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**House Rules**


Greetings, Adventurers! As we embark on our journey in Aelorion, let's delve into a few house rules that shape our gameplay. I've drawn inspiration from various D&D versions, melding them with 5e, but I aim to keep things clear and enjoyable.

Guidelines for House Rules:

  • Simplicity and Clarity: Our rules are designed for simplicity and ease of understanding. Any updates will be communicated clearly post-session to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
  • Immersive Gameplay: Aelorion is a world filled with physical aspects, featuring themed game rooms, tangible props, and real "potions." Our gameplay mirrors this immersion, emphasizing logical thinking and descriptive roleplay.
  • Consistency Matters: I prioritize consistency in applying rules. If any adjustments are made, I'll ensure transparency and alignment with our shared understanding.
  • Balancing Creativity with Rules: Unleash your creativity within the established rules. Your character's movements and actions are as crucial as their abilities. Find the sweet spot between logical descriptions and the fantastical essence of D&D.
  • Encouraging Participation: Every adventurer's input is valued. Collaborative discussions shape our adventure, and your feedback helps refine the evolving world of Aelorion.

Master House Rule:

  Creative Precision: In the realm of Aelorion, we celebrate the art of creative gameplay. To amplify the connection between logical descriptions and the fantastical nature of D&D, I created the "Creative Precision rule."
  • Overview: When executing an action that involves a character's abilities, consider the power of descriptive roleplay. While adhering to the core rules, players are encouraged to vividly describe their character's movements and actions. This not only adds flavor to the narrative but may also influence the outcome.
  • Implementation: Engage in descriptive roleplay when executing character actions.The Dungeon Master (DM) will consider the logical coherence and creativity of your description.While the core rules still apply, exceptional descriptions may offer slight advantages or narrative embellishments.

Other HomeBrew and variant D&D edition rules:

  1. No Guns
  2. 'Minion' rule- 4th Edition D&D: Minions have 1 hp, don't take damage when missed, even if the attack normally deals damage on a miss, and do fixed damage. A minion is destroyed when it takes any amount of damage.
  3. Critical Initiative- Nat 20 on Initiative roll will give the player an extra Action for their first round of combat.
  4. Unstable Unconsciousness- When a character drops to 0 HP and starts making their Death Saving Throws, each time they are brought back to consciousness either by rolling all 3 of their saves, or by being brought back to 1HP by healing or other magical/medicinal means, a Death Save is burned away until the next Long rest.
  5. Unstable Resurrection- Each time a character is raised from the dead, they come back a little bit diminished. Their stats are all the same, but they lose a permanent death save. So if you’ve been raised from the dead and then fall to 0 hp, you only have 2 failed death saves before you die, but still need 3 successes. Raised twice? you can only fail 1 death save. Raised three times? If you drop to 0 you die, and cannot be raised again.
  6. Optional Rule- Flanking- A creature can’t flank an enemy that it can’t see. A creature also can’t flank while it is incapacitated. A Large or larger creature is flanking as long as at least one square of its space qualifies for flanking. Flanking on Squares: When a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on melee attack rolls against that enemy. When in doubt about whether two creatures flank an enemy on a grid, trace an imaginary line between the centers of the creatures’ spaces. If the line passes through opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, the enemy is flanked. You can’t use flanking advantage to negate disadvantage from attacking an unseen enemy. It’s not enough to attack an enemy from the side for flanking advantage to apply: you must attack from behind. Flanking applies to melee attackers only.
  7. Long distance travel- 


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