher, reflecting both his love of riddles and his desire to keep others at arm's length. Despite this, Troya possesses a certain charisma, a magnetic presence that draws people to him even when they are unsure of his true intentions. He is a master of manipulation, able to subtly influence those around him without them even realizing it, and he uses this skill to further his own goals with ruthless efficiency.

Social Aptitude

Troya’s relationship with Freya is one of both deep connection and mutual ambition. As siblings, they share a bond that transcends the mortal realm, a connection forged in the fires of their shared pursuit of power and dominance. Troya respects Freya’s strength and cunning, and he sees their alliance as essential to achieving their ultimate goals. However, there is also an underlying tension between them, a recognition that their ambitions may one day put them at odds. Despite this, Troya remains deeply loyal to Freya, seeing her as both an ally and a kindred spirit in their quest for ultimate supremacy. Their relationship is complex, a blend of sibling rivalry, mutual respect, and shared ambition that drives both of them forward.
Long silver


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