Church of the Mother

Upon the southernmost peninsula of the nation of Copari is the extravagant settlement of Marvest, and in this seaside city is the Church of the Mother. While this church worships Ancara, it does so differently than most. Rather than regarding Ancara as the Friendly Goddess, they view her as the Motherly Goddess, showing more respect and fear in their devotion than friendliness. Ancara has spoken no known rejection of their teachings, though there are some worshipers of Ancara who find the increased reverence and decreased familiarity to be distasteful and counter to who Ancara is to most Elzveirian people; while all who worship Ancara respect her, the very crux of the goddess's worship is one of simple comfort rather than dogmatic awe, and the Church of the Mother stands in defiance of this creed. Said one Priest of Ancara: "Copari has shown yet again that they are incapable of empathy, kindness, and love through their application of the industrialization that permeates throughout its nation to our religion of comfort and simplicity. While Ancara accepts all into her embrace, the Church of the Mother tests the limits of even our beloved goddess's affections. If any need the comforting love of the Friendly Goddess, it is the oppressed civilian of Copari, yet even in a church devoted to Ancara within their country's borders, the downtrodden Coparian shall find no rest."


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