Malon Character in Aelutea | World Anvil


King of Illan (a.k.a. Malon (Malice), Amaiera (The End), Orefn (Fear), The Outerking)

The mysterious and dreaded Malon of the former fae home of Illan. Malon exists in an entirely separate universe than our own yet his influence can still be felt as the pull of the Outerking can be felt as can his ever-vigilant glare through the barriers of the universes as the red eyes gaze deep into the world of mortals and gods.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Of Malon's physical description, all that is remembered are the dark red eyes and ungentle hands of a being exuding malice and entropy with every fiber of their being.

Special abilities

Untethered by Death

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A figure of which we understand very little, a figure that terrifies the normally stoic fae, this is Malon, the Outerking. What can be understood of the figure that is Malon comes from the word passed from generation to generation of the fae who fled the world of this figure and into our own. What we know of Malon's domain is that it is a wasteland in every sense of the word, nothing grows there and an ever-present blanket of fog and darkness rests on the land. No sun, no moons, and no stars in the sky bring light to this world, nothing except an orange haze emanating from the ground. What seems to live are a series of misshapen and misformed creatures that are cloaked in something resembling flesh as they do little but breathe in and out and writhe from time to time. Among Malon are a council of twelve similarly cloaked beings, called Malon's stewards or "The Oernareth". The Oernareth are even less understood than Malon and while each is said to possess untold cosmic power, they bow humbly and in servitude to the presence of the Outerking as he strides among them.

Among both branches of the fae people, this universe, their former home, is called "Illan" meaning Out or Outer. Between the two brothers, the most information seems to have come from Thallan who is supposed to have said,

"Of Amairea, I remember little of what I remember, my memories have been tampered with and I admit the thought frightens me that a sliver of the Outerking followed us as we fled, a thought I imagine does little in scaring others but brings dread to my very soul."

The relationship between the fae brothers Sylren and Thallan to Malon is not entirely known but what is known is that the brothers were filled with an intense fear of the presence of the Outerking. Such fear was generational as during this time the fae were not bound to mortal lives but to a life spent evading the troubling influence of Malon who would come to them in dreams and illusions and slowly drive them mad. In the tongue of the former Huldra fae, Malon is simply called "Orefn" or "Fear". Among them, Malon is a sort of boogeyman, a figure used to teach the children of the fae of evil, cold and unflinching evil. In the shimmering fae domain of Arallfyd, the fae of King Nivalis give the Outerking a different name, "Amaiera" or "The End" and it seems the fear of Malon's presence still exists among this bastion of the people of Thallan.

What can be understood of Malon is this, whatever it is, it is a being unknowable yet deeply personal and unsettling to those that understand it as well as anyone can. It has a seeming goal, that to be to intrude on this universe in whatever ways possible, but beyond this, it is hard to say. Malon's effect on the world is that of a bleed, slowly affecting the minds of immortal and mortal beings through the entrance made by the exodus of Sylren and Thallan. 

Personality Characteristics




Contacts & Relations

Either followers or subdued former enemies, Malon's rule over the Oernareth speaks greatly of the power the Outerking possesses. The Oernareth are spoken of with great fear as "The defiers of all but one, the uncrowned kings beneath the sundered but unbroken shadow of the one". Many speculations exist trying to understand the nature of the Oernareth, that they were the first servants of Malon and helped in forging the world of Illan.

However, another theory exists that the Oernareth are the husks of former creators, beaten into submission by Malon's will and forced into servitude. This theory turns Malon into a sort of cosmic parasite, invading universes and feeding off them, corrupting the creators and turning them over to service.

Family Ties

Unknown relationship with Sylren and Thallan


Malon is said to speak in a tongue of another world, this tongue is barely describable and said to sound like a shriveling, blood-curdling screech. Appropriately called "Yr Araith Ddu" or "The Black Speech" by the fae, it's been said to have never been even uttered in the mortal world.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Zatoz ni, paradisu ezezagun batera, ohera zaitez nirekin, eta ulertzen du, hemen ez sufrimendurik eta inork ez du egingo, ni Jainkoa naiz."
Character Prototype
Entropy, Death, Chaos, and Disorder
(Malon's stewards and servants, the Oernareth)
(Sylren, progenitor of the Huldra fae and a refugee of Illan)
(Thallan, younger brother of Sylren, progenitor of the Mainar fae and a refugee of Illan)

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