
Less a city and more a large collective neighborhood of cave dwellers, Almahr brings several benefits to those who choose to make it their homes. It's cool climate is a welcome respite from those who struggle with the Kathayan heat. Those in Almahr generally keep to themselves and know who to leave alone. And after progressing past the border of the town (which continually expands with more residents moving in to build shacks) it is host to a wealth of natural resources including rare gems, minerals, and plants.   Notes: Current Governor: Corentin Alkader (301-Present) Representative: Arnaud Yoon (301-Present) Vice Representative: Hector Alcan (301-Present)


45% human, 20% sun elf, 15% half-elf, 5% brimstone gaian, 5% dwarf, 5% prairie gaian, 5% other ancestries
Large city
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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