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Atagone Leonin Ranger Monster Slayer

Atagone was a confident Leonin. She carries herself with her head held high. She is not interested in small talk, she was strictly about business. Her motive in life is to slay monsters. She loved taking the life away from monsters. As she slays monsters, she is always keeping an eye and ear about her brother. Seven years ago, decorated investigator Tamin disappeared. He was last sense patrolling his normal route.     Atagone joined the academy soon after her brother's mysterious disappearance. She went to the monster slayer branch, determined to make enough money to fuel her investigation. She also was too prideful to give up on herself and her goals, to follow in her father's footsteps.     When meeting Atagone, she is gruff and a short conversationalist. She kept people at a distance, unless she partakes in multiple missions. She is a lonely creature, so having chances to talk to specifically trusted people is good for her. She is a loyal friend and companion. If she highly trusts a person, and they trust a stranger, Atagone is more likely to open up to that person quicker. She values other's inputs, but is not afraid to express her frustrations. If someone is pissing her off, she will make it known. She is quick tempered and ready to fight. However, she does not hold grudges. Once a fight ends, she is over the conflict in the first place.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and Muscular. She is not super jacked, but her muscle is defined. Her claws are shaped to look extra sharp.

Body Features

Caramel brown fur. A dark chocolate tail. Her belly is a little bit lighter, but hard to see without the light hitting the perfect angle. Her paw pads are black, with a small pink splotch on her left leg's paw pads.

Facial Features

A white streak on her snout and trail up behind her ears. The white fur slowly fades, by the time it is at her ears, it is brown. Her interior ears are a cream color. Her nose is black with sprinkles of pink around her nose curve.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atagone comes from a very small pride. It consisted of her father, a lion who was kicked out of his previous pride, her mother who comes from a long line of nomadic descendants, and her twin brother. They were nomadic for the longest bit of Atagone's childhood. They were able to settle in a very small town by the time Atagone was 14. It was perfect, the population was sparse. Everyone kept to themselves. Atagone and her brother were incredibly close. Her brother, Tamin, made sure to push Atagone, wanting to make sure that she could stand up for herself. The two had each other's back, but also would have no problem in fighting each other. Her parents were quick to find jobs. Her mother became the local historical teacher, while her father became a monster slayer. Atagone's father quickly became a town hero. As the population grew, it attracted monsters. Her father slayed many beasts to save his town. He inspired others to join forces and protect their town. They stayed there until Atagone was 20 in Leonin years. But life was too good to be true. Words got around that Atagone's father was kicked out of his pride. People lost trust in his words and authority. Rumors spread and one sticked, he was kicked out because he murdered a family. Riot broke out and the townspeople demanded his head. Atagone's family soon had to flee, but her father stayed behind to buy them time. The three escaped but soon her mother passed from a mysterious illness.   Atagone and her brother find themselves in Sorcerium. Her brother immediately takes up a position in the Guard. He worked hard to get promoted, earning the investigator position faster than anyone has done before. He was an investigator one year since they moved there. Atagone was too fearful to find a job. She tried to stay as far away as possible to others. The trauma from the townspeople turning against them overnight was too overwhelming for her. She couldn't bear being betrayed again.   Her life turned upside down again with the sudden disappearance of her brother. One day her brother never returned home from work. She reported him missing, but the investigators didn't seem that faze by it, even though he was their coworker. Atagone was quick to join the Guard. Like her brother, she excelled in the ranking, but not by being a good citizen police. She took the monster slayer route. For seven more years, Atagone worked as a monster slayer for the guard.


Can speak common and Leonin. Naturally smart, but not book smart. Did not attend a school besides when she was a cub. Limited historical education


Monster Slayer for the Sorcerium Guard

Mental Trauma

The tramua of watching the mob engulf around her father affects her everyday. Then shortly losing her mother sent her down a spiral. If she didn't have her brother she would be in shambles. Her trauma affected her ilfe less and less, but came back full swing when her brother disappears.    Four year spiral, she induldged in adrenaline highs (monster slaying) and dedicated her life to killing species.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is wise, but lacks charisma.

6'4 lioness. Honey brown eyes and caramel brown fur. Chocolate fur is tip of her tail. From her snout, an inch trail goes up her nose and goes behind her ears. The fur gradually fades to brown.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
28 years old in Leonin
Honey Brown
Special white fur on snout, gradually goes up to curl behind her ears. The white fades from snout to ears, mostly caramel brown at her ears
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fur is Caramel Brown

The Journal Entry’s title

One Token for 3 Dogs Tavern


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