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"Swig" Action


The Swig action grants players an unique opportunity to consume magical elixirs during their adventures. This act serves as a second bonus action, allowing characters to partake in the mysterious properties of enchanted beverages.

Consumables/Item Cards:

  • Physical cards represent consumable items suitable for the Swig action. Players obtain these cards when acquiring eligible items from shops. Items lacking a corresponding card, such as standard potions, do not qualify for Swig actions.
  • Each physical card will have a number associated (1- 3) with it that will tell the player how many Swig Points it costs to consume that item.

Stacking Effects:

Mixing Consumables of the Same Type/Effect:
  • Consuming multiple elixirs with the same type or effect does not extend or replenish ongoing effects. For instance, if an elixir grants advantage on initiative rolls for 1 hour, consuming a similar elixir within that time doesn't reset the timer. Players must wait for the original duration to conclude before benefiting from similar effects again.

Mixing Consumables of the Different Types/Effects:
  • 2 Consumables- Players roll a CON save DC14. Succeed= All consumables work as intended. On fail, player rolls consequence from the "Swig Effects Table"
  • 3 Consumables- Players roll a CON save DC16. Succeed= All consumables work as intended. On fail, take 1D4 Poison damage and player rolls consequence from the "Swig Effects Table"
  • 4 Consumables- Players roll a CON save DC18. Succeed= All consumables work as intended and take 1D4 Poison damage. On fail, player immediately loses the effects of the last consumable taken, take double the Poison damage, and player rolls consequence from the "Swig Effects Table"
  • 5 Consumables- Players roll a CON save DC20. Succeed= All consumables work as intended and take 1D6 Poison damage. On fail, take double the Poison damage, player immediately loses the effects of the last consumable and player rolls consequence from the "Swig Effects Table"
  • 6 Consumables- Players roll a CON save DC22. Succeed= All consumables work as intended and take 1D8 Poison damage. On fail, take double the Poison damage, player loses the effects of the last 2 consumables used, movement speed is cut in half for 1 minute and player still rolls consequence from the "Swig Effects Table"
Mixing Consumables CON Save: DC10+2x(number of consumables)

Swig Mixing Effects Table

***Only use this table whenever a Player fails any of the CON saving throws when mixing various consumables.***

Swig Points:

Commencing their journey with 2 Swig points, characters progressively unlock additional points as they advance:
Level 2: Start with 2 points.
Level 6: Gain 1 point, totaling 3.
Level 9: Another point is added, reaching 4 points.
Level 11: Acquire an extra point, summing up to 5.
Level 14: Attain the final point, capping at a maximum of 6 Swig points.

Real-World Link:

To enhance the immersive experience, players will have small glass vials filled with real-world "magical potions" (cocktails or drink of your choice) that player will be able to drink alongside their characters when taking a "Swig." Cheers to blending reality with the magic of the game!

Reset Mechanism:

Following a short rest, only 1 Swig point resets. A complete restoration of all points occurs after a long rest.
1 Echoing Laughter:
1 minute
Combat- You let out unreasonably loud magical laughter which draws attention, causing all enemies in a 100ft radius to see and now target the character for 1 minute.
Non-Combat- Laughter echoes, distracting allies and everyone else around. They have disadvantage on all rolls for 1 minute.
2 Swaying Sensation:
Combat- Dizziness affects balance and coordination, imposing -2 to attack rolls for 1 combat round.
Non-Combat- Swaying sensation persists, causing a minor stumble slowing movement speed by 15ft for 1 minute.
3 Fortunate Reversal:
Combat- Both of the effects of the consumables fail to provide their effects. The failed concoction unexpectedly turns into a boon however, granting advantage on the next 3 attack rolls.
Non-Combat- The concoction turns into a fortunate charm, providing advantage on the next 3 skill checks of the player's choice.
4 Tingling Sensation:
Combat- Numbness affects precision, imposing disadvantage on melee attacks until the players next turn.
Non-Combat- Tingling sensation in fingers and toes hinders delicate tasks, imposing disadvantage on Dexterity checks for 30 seconds.
5 Visual Distortion:
Combat- Colors appear vibrant and distorienting granting advantage on the next attack roll against the player.
Non-Combat- Visual distortions linger, imposing disadvantage on the all Perception checks for 1 minute.
6 Colorful Glow:
Combat- Character emits an ethereal golden glow in a 5 ft radius for 1 minute making Stealth impossible. If the player is hiding, then their position is given away to any enemies within 50 feet.
Non-Combat- Glow persists, creating a distraction to everyone in your viscinity, imposing disadvantage on Stealth checks for 1 minute to you and your allies within 5 feet of you.
7 Feather-light Steps:
Combat- Legs feel light, increasing movement speed by 10 feet for the rest of the combat round.
Non-Combat- Light steps persist, enhancing agility and providing advantage on Dexterity skill checks for 1 minute.
8 Confetti Confusion:
Combat- Character suddenly spews confetti from their mouth. Enemies within 150 feet from you, that can see you, are momentarily distracted granting your allies in combat with you advantage on their next attack rolls. Enemies may now target you.
Non-Combat- Confetti spews out of your mouth for 5 continuous seconds, anyone with 150ft that is within eyesight of you, now is looking at you.
9 Sour Stomach:
Combat- Nausea affects combat readiness, imposing disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll.
Non-Combat- Mild nausea lingers, imposing disadvantage on CON checks for 1 minute.
10 Dm's Manna:
Combat & Non-Combat- Dm decides what the effects of this mixture is. The effect is not to be longer than 1 minute in duration.
11 Brief Forgetfulness:
Combat- Temporary memory lapse affects you. If melee attacking, you briefly forget what's going on during your attack roll imposing disadvantage. If spellcasting, imposing disadvantage on the next spell attack roll.
Non-Combat- Forgetfulness hampers problem solving, imposing disadvantage on any Intelligence or any Wisdom skill check.
12 Ephemeral Invisibility:
Combat- Character briefly turns invisible, 3 seconds, granting an additional 10ft of movement, surprising enemies and gaining advantage on the next attack roll.
Non-Combat- Invisibility can bring unexpected advantages or disadvantages. Without the adrenaline of combat, If the player has permanently lost any of their Death Saving Throws, the player is mentally transported to a different mental plane of existence for 6 seconds (while they are invisible where they stand), in which they are given some knowledge of an arcane artifact by an unknown entity of good or evil origins. If the player has all of their Death Saving Throws, the Player has the effects of the Invisibility spell for 6 seconds.