Elven Species in Aelwad | World Anvil
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It is told, that in a time before memory the elder races ruled these lands in peace beneath the shade of the eternal oak, Derw, which grew from the ground upon the back of the Slumbering earth serpent VE’ED. Its roots reached deep and spanned great distances; touching every corner of the earth. It is said that as VE’ED dreamed of creation so it was wrought on earth, Great blooms and lesser trees sprouted forth from the ground, Birds, fish and all manner of beasts beyond imagining wondered the earth. And in some rare cases elemental source was given form and sentience in the shape of luminous beings dwelt in this paradise.   As such, one year the oaks branches were heavy with acorn and where they fell and seeded the first of the elder races, the Elves, were brought into existence. The luminous beings saw this gentle creature and rejoiced, for within each elf was born the brilliant spark of the serpents of creation. The elves looked upon these luminous beings as parents and guides, and so they took the elves in their embrace and taught them all they knew. And so the five great casts of elves were brought into creation   there were five castes of elves born into the world. each embodied the serpents of creation. The high elves (https://www.16personalities.com/estj-strengths-and-weaknesses) ESTJ : blessed of Doleneth serpent of air. Dedicated and strong willed the elves of the air serpents are known for their love of order, organisation and things being in their proper place. Strong willed and dedicated to whatever cause they choose, they can often be overbearing, obsessed with social status and judgemental.   Earth caste: Land Elves (wood elves, forest elves) : lived in the regions that encompassed the whole central and north-western forests of Aelwad. They explored the forests, made friends and took council with all manner of bird and best. They used their magic to make new plants and trees, cure sickness and maintain the balance of nature. The druids and sages who were the strongest in elemental source magic led the Land elves of this age, building wondrous monuments to measure the days and number the years.   Water caste: Water elves ( moon elves, sea elves) : filled with wonder-lust, the water elves learnt to navigate by the stars and loved moonlight above all things., the claimed no major land mass for themselves, instead sticking to the coasts and trading with the other eldar races was their want. They saw in the other elder races a chance to learn and grow and, just as a stream is guided by the land it travels over and shapes it in return, they embraced all manner of culture which made them pragmatic, wise and unjudging. Their largest settlements were found in the far south west, where the land meets the endless ocean ‘Moar’, these were the merchant cities, ruled by the guilds.   Fire Caste: Fire elves ( sun elves): traditional, dutiful and intelligent, they built the earliest and grandest settlements on the eastern steppes the known world where the mineral seems were rich. Citizenship was considered a duty and a pantheon of equals was established early on to rule over all matters. Every elf was expected to serve in the pantheon at least once in their lifetime and never for too long; this was to ensure society could benefit from everybody’s strength and not be subject to anybody’s weakness or tyranny for too long. The greatest warrior heros and philosophers came from the fire caste.   Air Caste: The high elves ( air elves, sky elves) lived in the lands of Southern Aelwed where the sun kisses the gentle rolling hills of a land called Ruveni, Ruveni sat in vast basin surrounded by the highest snow covered mountains in the known world. The elves who lived here were intelligen, proud and had a weakness for social status. they organised themselves into senates of elected officials ruled over by a chancellor to make important decisions and rule over less capable citizens. The air caste hoarded knowledge like no other, forming the first colleges of magic.

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