Neverwinter in Aelthia | World Anvil
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Neverwinter, also known as the City of Skilled Hands and the Jewel of the North, was a bustling, cultured, and cosmopolitan city-state in northwest Faerûn. Neverwinter was regarded by Volo as the most cosmopolitan and civilized city in all of Faerûn. The city was a member in good standing of the Lords' Alliance.Known for its craftsfolk and gardeners, the city's multi-colored-glass lamps, precision water clocks, exquisite jewelry, and magnificent gardens ensured the warm winters were colorful and the summers were rich with fresh fruit.   The city was originally named Eigersstor, which was an Illuskan word. The name "Neverwinter" was the Chondathan translation. A number of legends explained where the city's name came from, but they contradicted each other. Some believed the city was founded by a sun elf named Halueth Never, who led the elves of Iliyanbruen against an Illuskan invasion . Surrounded by enemies, he chose the site where the river met the sea to make his last stand, naming the place "Never's Winter", believing he would die in the ensuing battle. However, human allies arrived just in time and together they defeated the Illuskans. Never founded the city, keeping the name, and over the years it was shortened to "Neverwinter".   Others, such as Volo and Elminster, reported the name came from its gardens, for Neverwinter's gardeners were acclaimed throughout the Realms for keeping their gardens growing and flowers blooming even through winter snow. This was also the source of the city's moniker, "the City of Skilled Hands". (In fact, they used hothouses.)   Others, however, believed the city was named for its unusually warm climate and how its harbor remained ice-free in the winters.     The first settlement in the Savage Frontier was an elven city known as Illefarn, a bustling nation after the time of the Crown Wars. Eventually, Illefarn was divided into three nations, of which Iliyanbruen was the most prominent. Iliyanbruen was weakened by orc invasions, which paved the way for Eigersstor, the first multi-racial settlement in the area, which would later be called Neverwinter. Neverwinter became a center of civilization, peace, and culture and was widely viewed as a marvel by visitors. This trend lasted, seemingly unbroken since its founding until the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR when a disease known as the Wailing Death laid low most of the city's inhabitants. Then, in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, the Spellplague struck both Neverwinter and all of Faerûn
Neverwinter Base Map Image
Neverwinter is a friendly city of craftsmen, who trade extensively via the great merchants of Waterdeep; their water-clocks and multi-hued lamps can be found throughout the Realms. Neverwinter gained its name from the skill of its gardeners, who contrived to keep flowers blooming throughout the months of snow—a practice they continue with pride. — Elminster's notes on Neverwinter


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