Copari (KOH-PAHR-EE)

This article is about the geographical region. To learn about the nation that occupies this region, visit the Republic of Copari.


Copari, once an endless sea of wheat and tall grass, has become heavily industrialized under the Republic that now rules the nation. Smog fills the skies, grimy slums are strewn across the landscape, and it is overall for more dire and depressing than it once was. Still, pockets of the region still give a hint to the beauty that once prevailed here.

Long ago, Copari was a vast meadow with a tremendous mountain wall to the north encircling it. Now, it is very nearly a wasteland, its once-blue skies hidden behind a cloud of ever-present black smoke.


Copari is mostly a flat landscape in its southern half, gradually turning to towering mountains further north. While it once was a vast prairie, the Republic of Copari's rapid industrialization and intense focus on labor and production over preservation and wellbeing has resulted in most of the flora and fauna in this region being extinguished—if not from deliberate destruction then from the environmental impact of its various industries.


Indra's Shield

The eastern mountain range twin of Indra's Blade, this is a large cluster of mountains that surrounds many cities in both Kathaya and Copari, though the mountains themselves are Coparian territory.


Lazia refers to the vast, sprawling and rolling prairie of Copari, though this prairie is mostly covered in villages, outposts, and cities now.


Named after a devastating battle during the Courting of Ejiiri after Copari turned on Fainarr and its territories, Rotbreach is the site where ten Coparian plague sorcerers succeeded passing through the borders of Rossade and wiped out an entire legion of Fainarran soldiers encamped there, dissuading further invasions from the north while claiming the territory that would come to be called Rotbreach for themselves. Even today, Rotbreach is heinously plagued and inhospitable region of the mountains.

Tiir Wood

A massive forest split between Copari and Kathaya, the Tiir Wood is a forest comprised largely of hardy trees like acacias.

Toppuran Spires

The spires are a series of large, individual mountains that stretch high into the sky, but are mostly disconnected from one another at their peaks. The spires connected Indra's Shield to the Spine of Aldur.
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Comparative Geography

Williams Tallgrass Prairie, United States

Alberta, Canada

Comparative Society/Governance

Albania, under Enver Hoxha; highly oppressive, strict regimes

Comparative Architecture

Industrial and Neoclassical architecture


Mixture of Romanian and French

Suggested Accent (if desired)

Mixture of French, Canadian

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Articles under Copari


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