Ork Ethnicity in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The Orks are a proud tribal people, shaped by the brutal wastelands of the north. their demeanour is as harsh and cold as the mountain like ice shards that carve through the deep black fjords of their homelands.     the Orks respect strength, straight talk, and duty above all things. There is no room for weakness in the icy lands of the north, you need to know the ork next to you is dependable when everything around you is a mortal threat.   Ork society is structured to reflect this. Warriors are sacred in ork culture, and it is considered a right of passage to wage war on lesser races who have adopted a life of weakness. Orks consider civilisation to be unnatural and believe that those who herd the weak and abandon the old ways will be the first to perish in the end of days.

Naming Traditions

Family names

viking names
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