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Enchanted Charms


Weapon Charms are powerful magical artifacts that can be attached to a weapon to imbue it with unique properties and abilities. Each charm is crafted from rare and exotic materials, infused with potent magical energies, and shaped into various keychains. When attached to a weapon, a charm enhances its capabilities and grants the wielder access to special effects and abilities.

Weapon Charm Cards:

  • Physical cards to represent their weapon charms, with each card detailing the powers and abilities granted by the charm.
  • The powers listed on the card will be represented by bullet points, with the main power of the charm listed in red text and any additional weapon-specific powers listed in blue text. (Powersets can also be found in the article of the shop or person the charm was recieved from.)
  • The specific weapon(s) for which the charm's weapon-specific powers apply will be underlined text on the card.

**Weapon Compatibility: Some charms reach their full potential when attached to specific types of weapons. These weapon-specific effects are indicated in blue text on the charm's stat card.**

Charm Crafting:

  • The first step in crafting a weapon charm is to obtain the recipe. This may involve exploration, interaction with NPCs, or as a reward for completing a quest. The recipe typically consists of a list of ingredients and any additional steps involved in crafting the charm.
  • With the materials gathered, players must perform a magical ritual to infuse the items together and imbue them with magical properties. This ritual typically requires knowledge of arcane or divine magic. Non-magic users may need assistance from a skilled spellcaster or the use of magical artifacts or items.
  • The crafting process involves following the steps outlined in the recipe and combining the materials using the magical ritual. This may include chanting incantations, drawing arcane symbols, or channeling magical energies. The process should be conducted with care and precision to ensure the success of the enchantment, for any deviations may cause unforseen consequences.
Flame Crest Charm

  1. Ruby from the Heart of a Volcano
  2. Raw Silver
  3. Fire Blossom
  4. Fire Beetle Carapace
Magical Ritual:

  • Sigil of the Flame
  • Incantation of Ignition
  The creator begins the enchantment ritual by drawing the Sigil of the Flame (player creates) on the ground or on a sacred altar, placing the silver and other ingredients at its center. They then recite the Incantation of Ignition (player creates), channeling their magical energies into the ruby and invoking the power of the volcano's flames.

  • Player then rolls a D12, any number except for a 1 will result in a successful crafting of the charm.
  • On a roll of 1, all the ingredients minus, the main ingredient, will be destroyed and the main ingredient will begin to crack. (3 cracks and the ingredient is completey destroyed.)

Charm Durability:

Each charm has a limited durability, represented by cracks that appear on its surface. These cracks indicate the strain the charm has endured and its ability to contain its magical energy.

  • Cracks are a visual representation of the charm's weakening state.
  • Cracks can happen when the powers within the charm are extended beyond their normal uses. (See Extended Charges Table)
  • When a charm gains a third crack, it becomes too weak to contain its magical energy. At this point, the charm is destroyed. However, the charm's "power source," typically the exotic or hard-to-obtain ingredient used in its creation, remains intact and falls to the ground.

Limitation on Carrying:

  • A person can only attune to and benefit from two weapon charms at any given time. This restriction is due to the volatile nature of the energies contained within the charms. Attempting to attune to more than two charms simultaneously leads to a destabilizing clash of energies, resulting in severe physical and mental strain on the bearer, possibly even death.

  • Attuning to a new weapon charm requires a deep connection to its specific magical resonance. Due to this, one must spend a full day training with a new charm attached to a weapon. After training has been complete and the wielder is acclamated to the new feeling the weapon has, it will only take a full action to remove a weapon charm from a weapon and another full action to attach another attuned charm.

3rd Effect Charm Charges:

  • Some weapon charms have 3rd effects that are triggered under specific conditions that the wielder may be in, labeled on the physical cards as well as in their descriptions in their respective articles. These effects may have a limited amount of Charm Charges and on the physical cards the number of charges available will be denoted on the cards as black bullet points. Each point being a charge.

  • All available charges must be fully used before a 're-charge' can take place.

If all charges have been completely depleted, all of the charms powers are rendered inert until a 're-charge' takes place.


  • A 're-charge' of the Charm Charges takes a full night of the charm being bathed in the Moonlight unimpeded. The only night this will not work as intended is on a night of a New Moon.

Extended Charges:

After all available charges for the 3rd effect of a charm have been expended, the wielder may attempt to channel the flickers of residual energy left within the charm to potentially activate the 3rd effect one final time. To do so, the wielder must perform the following steps:
  • The wielder declares their intent to channel and concentrates on the flickering energy within the charm, attuning themselves to its remaining power.
  • The wielder rolls a twenty-sided die (D20) to determine the success of the channeling attempt. The roll outcomes are as follows:
      Extended Charges Table  
Roll Outcome
1-5 Fail with no consequences other than the wasted action. (25% probability)
6-8 Fail with magical stun and 1 crack. (15% probability)
9-14 Succeed as intended. (30% probability)
15-19 Succeed, but 1 crack appears on the charm. (25% probability)
20 Succeeds but a magical explosion also occurs. Everyone within 10 feet makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, take 1d6 force damage. If they fail by 5 or more, they are knocked down to a knee and must use their action to get back up. 2 cracks appear on the charm. (5% probability)


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