Dwarven Ethnicity in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The Dwarves are one of the elder races, a member of the original mortal races born forth from the world tree to walk the earth.   Unlike the elves who were bore as fruit on the vine of DERW, the dwarves were born from its roots. Deep underground they lived in the twinkling dusklight of the World roots that run for untold leagues beneath the earth. Just as the elves tended the gardens of the surface worlds, the dwarves tended the gardens of the world roots, for life beneath the earth was just as rich as that to be found atop it. the Roots of Derw provided enough light to grow forests of huge mushrooms and fields of fungus that teemed with wild game that would seem alien to the elves.   Once the Oak of ages was destroyed most fo the world roots withered and died, taking much of the dwarven realms and source of life in the underworld with it.   Not much is known of the dwarves of the Eldar days for they are very secretive and wary of outsiders. these days, the few known to live beneath the earth are secretive and rarely seen by men and elves alike, while not granted the same rights as man in the empires of men, they are tolerated significantly more that the few elves that wander the slums of the human kingdoms.


Shared customary codes and values

Most dwarves are xenophobic, but love trade. for this reason, trade is tightly controlled to ensure that lesser races do not get their hands on precious dwarven tech.   In most interactions, dwarves care little for feelings and shun irrationality. those who show emotion or are motivated by wellbeing are not taken seriously, this is just a bad way to conduct business.

Art & Architecture

function over beauty, efficiency is the key. profit margins must be protected!


Beauty Ideals

Complexity engineered into simplicity. an object i often more precious that an idea or emotional bonds,

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