House of Life

The House of life is one of the most powerful magic organizations in the world. It is the most Powerful in Askr. It is rare for clerics to be outside of the organization. Many Celestial and Hexblade Warlocks, Sorcerers, and Wizards are part of this organization too. Members of the Druidic cirles of Dreams, Moon, and Desert all make up Nomes 3-6. Those who aren't part of this organization work to make sure their magic is never found out.


The house of life has many locations thorough Askr however, the first Nome is the headquarters of the House of Life were they keep trainees. Each Nome has a head of the Nome and the leader of the House of Life is called the Chief Lector. Most of the time they work independent only occasionally working with the Pharaoh.


The House of Life is simaler to that of a military school with strict rules and organization of military might.

Public Agenda

The House of Life works on dealing with various threats were it be rouge mages, demons, or anything that treatens Askr.


13 Nomes, one ship, camles and griffons, vast coffers, basic spellcasting focus, crystal balls and other ways of scrying.


The House of Life was founded by Thoth the god of knowllege to protect Askr and keep mages under control as many were causing havoic. The group was formed and started bringing things under control. At the time of the founding the Pharaoh was the leader of the House of Life as they would be given the power of the gods. However, the Pharaohs eventually started to use the House of Life to further their own agendas. So the House of Life made some changes and made it so that the Cheif Lector would be the one in charge. As time went on they continued to expand and created diffrent Nomes.

Mythology & Lore

Thoth came and founded the organization telling them to organize the mages in Askr and they will play an important role in the saftey of Askr. This has lead many to belive that they are the ones that will stop Aphois from rising and swallowing the sun.

Divine Origins

Thoth was worshiped because he was the god that sugested to the Pharaoh that founded the House of Life and is seen as the Founding God but Horis and Iris are close second choices.


Gods are respected and are not insulted but with the exception of Thoth rarely are they worshiped.

Granted Divine Powers

Many people choose to get powers from the god that they path that they study or worship many choose Thoth but others choose
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Per Ankh
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities


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